Does this explain Sup Forums's anger towards Jews?

Does this explain Sup Forums's anger towards Jews?

It's because Jews are the ultimate redpills.




fuck off anti-semitic cunt. your jpgs with text aren't tricking anyone of anything



which one's the kike?


How is this for a jpg with text?

wow, really makes me think


Fuck off Jew.


Fuck that bitch, And gas her boyfriend.

Just like my fucking brother, were Palestinian and he goes off and starts dating a fucking kike bitch? Worse yet she's a fucking skank, fucking flirts with me non stop when I'm trying to make it as clear as possible I don't like her or her kind without outright saying it



You shrills are so blatant. I assume its the guilt you bare that drives these attempts to reconcile your inferior genes.


4 JPGS destroy the Stormfags whole career


Holocaust is trhe best thing that happened to Jews. Even today, it still brings money to Hollywood, so...
Also, why the fuck Jews in USA care so much about dead Jews from Europe?



GR8 B8 M8 teach those silly goys


Shill thread, JIDF gtfo etc
Take ur AIDS with u pls btw

Breddy sigg xDDDD

wtf im a zionist now

that guy on the bottom right looks like a demon here on earth
