Falling for the make friends and influence people meme

This book is hilariously daft.

>Win people to your way of thinking:

>The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.
>Show respect for the other person's opinions. Never say, "You're wrong."
>If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically.
>Dramatize your ideas.
>Throw down a challenge.

The amount of hypocrisy in this book blows my mind. It lacks conciseness and throws bullshit statements with no psycho analytic backing.

I can't believe people praised this shit.

I'm literally taking a Dale Carnegie class later this year.

Red pill me, user.

It's actually a great book. If your IRL social skills are like Antifa's and you resort to namecalling like "you dumb white male" to get your point across, it's helpful in fixing that.

That's exactly how Jews work, and they are super influential. You admit to failure, then pretend like you never did and the event never happened. Make your ideas and beliefs more dramatic and interesting than they are. Be pugnacious and convincing. Convince people you are right, but they are too, and implant the idea that you are maybe more right than they are.

It's fuck all to do with Jews, it's influential and powerful people in general. A degree of corruption and hypocrisy is required if you ever want power or influence over others, formally or informally on all levels of society

the key to making friends and getting wet sluts is charisma. books will not tell you this. many people think I am charismatic because I like to be. I am charismatic because I need to be. Big difference. Nobody is talking about that difference. Learn it.

ya but if that book is dumb what can i read to get out of my room at age 25 being a virgin and getting rejected by girls at bars 99% of the time(i got laid once lmao)

i think i should read that senpai

Yeah, you probably need to read that book and start jogging 3-4 miles per day & you'll eventually get laid.

you're not going to get that from a book, you have to just go outside

You don't learn to talk by reading, you learn to talk by talking

every self help book/program references it
its been around for decades. must be something to it


Game meats.
Talk the big numbers.

Then swoop some fine russian women.

this is kinda the advice of "just be confident bro" that i'm following while going out and it's not really working...

it worked once but it was fools mate and she just wanted D and was a SOLID 6/10 can't complain at all

I don't see anything wrong those are all good social skills.


Have a beer or two beforehand then, you might start talking shit but people appreciate drivel more than silence


Just step out of your room.

And talk to people. Don't be some idiot who stands there just staring... Just join in and people won't care. Just don't say things that make you look autistic.

It's very helpful in business. It's also very good in that it helps you mind fuck your wife/gf.

damn dude you're kinda right. like the dudes who talk nonsense are better than the people who don't talk at all because then everyone else can be reactive to the guy and therefore it makes him proactive in pussy hunting

that's coo

>leftists are literally losing because they never admit they are wrong, have the flatest platform on earth, and reject any but their own opinions or making any argument of any kind.
>literally the book on how not to be as bad as a leftists at changing minds.

>(((psycho-analytic backing)))

Fuck off you kike.

i'll give you my quick rundown
>be 16
>socially inept, but because I'm shy
>get laid for no real fucking reason
>date for a few months
>break up
>bang hooker
>get laid miraculously on a cruise ship
>come home and decide i'm going to do everything I can to get women
>find PUA community
>lose weight
>read self help shit
>dress differently
>everyone in my life likes the changes I made
>fuck 3 women in a few months
>date one of them for a few years
about to marry her later this year

look, i never became the chad they promised I would, but I met a great girl worth marrying who is actually attracted to me unlike she would have been before

do it faggot

damn that's dope dude!!!

so fuck can you link me some cool shit? like videos you watch or whatever so i can start like you

did you meet her off of the internet or randomly approach her in public?

>1 post faggot
i will reach through my IP and deck you you sick fucking fuck. i hate you.

Best place to start would be going to the gym and sorting your looks out. If you haven't already, see /fit/, and don't do Starting Strength, it's a meme. Go to your local gym and speak to the biggest personal trainer there

the only person that came to carnegie funeral was his publisher

i dont have a problems with my looks though...

i have a problem with socializing...

like no confidence and i've been reading about noobie missions to like just talk to girls for 30 seconds and then bounce lmao

i think that'd help me build confidence like daddy trump's wall

no videos i can think of
you might find David DeAngelo on YT, he's a good primer.
but I remember the confidence and body language and fashion stuff was the best for me. All programs are basically the same (except for marketing), but don't dress like a douche. Especially don't if you don't live where these people live (typically NYC/LA). Confidence is the number one factor in all of this.

Here's what I remember:

David DeAngelo
Brad P
Attraction Forums
I think something called Social Dynamics. Tyler Durden.

I have no idea if they're the same as they were a couple years ago.

Also, if it seems to good to be true, don't believe it. Don't spend a shit load of money buying stupid shit.


The book's title should have been "How to become a spineless bootlicker in 21 days".

It's very funny that every says hurr durr this book is so dumb, everyone already knows these common sense things.

Yet SOMEHOW most people don't even have those basics. For example people who believe namecalling and character assassination somehow will prove your point and persuade the people to follow.

It truly is shocking

The book is interesting and the advice actually works in the business world.

For women, just look into body language information. If the information you find seems too silly for you, look into business body language specifically and apply it to women.

In all cases, it takes practice.

Ok, Lying Ted

How does this book account for Trump?

This is a fantastic book, but much like Sun Tzu, it sometimes can seem so obvious these days. However it teaches a "complete package" and you will find that even if it seems simple at times, it will almost always help you. Sometimes simplicity is exactly what you need.

As for your first post's examples, when you call someone "wrong" flat out, they will become so defensive that they will shut down, and you cannot regain any control or sway over them. Respect that they THINK they are right, and instead lead them to believe you both agree on what is the truth, then tell them what the right answer is.

If they THINK they just "got away" with fooling you, and they just learned they were wrong before, and they just learned the right answer from you, but they BELIEVE that you think they knew the right answer all along, not only will they agree with you, they will remain open now to anything further you have to say, while you continue to feed them their "new" opinions, and that will make them are more easily persuaded by you in the future. If they believe you respect them, and believe that you think they are smart, they will do anything to protect that status quo, even to the point of being as unreasonable about is as they would have been if you called them wrong (closing their minds and getting angry).

If you think this is a dumb book, then clearly you went in thinking you are too smart than you actually are, and you have your own problem with pride that you should confront, because it's making you weaker if you can't set it aside long enough to absorb generally great information.

Believe in me cuz I believe in you, tonight...

most people are UTTER FOOOKIN MORONS ans so it follows that most advice is UOOOTTTER FOOKING SHIIITE

'How to try being a Sociopath' -The book.

this you don't just go up to some black dude and call him a nigger, you slowly teach him he is a nigger

breh you need to brainstorm wtf you wanna do.

If you're not a trust fund kiddie, find a way to make money (by getting a degree in a good paying field or learning a trade or learning about starting your own business)

Bitches come and go afterwards.

It's a great book, it's your fault you don;t understand it.

This book is fucking gold. Sure it's fun being le epic badass alpha male all the time but it's just going to hurt you in the long run. OP is most likely an insecure faggot.

>If you think this is a dumb book, then clearly you went in thinking you are too smart than you actually are, and you have your own problem with pride that you should confront, because it's making you weaker if you can't set it aside long enough to absorb generally great information.


I always feel sorry for people who denounce self-improvement books without ever having read them. They are so full of themselves, or so fearful of some stigma against reading one (no matter the other stigmas they attempt to challenge) that they are willing to throw gold out with the gravel.

Yes, there are some bullshit books out there by people wanting to make a quick buck telling you shit you already know and have tried, but so too are there some truly amazing books out there, that will tell you things you've never considered, make you see things you know but reject/neglect in a new light, and provide inspiration you never thought likely to experience outside of a good battle film speech.

>many people think I am charismatic because I like to be. I am charismatic because I need to be.
you're also a faggot because you can't help it

No-one respects a beta, from a cursory flip through this book is literally a manual on constructing a beta persona.

Consider the context though, this was written in the 1920's, being humble, cooperative and good lapdog was acceptable. Not anymore, women's liberation has made western society a dog eat dog world, now being a nice guy will make you a beta bucks, disrespected by everyone.

Being "Nice", something likely inculcated from childhood, is actually a major mental block which a lot of guys now have to demolish if they want to get anywhere in life.

>Show respect for the other person's opinions. Never say, "You're wrong."


>This is a fantastic book, but much like Sun Tzu, it sometimes can seem so obvious these days
Obvious my ass. Niggers on Sup Forums are against the Syrian war even though those half-niggers aren't politically aligned with us. Retards on Sup Forums say not to because they pose no threat now. Sun Tzu says fuck all of your enemies, attack them when they are weak, and never let them grow to the point where they can harm you.

You can't call it obvious if you fail to apply basic information to actual situation.

It helped someone build an army of degenerates who would kill for him on command so I guess it has to have some merit



There is audiobook online. its like few hours and it is easly understandable.

That book is written like it's a bible to some personality cult.

I believe the following: respect and trust. Learn exactly what they are, and study how they work with your own eyes.

Also, learn to respect yourself and trust yourself first. Since nobody deserves the two right off the bat, you gotta respect and trust yourself from a source that doesn't depend on what others think. Eventually that will rub onto others.

I work for a soulless corporation. I'm one of the most productive people on my team but my social skills are autistic tier. I just started to read this book. Unfortunately in todays world you wont get far unless you make friends along the way. Pissing off everyone you work with is a great way to fuck your career.

I work in IT, the reason I'm so productive is i stick to facts and what the data tells me. This approach does not work when you work with people. You just cant go around saying "your wrong, and i can prove it". Even if you are 100 percent correct you loose in the end if you are an abrasive asshole about it.

I hate ignorant people, buy o wont go anywhere if i keep pissing people off, this book os a good stsrt.

May follow it up with " the rules of power" to wash down all the liberal pc Bullshit.

>from a cursory flip through
So you didn't read it.

This is the one self-help book that stood the test of time more than any other. The book isn't about being a doormat, it's about getting what you want without appearing like an aggressive in-your-face mad dog all the time. People are more inclined to give you stuff if they like you. They don't like an angry madman.

The book isn't just about being 'nice'. You'd know if you gave it more than a 'cursory flip through'.

respect is a nonsense principle and it is totally meaningless in an equal society. You shouldn't respect yourself or anyone unless they/you are deserving of it and evne then that is your judgement. Enjoy being treated like a bitch all your life lmao.

How to blow smoke up people's arses.

just b uself ;)

t. Emotional brainlet

You mother fucker. Are you in Vic? Because that Dale is not this Dale.

oh wait youre from the states, im so high