Hey Jesus, listen up!

If you could go back in time and give Jesus one piece of advice, what would it be?

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The jews will never listen.

Can't I tell the guy who wrote revelation to make it less cryptic and edgy instead?

make a pact with the romans to destroy the jews

bring another flood

End the World in nuclear fire by 2018 check 'em

To cut the grass over by the river and fertilize more often. Also ask if he can do anything about the squirrels, like set up traps.

I`d just be another Apostle, concentrating on preserving the scriptures of others.

Beware of multiculturism for it is a sin. A good life is spent amongst your own people.

i mean... the romans did raze the 2nd temple 70 a.d. and disperse jews for nearly 2000 years, outlawing hebrew and jewish practices.
they did a number on the jews. was never a good idea to resist rome, unless youre germanic of course hahahahahahaha

what is it with pols obsession with laci green ffs.

I would kill him because it would save paganism and the Roman Empire

Not her, and what would you say to Jesus?

name ?

Like the devil did together with the Romans and the Jews? That already happened and we've seen the result. No luck for you leaf.

Id tell him to write, so that if we are to believe him, we would have the word of god, written by the hand of god. Not the word of god, spoken to man, remembered and written by man.
Man is liable to make mistakes, be influenced or in general remember things incorrectly.
Had he written himself I think we would have a different face on Christianity all together.

facts that destroy race mixing


Jeff Milton. Don't bother there aren't any nudes at all so don't bother looking.

People are gonna use you as a marketing plot.

You lied to me.

>this much photoshop

You mean a bunch of jewish nonsense with no basis in reality. I have bad news for you christcuck, there is no magic or supernatural forces in our universe.

/HWNDU/ general?

Don't trust Judas, he's an arse hole


Kill the jews before they kill you. Also, next Judas.

>Jeff Milton

Smite the Merchants and money changers when he had the chance, instead of just fucking them up and tossing the cunts out the temple...

Wtf I am euphoric and enlightened now.

Teach how to fuck that cunt up there.

Where ma post at

i'd say : ure wron on ONE thing :

when someone slaps you in the left sheek

u GOTTA punsh back and selfdefense

or shit only gets worse.

I would tell him. "Please let me have a gf."

Name please, friend?

pls be my gf Jesus

You need to go to America, Jesus. You need to go there and wait for David Smith.

too much photoshoped, look unreal. sad !

Some faggot named Paul is going to get serious gay over you... tell that faggot to fuck off when you first meet

Child free life bro. No ragrets.


I would say the likelihood of Jesus and ALL his disciplines being gay is very high. In fact, the more you think about it, the more it all make sense.

Perhaps if he'd have hung around a little longer he might've come out of the closet. He was certainly brave about everything else.

I want her to be my daughter
and I want to abuse her

I see...
Anything in particular?

>giving Jesus advice

hahahaha dude who do you think you are?

>the more you think about it, the more it all make sense.
What the hell is this honkey shit?

oh (you)

Love your folk, kill Muslims and be vigilant of the Jews. Problem solved.

Germans 'resisting' Rome led to an inferiority complex that ended up with the Nazis we wuzzing SPQR

Good luck proving otherwise.

pic with timestamp Jesus plz

why would I need to, he knew what was going to happen and he still did it because he is a mad man

Beware of Jews.
Ask your father to remove them from this planet.


Get off /Pol sick fuk

C'mon the Germans always wanted to be part of the empire. Stupid emperor should have just granted you all citizenship rather than you breaking in, killing him and sacking the place.

Can you make it clear which Christianity is the correct one before you go?

He needs to trademark the christianity scam...other cunts get rich off what he started and he dies penniless...and i get 10% with ongoing royalties. jesus makes a lousy jew...no entrepreneurship at all.


Do you live in Rotherham?



He knew what will be. And he agree with it.
So, you can not help him.

>I'm forced to save the sinners in their most desired way so they won't hurt me with their harsh words
>I can't do what i want because Shen and John will be upset 2000 later
>I'm totally responsible of your choices

This really made me kek, thank you user.

>their armour is weak at the neck and under their arms

We're not worth saving

Fuck it, Dude.

degenerate bait thread
if you couldn't tell this you're a newfag

of course i'm only writing this to warn newfags
don't reply to this thread.

I would tell him to watch thulean perspective on youtube.

jews will not listen.