The black pill is looking more enticing with each day that passes by. Pls send help

The black pill is looking more enticing with each day that passes by. Pls send help.

Other urls found in this thread: broadsword book hutton

Join a church

have white kids

Don't be too down, Ameribro. We'll be having a world wide punch-up soon enough. If it isn't the NorK's being dumbcunts, it'll be the Russians, or the Balkans, or the French will need us to pull them out of the shitstorm that'll be their country after the elections.

It's coming. Not long now. Have another drink, my man.

Explain whats keeping you down OP?

The seeming betrayal of Trump towards his base (I didn't vote for him just for him to turn around and go full "it was just a prank, bro"), the possibility of WWIII, family finance issues, having another one of your childhood memories besmirched by what they're doing currently (Bill Nye among others), feeling like the jews really have a strangle hold on the demise of the West, having no person close by that I can talk too about all this.

Many, many things.

I'm not religious any more but lately I've been wanting to join a church just for the feeling of community.

Lad, all I can really say is this. I was in the same position you were just a few weeks ago, very blackpilled and bleak for the future. You have to look on the good side of things.
>there is a growing reactionary movement against globalism and international Jewry
>hillary isn't elected so mudslimes wont be pouring into our country like in some european places
>Current generations are seeing the truth, and with millions of people waking up there are those who have deep commitment to achieving political power
>France could be saved
>Eastern and Central Europe are fighting back
>As faggy as the "Alt Right" is, its growing and bringing people over to our side

But even though these are all happening you need to do things on a personal level to help not only yourself, but your family and others in the long run. Get those financial issues fixed before anything else, then you can move on from there. If you become complacent, and you lose hope then the Jews win without even having to use any kind of real force to stop you.

Never Despair user:

Thank you for this. It's helpful to hear this. T b h, one of the few things I'm looking forward to is building a garden in my backyard soon and planting a flower garden in the front yard. I'm a man that enjoys the simple things.

It's a good call. I recommend a traditional Catholic one, if you can find one. Also, gardening is indeed good for the soul.

Go for it, gardening is a simple thing that can bring contentment

Thanks for the recommendation.

That's the problem with thinking about issues outside of yourself, isn't it? Sometimes you expand too far and forget to take care of yourself. It becomes overwhelming.

Plus, I think that it's a nice feeling being self reliant. The only problem is that my backyard is small so I can't do all the things that I would like to.

Once you take the black pill, you have already given up. If you give up we lose. There is still hope. Take the red pill.

I made this thread because i honestly don't want to take the black pill. It was a call for help to others who I know have had to deal with the same thing I am right now. I believe I've already taken the red pill but it's just turning a darker shade for me as each day passes. I would like to know what that hope is.

>Sometimes you expand too far and forget to take care of yourself. It becomes overwhelming.

Quite, take some time and an interest that does not require the mind to be in fight mode 24/7. The gardening is an excellent idea.
But, never lose sight of the good fight, the truth we uncover and send out to the world.
Return to battle refreshed.

my best advice is not to get too into the idols (((they))) present to you. You will be let down by them, find the change in yourself and influence the people around you of the ways of the world. Also find a woman and make tons of kids and instill the best values you can into them. Learn your culture and where you come from, wherever that may be.

This is great advice. Also, as a side note, every time I see this pic of this woman I always think "this is one of the most beautiful women I've laid eyes on."

Read Spengler, Jack Donavan (no homo), Savitri Devi, and Genesis.

Realize that we're facing a downswing of Western Civilization, likely as part of a 10,000 year pre-diluvian scale collapse of humanity. Become a righteous barbarian.

Besides the gardening I have an interest in Magic: The Gathering. I'm just glad that the kikes haven't dipped their fingers into that too much as well afaik.

I wish there were more people around me that I could join up with concerning the fight against marxism.

Look man, I can't say im in the same boat because I don't know you but think of it this.
1) Your not alone and as time passes more people are opening up too us, even on the streets you'll be passing people like us whom one day will reveal themselves
2) Its hard I know but find something as an outlet, if you can't voice your passions find some other way, try to go outside, not nesessery to talk to people but to see the world, to feel the sun and here the sounds of life
3) Set goals for yourself, think of it as proving yourself to yourself, maybe try getting fit, maybe learn an instrument, even something as simple as tidying your home and garden if you have one.
4) If you find that special someone in your life, do not loose yourself, so many people do. They become a shell of what they were, find someone who likes you for you. With any luck you'll find them stick together, marry and have children
5) You will likely experience heartbreak and sadness, but you will also find joy and purpose, its through these experiences we become better ourselves. Above all this stay true to yourself, no excuses, no maybe tomorrow become the person you dream of being today.

Thank you. I'm sorry this is so late. I didn't mean to ignore you.

Get back to your roots. It really helped me.

I started working in my garden, planting fruits and vegetables. Learning how to create and sustain life.

Also start learning a craft, just take a knife and start working some wood or whatever. Start small to see what you like.

We must give ourselves some real intrinsic value.

Also find yourself a good girl who values manners and tradition as much as you would do.

Yea her face is hard to forget, something about the eyes. I have benefited a lot from discovering as much as possible about my heritage. I have taken up western martial arts; old Germanic, Italian, and English fencing systems, it keeps me in great shape and has helped create new bonds with people. Learning about familial heritage has helped a lot in centering my mind and given me roots and a 'story', as it were.

>Start learning a craft
This. I took up blacksmithing a while back, it feels great to beat the hell out of steel.

This is also great advice. You sound like my best friend. I got so frustrated earlier that i started to rant to him through text, since it's late here and he lives several ours away from me, and told him about my hatred of the jews and what they've done to our people and civilization. After I sent it I became somewhat afraid because I remembered all of the people who were dropped by family and friends for even slightly being perceived as any of the -ist words. I can handle losing a lot of people but not him or close family. He said he admired that I am one of the few people who base their outlook on life on facts and evidence and that if others wanted to convince me otherwise then they needed to bring fact based arguments and not emotional ones. I'll probably sound like a faggot but it made me tear up.

>sorry for the blog. I needed to get this off my chest.

I really like the idea of me doing metal craft and wood working. Whitling sounds fun.

>>there is a growing reactionary movement against globalism and international Jewry
> reactionary movement against globalism and international Jewry
Top kek

this is the most retarded shit i've ever seen LOL

We're only human user but hold onto that, just always remember your choices are really your own in the end, hold onto that. If I could I'd buy you a drink Mate, we all need to vent from time to time

Yeah, it's definitely the eyes. kek, I don't mean to sound like 'tile guy' but it's also the symmetry of her face.

I'm thinking of starting swimming. I know that I'm mostly of Celtic heritage but idk what martial art to pick up.

You're retarded.

Cheers to you, user. Thank you.

Creating something is very fulfilling, give it a shot.

Nietzsche realised the despair of nihilism, and his inability to overcome it drove him mad and to an early grave.

Read Camus, read Sartre - I doubt you'll agree with half of what they say, but they built upon nihilism and discovered ways to deal with the meaninglessness of it all.

Especially read the Myth of Sisyphus so even if you can't find something to give you purpose, you can begin to find enjoyment in creating your own meaning in life.

There are Irish and Scottish sword systems, I'm part Scot so I like the baskethilt broadswords and practice English sabre(not the olympic style). broadsword book hutton

I'm going to make sure to keep this thread open so that I can know what authors/books to read. Lot of great book recommendations. Thank you.

Longswords are fun to mess with as well.

Really interesting. I've never hear of this style of sword fighting before now. I just know the buckler is really good at parrying.

>lots of fun to use in Dark Souls, too.

Man, that looks like a lot of fun.

If you like bucklers, this is the oldest European fencing manual we have found, and some vids on the style.

Thanks, user. You've open my eyes to a totally different world than what I've known.

Thank you, guys, for the help ITT. The black pill is always looming nearby but you've helped me to fend it off. I'm going to hit the hay but I'll watch the different vids once I wake up. Have a good night, anons.

No worries m8, glad to help. I've been through a lot of shitty stuff in the last few years and this is what helped set me straight mentally. something deep to focus on and be proud of.

damn.. i never expected Sup Forums to be as wholesome as this thread.. im very new here so havent really had much to base my opinion on.

but you guys have offered some really nice advice here... hell might even take up some of this advice myself (just like op i feel like iv been redpilled to the point of breaking down my hope) things might finally get better for me after i graduate high school though...

only thing i feel like i can contribute to this thread is just keep your head up, work hard enough and this world might live up to its full potential..

now, now user if you keep that up ill have to start insulting you based on your flag and such. We have a reputation to keep up Mate.

We keep it civil here sometimes.

Red pills turn black if you just let them rot inside you.
You've chosen to seek this knowledge, you have to stay on top of it, train yourself physically most days. It'll all go to hell, but you'll be in the strongest position to handle it.
Try to laugh at the situation, even though it's not funny. Buddah said to be like a child and laugh for no reason, do this even when you're angry.
You need to be strong to carry the truth. It will make you be strong.

Depends how you take it ameribros, mine made me want to see the world burn

and from it Western Civilization will rise again, from the ashes, but this time we will dictate our course... not (((Them)))

Gold thread. Good replies here. Thanks.