Crime stats are out and Migrant crime has risen by 56%! 56%!!! For the last year Politicians (((experts))) (((journalists))) have told us it was all a right wing conspiracy Police Btfo them.
9% of every crime has a refugee behind it

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Having fun, krauts?

fuck off D&C shill

Stay safe Deutschland user

Atm im raging so hard.These fuckers acted like people who noticed the crime spike are just retarded racists. Atleast this will help the afd. 15% in the first year would be very good

It takes time for refugees to adapt to German life. Crime will decrease dramatically as they become accustomed to the German culture.

Political means will be exhausted and when that happens, just know you're not alone :)

like blacks in the US?!

Facts are racist

Is this getting much coverage or being swept under the rug?

Everyone knew it, everyone said it. The media and politicians ignored it. Last night we hat a brawl at the local refugee center.

are you a female?

I don't know if you are trolling, but in case of arabs, it is actually reverse - subsequent generations have higher rate of violent crime.


>9% of every crime has a refugee behind it

Lefties: "Only 9%? Wow, that's almost nothing! REFUGEES WELCOME!"



Once you reach 10% population half your murders will be commited by them.
Check my flag. :^)

t. (((Civic nationalist)))

Exactly. African Americans are much better off and are actually seen as Americans now compared to when their ancestors got here.
Are you sure you're not referring to a few isolated cases?

What percentage of the German population are browns/refugees/not Germans?

Hopefully when they go back to their respective countries they will bring with them the positive influence your laws had upon them.

wowo who had thought that if you take in a million of people that crime rates rise.

And you consider that news?

Too high.


sorry to hear that.

stay safe.

its probably going to get worse.

Germany ought to expand the definition of the multiple laws to distort the statistics.

Even 1% of the population not being German is too high. How are demographics in England? It seems like they were hit hard by shitskins.

8/10 bait.

>Germany is over percentage

uh sweetheart, just because they're better off doesn't mean we are (pic related)

Less than 2% of the population are the perpetrators of 9% of all crime.

>they go back

We have a Sultan of London here in the United Caliphate Al Brittani


Like work, sticking to laws, rules and regulations, being secular af do-gooder, a decent human bean?
We're talking retarded sandniggers and niggers who are single and have nothing to do, not former eastern block expat plebs with families



'Behind every successful man is a women rolling her eyes.'

>Less than 2% of the population are the perpetrators of 9% of all crime.
I am surprised, I was expecting to see a 10x higher rate of incidence.

Note however that they are overrepresented in violent crimes, no surprise.

Yeah? And? Be more welcoming and maybe the refugees wont have to resort to crime.



fuck off merc

Yeah sure some refugees are stupid people and some are single. Some come with their families looking for a better life. They come from a different culture with different laws and appropriate behavior. Germany is rather different and they need to learn Germany's laws, culture, language, and how basic German daily life works. It's quite a lot to learn all at one time. It takes time and the refugees who put the time in will be just like any other German.


In Sweden the ones we took in the 70's haven't adapted yet. Neither have their kids, or their kids kids.

Was hoping these were French stats

boomer posting

some rape two disabled men then kill one of their wives

Hi Sweden user

They will be soon

>Simple landscape art
Hold on there, bucko.

Whoah i was not here for 5 minutes and the thread went active. Good. Lets hope some cucks will be awaken

So what if some do it? Same goes for every group. There are a few bad apples in every bunch. There is no way of stopping those apples from being there. The better people are able to look at the whole picture though. Just because a few bad apples do something bad like rape, doesn't make the whole group bad. You should be showing compassion to these people. They're coming from war torn areas and are in need of love not hate. There is no reason to not hold out a hand and help them up.
It happens. Nothing you can do about it. It's best to let them live their life. They're just normal people like you and me(except I'm not a cuck). Nothing bad about them.

they have much lower iq though
which explains why they are draining the welfare system and behave like bonobos

>except I'm not a cuck
you are the supercuck personified


means only we have to civilize the once who cant behave. Get to the bottom who causes that crime and get him to.

Good. more wörk.

we're still busy integrating our friends from the east who came here in the 40s

I guarantee you that the reality is much higher.

In America:
>minority communities often report few of the crimes that take place
>blacks report only a fraction of crime in their communities (snitches get snitches and all that)
>police avoid interacting with illegals
>a significant percentage of non-white offenders are misclassified as 'white' in their booking paperwork (police attempting to diminish how over represented minorities are among arrests and convictions)
>arabs, north africans, north Indians and many Hispanics count as white
>Hispanics weren't even recorded separately by most police/feds until a couple years ago, and they're still doing a shit job
It goes deeper, but I'm sleepy.

>9% of every crime has a refugee behind it

So realistically about 15 to 20%, given that local crimes are rarely if ever reported by anyone but local newspapers.
Wonder if they ever updated the Einzelfall map.

by we you mean everyone else but you.

many incidents arent even reported if there minor ,like vandalization ,its cheaaper for the state to just repair the shit or buy new things instead of making a law case

>9% of every crime has a refugee behind it

and what percentage of your population are "refugees"?

I think they only count convictions in stats. Image how much worse it really is

Have the invaders brought their wives over yet? or do they have to wait until they become citizens? Once they begin breeding on mass you're in serious trouble, the crime they commit will seem trivial in comparison.

They are using the welfare system because they don't know German. How do you expect them to get a job when they can't even speak the native language yet? They're not stupid, they just don't understand.
At least they bring in some awesome food!

how about you provide link/source to your stats?

>as they become accustomed to the German culture.
Yes. Islam, Doner Kebab and Die Bülent Ceylan Show

Hey krauts. What's the current stats on migrants using government services? How bad is your social welfare being bled?

None of this matters if we can't get it out to the people, We all knew this anyway, It's your average person who doesn't

How does this compare to American niggers?

so they have to fuck off. and as far as i remember, none of rhe countries surrounding germany is at war. so why are you calling them refugees? they come to germany because of the welfare system. if they were refugees, they would be in jordan or iraq

In Hamburg? No idea. Nation wide >2%

1 percent maybe

Even the nigs commit less crime than them

>It happens. Nothing you can do about it.

Are you fucking retarded?
There is ABSOLUTELY something you can do about it: LET IN LESS MIGRANTS.

Make sure LePen had this info to point to prior to the election. If she wins it will help Germany seeing the pendulum as well.

They are being paid to not integrate.


Yeah, they'll just magically transform into other beings if we welcome them with solidarity.

>At least they bring in some awesome food!
Like what? They don't have anything that we don't have.


>There are a few bad apples in every bunch
Except in this case there are no good apples, just bad and worse. The unemployment rate for refugees in Germany is in single digits, which means that the non-criminals contribute nothing.
>It happens. Nothing you can do about it.
What a defeatist attitude. Fuck you.

Exactly, Germany is a Muslim country after all.
The countries around their countries are at war as well. They can't just go to the next country over as it isn't safe. It's more humane to have them go to Europe where it's safe.
Are you fucking retarded? The Swede was referring to Immigrants who settled in Sweden for decades. Letting in less does nothing to that. I suggest thinking before you post. But since you're a leaf, I expect you'll continue making absolutely abhorrent shitposts.

>They're not stupid,
yes they are. verage iq in syria is 83 and im not even going to touch iq in afghanistan

>Taking in a million "refugees"
>Still doesn't make debts
Doing surprisingly well.
Our polititians are trying to get them to work though.

t. abdullah ahmed albuttfucki
take your taqiyya and shove it up your ass

Even shitskin Muslims are booked as white.

An IQ based off of western tests that don't take into account cultural differences between middle easterners and the western world. Do you really expect them to do better under racist testing conditions such as those?
It's hard to hold a job when you don't yet understand the culture you're living in. Give them time and all the problems will be worked out.
>What a defeatist attitude. Fuck you.
So are you saying it is better to control how people interact with each other?

funny shit is that officially recognized refugees arent even part of that statistic and of course migrants that have lived here for years arent either. Only recent arrivals that don't yet have official refugee status.

>15% in the first year

do you know anything about german politics and the system? anything above 6-8% would be a political miracle.

>Von den insgesamt im vergangenen Jahr erfassten 74.888 Tatverdächtigen hatten 43 Prozent – bereinigt um Verstöße gegen Aufenthalts- und Asylgesetze – nicht die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft (2015: 41,4 Prozent).


I hope The Eastern Realm is not as bad as Germany

>How are demographics in England?

they have more non-whites than any other european country even in absolute numbers. more than 8 million infact, thats slithely more than France which has the highest on the continent. Though they dont have as many muslims as Germany or France

Wait, refugees are 2% of the German population already?

The source for the "9% of all crime" part is in the OP.

true ,but afd is polluing at 9-10% atm so maybe with a good run we can reach 15% ,but anything above 6% is good

yeah i coulda included more proofs ,but its fresh from the release so i dint find the police source. It would be in german anyway so burgers probably coulnt read it anyway

It's exactly the same. with the exception that they have an established righwing party but thats it.