Legalize Incest?

I recently found out that there was an incest community online and was interested in the idea politically.
The community worked together with tips ranging from where consensual incest is legal to giving common advice with their relationships.
Thinking about it logically, if 2 adults are consenting and are aware of the risks and dangers, I don't see the issue with it however everyone I brought this up with disagreed with no argument besides pretty insults.
Anybody else have real arguments? Would love to discuss what I have been reading up on.

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>2 adults

Not sure what you mean by that?

Yes, 2 adults. Despite what most people might think when they hear incest, it doesn't mean child grooming or rape.

Bumping. cmon Sup Forums nothing to say about this? I figured you guys love these kind of topics.

It causes genetic defects which the government has no interest in it's people having.

First generation incest only slightly increases these effects though. Most common examples of this arguement come from royal families who have been inbreeding for generations which increase the risks each generation.
Also, if this is the case why are women above the age of 40 allowed to have children despite the increased chances of defects? Or better yet simply outlaw the children part.

Incest relationships often lead to fucked up children. It is ok to fap to incest hentai, but it is not ok to fuck your little sister in real life.

The thing is that you can't really make a law that says "You can't have children with your sibling, if you are the children of two siblings yourself" since the law is meant to be equal to everyone.

Someone post that article about Japanese incest. You know the one.

Incest is good if it's the good kind(father/daughter) and if its only when the girl is little.
> 2 adults
No good. After her first blood a girl's father should stop doing her and she should be married.

First generational incest is already rare, the chances of second generation or even multi-generational incest would be astronomical.

Got a link? For research purposes

That's what i use

Please, incest is a fetish that should remain taboo. If it was normalized, it'll be boring. Plus, you'd be stupid to actually make children. Just go adopt and let your secret remain a secret.

as expected

Honestly, I don't give a fuck if you are fucking your little sister. As long you don't make babies with your sister.

On reddit, it's the /r/incest reddit. Also had a /incest_relationships subreddit

The middle east proves you wrong. The only reason that incest is rare is because it's forbidden, if you have possibility of marrying relatives you often will. While the stigma against it might still exist in the western world the first fifty years after legalizing it, things will eventually turn around.

Besides, a politician making it legal will face more negative output that positive, since most people think it's a forbidden thing and only very few people are actually interested in committing incest.

Ty, quick rundown for yall anons

Hot cousin comes to stay with us from Europe
Always had a thing for her and I could feel her vibing off me before
Make my moves on her and we fuck all the time now.
she's addicted to my (her cousin's) dick. We have to sneak obviously but she gets so wet from all the things I say to her. Plus she massages me all the time too. Win win.

It is also possible for people with severe diseases to breed despite knowing it would be passed down to the child, yet that is not outlawed?
As for acceptance, I can see it having a lot in common with gay marriage and could possibly be championed later as more information about the subject it brought up eventually gaining support.

Just move to Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Argentina, or Brazil, it's legal there, and yes don't be afraid, it's not a muslim country.

Fuck off.


For those in the US, it also legal in rhode island and new jersey, however marriage in these places are still outlawed.

Got any video?

>not wanting genetic defects within the population
>filling your country with mudslime and dinduz


just go on tinder and get laid in 5 seconds
you shouldnt even find your siblings attractive its inbuilt into human biology

Why dont you marry her instead of just using her as a slut?

that's my job as resident pedophile. j/k

>Not being a motherfucker
Boring af, now gtfo.

Charles II of Spain approves of this thread

>People with diseases breeding
That's once again because the law has to be equal to everyone, although I am pro eugenics myself and think that genetically faulty people should be sterilized.

>Acceptance is like with gay marriage
Gay marriage is not okay, only retards would tell you otherwise.

We're discussing illegal acts of incest, not the legal ones.

Thanks for the image, pretty much sums up what I read but didn't have any images of.

wow russia

> not fucking your older sister

Where is your Diversity now, user?

>Not being pro-eugenics
It's like you don't want mankind to evolve.

Fair enough, but my situation is true

To be fair much of the US disapproves of cousins as well, and many states has it illegal. In fact, some states even make it illegal for step-relations.

okay, fine, two consenting adults should not be able to decide whether or not they should be able to breed together
we've established that that's what you want
that's fine
let's take it a step further
ban people with neurological disorders from breeding
in fact
let's go full nazi germany eugenics program here
let's breed people to get the best possible offspring with the most desirable traits
oh but wait
incest is a key part of any eugenics program
that actually is how you reinforce desirable traits
that's how all the different dog breeds were created
by breeding the best of the litter together
that's how the European race became superior
by the most intelligent, low-time preference members of the tribe pairing up while the dumb ones froze to death in the icy tundra
looks like we can't really get away from incest on this end of the spectrum either

That's a interesting point of view I haven't thought of. I never realized that incest could, albeit rarely I gather, be ok in a pro-eugenics society.

>European countries aren't Muslim
Too late for that and Wilders wasn't elected
as for Brazil that is a socialist shithole. Argentina is probably the best option for your degeneracy because the ex-nazis there will kill you for it

Nice info, hadn't looked at it that way! It is also possible to have our genes looked at so we can predict what possible genes or diseases may be passed down.

Kek slavish nigger

Most likely a person from WV, that state is majority inbred like Iceland. Very shitty and poor state filed with low IQ mongrels.

Kek Russian again.

Find a tinder chick and change her, don't make more roasties.

Well, the ruskie has a point. It is legal to marry cousins in many places.

Yeah and look at WV isn't it the world capital of western civilization? Oh wait it's not it's a shithole. The confederate version of Iceland. RLMAFO

Marriage outlawed though
But you forgot Sweden, you can marry your half-sister there


Also forgot to bring this up, while the westermarck effect is commonly believed it has been proven to not effect everybody. There is also proof of GSA(Genetic Sexual Attraction) which can be observed in blood relations who were separated most of their life and experienced attraction upon being reunited.

Incest is only got if it BR, NBR is kinda shit actually.

Why incest is hot? because it is a taboo, it's reflected humanity wish to defy the universe, the nature itself and the Creator, being pro-incest means that you have high IQ and probably already descent to a higher dimension world, the world of Gods.

And by that I mean Incestous Love, not just craving for sex like monkeys.

Vietgook is right, it's a fetish but a fetish that could destroy and morally fuck up bloodlines. That's why a good chunk of royals didn't make it past 40.

>cousin marriage isnt even legal in WV
And Iceland is a great place.

I still don't see why we simply can't make it so multi-generational incest is illegal. People mentioned about the law being equal but marriage laws are already not equal given incest is outlawed and even criminalized.

Because when brothers and sisters fall in love they curse the law for being unfair. Why mom can love dad but I can't love my sister?

>Iceland is a great place
Yeah 60% of youth are raised by single mothers and have the highest record of anti-depressants. Totally what we should be doing with our countries and states. And you do realize most hillbillies aren't statistically married right? They inbred anyways.

Nigger do you want to end up like the Middle East?

>Today, 70 percent of all Pakistanis are inbred and in Turkey the amount is between 25-30 percent. A rough estimate reveals that close to half of everybody living in the Arab world is inbred. A large percentage of the parents that are blood related come from families where intermarriage has been a tradition for generations.

>The BBC’s research also discovered that while British Pakistanis accounted for just 3.4% of all births in Britain, they accounted for 30% of all British children with recessive disorders and a higher rate of infant mortality.

>Medical evidence shows that one of the negative consequences of inbreeding is a 100 percent increase in the risk of stillbirths. One study comparing Norwegians and Pakistanis shows the risk that the child dies during labor increases by 50 percent. The risk of death due to autosomal recessive disorders -- e.g., cystic fibrosis and spinal muscular atrophy -- is 18 times higher. Risk of death due to malformations is 10 times higher. Mental health is also at risk: the probability of depression is higher in communities where consanguine marriages are also high. The closer the blood relative, the higher the risk of mental and physical retardation and schizophrenic illness.


>And then there are the findings on intelligence. Research shows that if one’s parents are cousins, intelligence goes down 10-16 IQ points. The risk of having an IQ lower than 70 (criterion for being "retarded") increases 400 percent among children from cousin marriages.

>It causes genetic defects which the government has no interest in it's people having.

Then why the fuck are niggers allowed to breed?


Why do you want to create offspring on par with Niggers? Despite cousin marriage being legal in Europe it's really only Anglos that are continuing it. We don't need more degeneracy and nigger-tier filth.

Why do you want whites to become as intelligent as Niggers by inbreeding?

Where did I say that I condoned inbreeding?

I just asked why niggers are allowed to breed if the government doesn't want people to have genetic defects.

As you said, it is "tradition" and more closely resembles child grooming rather than consenting adults.
Medical research is also very rare due to secret nature of the topic and consequences. Studies on cannabis in the past have been greatly exaggerated due to how rarely its effects could be studied as it was illegal.
And again, why not simply outlaw the part about having children in this case? Currently laws forbid marriage and even criminalize it even if both parties are consenting.

Nigga, your children will be just as intelligent as nigger filth why do you want to inbred? Most Europeans don't do it as much anymore.

Just because it is legal does not mean it is wise.

Is the mutant baby argument really the only thing coming out of this thread? I expected more from you Sup Forums

>incest brings lower iq

No. In today's society lower IQ people are more prone to incest.

>incest makes child mortality higher

Goes with the latter. Low iq shitskin parents = no care for their babies and bad dna. Actual increased chances to get a disorder are so minimal that it's literally scientifically irrelevant.

That's typically cousins, not close family members. Cousin marriages are already legal in most of the world. See I don't think laws should be based upon taboos. If you are concerned about the offspring, then consider If you have a pro-eugenics stance, then see

Is your sister that hot? I seriously doubt it.

It's really weird how I'll get into a five hour argument on tumblr just for a thread to be made about it the same day out of the blue.

Anyway, incest between two consenting adults who do not have any kids is perfectly fine and doesn't hurt anyone.

It's not officially legal, but sex between siblings is very normalized in New Zealand.

Sex between an parent and minor is a crime, and so it should be.

Of course, this thread is talking about consenting adults. However sex involving a minor is already a crime even without the incest aspect, so I don't see the point in criminalizing it when other laws handle those types of issues already.


All long as you're of legal age and not hurting anyone else, I can care less what two consenting adults do. Yes, it's considered disgusting by most, but who cares? How does it hurt you?

condoms and pills dosent protect against psychological damage you idiot.. after you raped your sister she will have trauma for live.. and be a burden on society.. just because you was beta..

i think iv read somthing about japan or korea.. where mothers have sex whit there sons.. so that they can focuse full time on schooland not missed out on action.. any comment to that?

>Consenting adults
Nigga needs to read. Also we already have laws for rape, so why the added incest law?

Cousin marriage is legal in 32 States. Nothing wrong with banging your cousin. I fucked one of mine several times. I'd done it more, but she was a lousy lay.

Cousin marriage might not be legal in WV, but it is legal in NY, CA & 30 other States.

>I don't see the issue with completely destroying human society with yet more levels of degenerate behavior.

It should be punishable with hanging as should homosexuality.

The only reason it's still illegal is because people think it's disgusting. That's what it comes down to. If you look at any argument it always ends up with that because there's no logical reason. People bring up genetic defects. If that's the case, just make it a crime for people closely related to have children.

I don't know. What do you think?

someone stop this madman

How? It's not like incest is widespread. If it was legal it would only be a fringe thing. It would never get popular. We're programed to find it disgusting.

Immigrate to Russia. Here incest is legal.

The bonds of sister and mother are very valuable and fill in import parts of your emotional/mental development, they cannot be replaced because ofthe genetic connection.

However something like sex, can be found with literally every legal women out there.

They're not worth sabotaging.

People who are into this, are only so because they have less than ideal raising, it's easier because it's physical needs satisfied without the risks of effort of engaging a stranger attempting to form bonds, but if you don't do that than a part of you will remain untested and it's more crucial to than just sex.

It also sends you down sexual degeneracy, in a world/ culture that is already too obsessed with violating this sacred energy.

>if 2 adults are consenting and are aware of the risks and dangers, I don't see the issue with it however everyone I brought this up with disagreed with no argument besides pretty insults.

It's never 'just two adults' unless there is something wrong with your upbringing, many psychological, biological and social factors are in play to let that happen, it's a person with wide range of emotional needs, it's another with similar ones.

All adults/teens giving into incest are giving up a large chuck of possibilities in their lives, blocking off many pathways to full development and ability to utilize life, achieve fulfillment. Don't do what you don't do.

It's like how you feel great/grown up when you're losing your innocence in childhood, when in reality it's like the initial adrenaline from a cut, or destroying a house of cards. Not worth it and all good is only an illusion.

what are you doing in russia mohammad

This is assuming all incest relationships grew up around each other. I mentioned in another post about GSA(Genetic Sexual Attraction) which has been shown to occur when 2 people related biologically reunite after being separated most of their lives and developing an attraction.
You also make assumptions that people who are into this are only into it for the reason you described, when it can include a variety of reasons depending on what they founded their relationship on.
Also, on the point of giving up possibilities, isn't this only because they are forced to hide it due to social and legal percussion?

Incest, Tranny, Gay etc, liking these things and flaunting is a nigger way of showing 'muh intellect'.

Go to bed, Freud.

You're right OP, no argument against incest (with contraception), bestiality or necrophilia that doesn't revolve around muh feelings.

>Also, on the point of giving up possibilities, isn't this only because they are forced to hide it due to social and legal percussion?
I was talking about how it could change your mindset like people who are sexually abused, grow up in dysfunctional families etc

I dunno about otherwise though, I wouldn't do it, so that's other's battle to figure out

W-what things do you say to her?

incest is big in russia