Pizza Boy spotted with 'Boy Love' logo on Jimmy Kimmel Live

Notice the third eye on the cap too.
At the 0:29 mark.

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im interested

I thought you meant it was on his clothing, then I noticed the coat racks.

As usual, flaunting it right in the face of everyone.

Also, bump for interest.

I don't see the logo, am I retarded? Timestamp in video?


>third eye on the cap
more specifically its where his third eye is


Ya fuck Jimmy. Fuck all late night hosts, fuck all media.



This is called Miko in France.
I am a pedophile.
At this point the MSM and D.C. don't even care to hide it at this point. Also bump bump dumplings.

For the past couple of years, it seems like late night TV has been really ramped up with political discussion and pushing a certain agenda.

this has got to just be a fuck you from them to us

Bumping. Jimmy kimmel live is filmed in a former masonic lodge.

Could be, this might be bait.

Jimmy fucked that reprobate kike Sarah Silverman for years.

this is just Jimmy trying to fuck with Alex Jones

Mind this show was aired in 2015, before pizzagate was exposed.


haha this is just a goyincidence guys cmon it's perfectly normal innocent pizza pranks.


is this supposed to be funny?

some user noticed pizza gate allusions in the rick and morty promos
they arent even hiding it anymroe

no it's supposed to be a message to destroy your pedo dungeons.

>Bumping. Jimmy kimmel live is filmed in a former masonic lodge.
hah nobody beleives me when I tell them that
I was on a tour bus and noticed it

This video is from 2015

its not even close to being real



Jews love to use subconscious symbolism. I used to think pizzagste was just Russian propaganda, but there might be something to it.

They probably think it's funny how retarded the public is.

What the fuck?
This isn't even hidden or something
What is this supposed to be for normies?
>let's just put 3 metal objects on the wall for no fucking reason

It's not an uncommon design element.
You guys are suffering from confirmation bias.

>proven wrong

I'm an actual boylover, and you're all retarded. Nobody uses the symbol like that.

youre the one posting shopped propaganda dipshit.

a useful tactic by actual shills is to:
fake something
have it called out
call shill

this diminishes the accusation of shill, so next time shill is called you have the connection to someone proven wrong angry and throwing empty accusations.

it's not difficult to imagine why mentally ill people would play these games with each other, you will often find in religions threads one person arguing strongly against god, then in another thread the same person claiming religion is the only solution. this is standard of psychotic people who have lost a grip on reality.

It could be just design elements, if it weren't for the boy who actually delivers PIZZA and has a third eye on his cap. Too many coincidences. And please note - this video was posted in 2015, when public didn't know about pizzagate, so Kimmel was not mocking the "conspiracy", he was putting those sympols there secretly.

It could have beem just design elements, if it weren't for the boy who actually delivers PIZZA and has a third eye on his cap. Too many coincidences. And please note - this video was posted in 2015, when public didn't know about pizzagate, so Kimmel was not mocking the "conspiracy", he was putting those sympols there secretly.

1st reply: Shill tactic
2nd reply: I'm one of you
3rd reply: You're a shill
who are you, shill?


Ha that is my birthday

I still like their ice cream.

You can find those at any garden knick-knack store.


Pizzagate confirmed

Where is the basic gestalt

Well a (((French))) Citizen in Vietnam.........


LASD please go...

holy shit this is getting hilarious how paranoid you people are

So... None of you would search some info about that Joe's pizza? I mean all in the same image it's a clearly invitation to all of those who recognize the signs

That badge is pretty gay anyways...

I agree. It's bad enough that it's the star of david.

pic unrelated


>fatter non-bearded Kimmel

this is ancient

You guys are getting dupped. This is jimmy kimble the same faggot who did that door twerking video where that stunt bitch falls on a table and it lights on fire.

>duping people with pizza gate years before it was a thing

Is this like a special online marketplace thing?