Daily reminder: niggers despise you, too

Don't ever feel remorse or give a second thought to hating niggers or discriminating against them.

If they could, they would take everything you have away from you. They would enslave whites if they found power again. Look to Zimbabwe for a rough idea of what a nigger revolution looks like.

Check out their cultural forums sometime too, they celebrate white genocide, blacking white women, and joke about the weakness of white males.

Oh shut the fuck up and go eat your trendies user

Yeah, we know

All breeds of humanity can be animals that are simply craving discipline. Don't be afraid of the future my friend.

Lupita is poking fun at the tweet... misspelled scam.

Both are down at scamming right white men?

Leonardo Di Caprio gonna get "scammed" into a threesome with both or something?

Daily reminder I'm already aware of this.

True. Which is why I don't get how you can be a cuck defending them. Just look at social media how much anti-White hate there is.

Are you fucking stupid?

And yeah OP is correct

Are you really this stupid?

Nigger couldn't manage to spell scam right two times in a row.

>Don't ever feel remorse or give a second thought to hating niggers or discriminating against them.

Don't be a silly goose, no.

black people are obsessed with us

the only scam shes pulling is on her fans


shitskin detected.

niggers are evil garbage. no different from orcs.
if you don't agree, your skull is a jewish toilet.

Mmm tendies.

>evil orcs
I keked.

>computer scams
I keked. But seriously we can't let Braaaaaaaampf get the nuclear codes.

We know this. That is why we dont like them. Name one nigger utopia... i'll give you 5 million years to think about it.

lol they're doing their best to look white and they love white cock.

>specifically targeting white men
Someone's having a bwc craving.

Why would they want baby white cockettes?

World's largest penis is white. Nice meme though.

Why did Mexican aboriginal women want Spanish conquistador cock?

You would know about the world's largest penis, lol!

Who doesn't know Jonah Falcon?

You mean the degenerate sodomite that french kissed and made out with George Takei on live TV? LOOOOOOL implicit white identity af.

You realize when the Spanish got to Mexico they sicked the dogs on rulers who had harems full of gay boys to fuck right?

Can't tell if shitskin or kike, gonna go with kike.

>implicit white identity af.

I think you got sth mixed up there.

>found power again

When did niggers ever have control?

The bitch in this twitter had a major role in the last Star Wars movie.

Ever heard of Egyptian pharaohs???? L E L

>definitely a kike...niggers can't into articulation.