What is the evolutionary purpose of depression?

What is the evolutionary purpose of depression?

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It is is signifying that you are lacking in d-vitamin and zinc my man.

Time to megadose on them.

Doesn't depression lead to loss of appetite? That would be counterintuitive.

it signifies that you're a stupid piece of shit

git gud you worthless pile of garbage

Go back to Africa.

I have actually read a ton of material on depression.

Depression is an evolutionary adaption to keep you docile and from challenging the alpha male in the tribe when you don't believe in your leadership abilities, so you become depressed as a way for your own biology to keep you in line with the crowd.

That is of course not the entire picture, since depression often strikes intelligent people more often. In some ways, depression is a fork in the road for you. You can choose one path where you accommodate yourself to the horrible reality and fall in line to this very reality, eventually punishing yourself for your cowardice via all sorts of self-destructive behaviors you develop when depressed. Another path you can choose is to realize that you are in many ways inadequate and you must choose to develop your talents and skills, thus growing in confidence in yourself and finally overcoming the depression.

> evolution
Hah, nice try.

There's studies about depression making us more stable and focused.


I do think that positive thinking and "optimism" are overrated due to the effect of propaganda.


He's right though. Somebody had to tell you, I'm sorry if it's Tyrone.

to weed out the weak

lmao no

Stop believing in depression.

Whether or not what you say is true you've managed to inspire me to change. Thank you.

>depression often strikes intelligent people more often

The purpose of depression is your subconscious telling you something is wrong or you are a shitty person. The modern remedy of anti-depressants is simply drugging your sub conscious thought into submission. This is why those drugs more often than not make people crazier. Depression is a healthy and natural emotion.

Also, why should you be happy? Many great people and inventors accomplished what they did because they were unhappy. If everyone was happy nothing would get done.

are you joking? it has nothing to do with evolution and is completely systematic.

Probably worrying about the future and fulfilling your role in the tribe are adaptive traits and depression is the maladaptive extreme.

Everything is genetic

Good luck on your journey, mate.

Its actually true. Do you know the depression rates among the blacks is practically nonexistent, despite their generally lower quality and length of life.

Comes with physical changes like loss of muscle and fat deposits around the waist. It is all to force migration. Rat humans will stay and breed anywhere. Decent human genes seek to migrate to a better environment.

I mean nothing will probably happen, but it made me feel something for once.

>depression making us more stable and focused.

That is true. You do not need studies to understand why it is true. If you were constantly in a state of eurphoric happiness, why would you bother to do anything or make any changes? If you are unhappy with your current condition you try to change it. If you are unhappy with a process you invent a new process. Most inventions and great feats of history were accomplished by people who were depressed about the current situation or extremely stressed by a process in work that they changed it.

The founding fathers of the United States were depressed with their colonial lives. They weren't happy. So they instituted change. Samuel Morse was annoyed by having to move mail and messages slowly by manual means so he invented the Morse code telegraph method.

Depression is a normal and healthy emotion in the human conscious. Drugging it or ignoring it is unhealthy.

Actually anti-depressants weed out the weak. Depression is your mind telling you that you are WEAK or you are a piece of shit and you should feel bad until you better yourself.

It's a physical response to the fact that you're not fulfilling your biological imperative.

Depression is the third option when you find yourself in a situation where can neither fight nor flight.

Sorrow is what drives us forward if the early man was content with his life would he bother with progress

>that pic
I hate how women crybabies have completely ruined depression as a legit issue because of shit like this.
Depression isn't some "I am actually incredibly sad even though I say the opposite :(((" mindgame shit women like. Fuck

Two retards who don't know how to argue and still, for some unknown reason, waste their time posting about shit they obviously don't know much about.

I disagree man, when I was depressed I tried looking fir an evolutionary purpose myself, I think a lot of depressed people do.
That doesn't mean there is one. It is just a way of rationalising. There's no evolutionary purpose to schizophrenia either, it's just a disorder. Some people think Seasonal Affective Disorder is a remnant of our instinct to hibernate, but idk.

depression is evolution at work

the problem is most people encountering depression aren't in the right environment to overcome it. usually they're surrounded by a college roommate or family when they need isolation instead

Cognitive Dissonance that is life in our modern times of Alienation while society expects you to trudge along.
>asks how am I today?
>can tell truth but dgaf
>Fine, thanks!

well meat man, your brain meat has outgrown your ape meat, and the benevolent soul is feeling the harsh malevolent reality of the world it was born into. Your Soul is Arjune and the Earth is the battlefield.

It's the meat equivalent of running Skyrim on Apple II.

I don't really know what depression is, but I had anxiety attacks for about 5 days due to extended unemployment, no gf and no future. My body was internalising a very real problem and sounding massive warning alarms, forcing me to deal with it head on.

Depression to me is highly escapable. I go systematically through the things I know will fix it. Exercise, good food and plenty of it and I disregard vices. Plenty of flow (motorbikes and fire arms). I don't think about it, I just do it. You crawl out the other side in a week if you are diligent.

Depression is a meme for like 95% of people who claim to have it.

Not everything can be explained 'in terms of' evolution, because evolution isn't a whole explanation in any way.

The weak weed themselves out.

Depression causes you to go into your cave and work yourself out

Based on this pastaman's 5 year research period or based on his opinion sitting from his mum's chair whilst his Steam game loads?

It's a meme to rid the world of whites.

get rid of individuals without purpose

>depression often strikes intelligent people more often
Depression lowers your IQ faggot, it's just that 'tortured genius' trope being applied to reality.

>mind blown
will try

remember to add iron too if you don't eat lots of meat

www.bodyrecomposition.com/muscle-gain/supplements-part-1.html/ &


Some quick tl;drs of worthwhile supplements.

Based on the modern day romanisation of depression and mental illness, ease of getting diagnosed and the fact that every second Reddit fag claims to have the thing.

I'll believe you if you say you have it though britbong, my countries people being wiped off the map by Muslim encroachment would make me depressed too.

>Depression lowers your IQ faggot
[citation needed]

That is exactly what I said. Depressed people either sink deeper or fight their way out. There is no in-between, and when you fight your way out, you will come out as stronger than those who have never struggled with depression.

anger suppressant for when violence can't be afforded


Not sure where the hell you read that, but as a biology teacher in UB i should be able to clear this up.

Firstly, the whole alpha/beta thing is a bunch of bulllshit regarding human social structures... even wolf structures were the term originates from via Rudolph Schenkel, and his conclusion based in captive wolves have long since been debunked. I suggest you read up on it.

Secondly, the idea that genes would apply altruism to... anything! Is infantile. Genes work tit for tat at best, and the scenario you speak of is an absolute waste of the chaos genes love. There would be no depression gene if it's goal is essentially suicide.

Now, then WHY do we have depression?
There's several theories, but most are pointing the same way: its to avoid pain. The body shuts down and funnels all it's blood towards the core of the body to help the brain solve the issue. it's expecting punishment/danger and it braces itself as fight, flee and negotiation options seem low.

Depression is on the rise as humans can't easily escape the trapping of society, it follows them like a predator on social media and with increased parental transparency. Which is also why korea and japan top the suicide chart.

Caged animals display depression too, its simply a sign of being stuck. The body cools while the brain from a detached perspective tries to find a way out. In nature this worked well, distance and slowing down could protect you from physical harm, but in our society "taking a break" is dangerous.

Hope that helps

Depression is too common to be without purpose.
This to me makes sense, humans are lazy and need "motivation" by any means, to progress

Yeah but I don't think there is an evolutionary purpose to that.

Women always bitch, I wouldn't say it was 95%.
Plenty of people have it. There are retards out there, usually Americans, who don't believe anyone can be depressed. I can't fathom how braindead a man would have to be to believe in PTSD and not think Depression was a reality.

I'm depressed because I was given my 1 chance at life/existence a couple hundred million years before I wanted it.

The thought of what we will be in 100,000 or 1,000,000 or 10,000,000 or 100,000,000 years from now makes me unable to concentrate on day to day activities.

it is a naturally occuring event designed to cause increased thought activity while the brain is adapting so it can thrive once you answer the question what your purpose is and come to terms with death. in essence it is a part of natural human mental development ( ends age 25 on average ).

Cancer is common too. That doesn't mean there is an evolutionary purpose to it, to thin the herd. It just means a lot of people have it and are dying.
Illnesses are illnesses, there isn't some higher plan for them all.

It lets you know that you're living in thoroughly unnatural circumstances.


Gee sure is hard looking up well established facts on google.

>implying retards get depressed
They are among the happiest people I know. They are blissfully ignorant.

Doubt we'll ever make it to tier 2 before we fuck it up with something like, oh I dunno, mass immigration from third world countries until the current civilization structure that provided the opportunity to reach the next stages collapsed under the weight of social justice.

There isn't one. It's a mental illness that's commonly exploited by attention seekers who don't actually have it.
They can just go to a phych, say they feel unhappy or self conscious all the time and immediately get diagnosed as having depression and anxiety resulting in their parents and a bunch of people they tell giving them extra attention. People with actual disorders like that aren't so willing to seek help or make it known.

telling you something is wrong with your life and you must fix it.

Is my depression a result of night shift work, alcohol, weed, or all three? Should I just give up now? I want to point to these things in the last three years but maybe it's just always been underlying and it's just brought it to the surface full stop.

The gene that codes for serotonin transport proteins comes in a pair of alleles, and one of the homozygous expressions of these alleles makes people prone to depression. These same proteins are also expressed in the immune system. Although depression is not an advantageous trait, the genes had to be preserved in an evolutionary sense to ensure that the immune system continues to function properly.

>People don't perform that well in IQ tests when they feel sad
(((yes goy, depression can teach you nothing, it's a cancer on your brain, better kill yourself right away if you feel depressed, life is hell goyim)))

>There's several theories, but most are pointing the same way: its to avoid pain. The body shuts down and funnels all it's blood towards the core of the body to help the brain solve the issue. it's expecting punishment/danger and it braces itself as fight, flee and negotiation options seem low.
Avoid pain? What pain exactly do depressed people avoid? Don't depressed people develop harmful behaviors?

thats what i thought before i experienced it, then i realized it just tells you to kill yourself

Nice argument, glad to know you are really engrossing yourself with That research you asked me and not just dismissing them because they don't align with your self image and your ego can't take it or anything.

Opposite in many cases. People tend to over-eat to get rid of the pseudo-feels. People who actually have nothing left to live for will lose weight.

fuck off
"ooo look, I'm on Sup Forums, I hate reddit lelele xd"

Damn, I lose serious amounts of wieght when I get depressed

>he got depressed over speculative sci-fi

holy shit man i wish i could fucking punch you in your first world face

>lack of D vitamin
heh, Finland knows

Depression came when a smart person realized how shitty the world was. Soon after, he killed himself, but before this he spread it to other smart people. Depression is a way of letting smart people die before they turn to shit like the rest of the world.

Think of it like an immune system. Sometimes it over compensates and you die from it.

Think diabetes.

It feels something is wrong, that you must be under threat, and it realises it cant just run away. So it closes you down and numbs you, hoping you outlast the suffering.

Also explains why you mentabolism acts up during depression.

Society advanced faster than evolution can keep up with.

People that were supposed to die in nature is now surviving as a result of welfare/technology.

ITT: people who have never dealt with depression

shit I get depressed because I long to be in nature and not stuck in a rat maze of a city.

everyone crammed together, constant loud noise pollution, everyone with their face plastered to their phones. Every facet of entertainment shoving their shit propaganda down your throat.

no wonder depression is on the rise

Weeds out the weak of mind

Try and get out, but don't go full living in the mountains mode. Maybe some honest work at a farm/ranch?

I'm saving up enough to do just that. not sure if the ranch thing would pan out. I'm sure they hire illegal spics for that


To put you in a state where you reflect on your life, make decisions to improve yourself and then finally overcome your problems.

...or you just kill yourself.

Killing the week.


it makes the strong stronger and eliminates the weak

Faggots need to read about how evolution actually works.

"m-muh strong vs. weak"

Nigger tier thinking.

what makes you assume it has a purpose and isn't a side effect of sentience?

What makes you assume that there's no coca cola bottle up my ass?

I don't think anyone assumed that.

Kek this. Nutrition and mental illness threads on Sup Forums always end up being a huge fagfest of cringy theories and stupid opinions

Thread full of nonsense.

Depression comes from lack of purpose and feeling insignificant. Humans are social creatures so that feeling hits you like a truck since we need a "job" in our community to feel that we belong.
No wonder this is the disease of the 21st century since not only job positions are vanishing but the rise of the individual is killing the idea of collective and so we are being pushed away from each other instead of strenghtening our ties. And so the feeling of being alone in a sea of people becomes stronger and stronger with the passing years.

Finland fucking knows
Cholecalciferol and Zinc gluconate saved my life

I assumed it.

how do this my friend ?

IIRC depression facilitates abstract thinking. That's probably the purpose of it, it's related to deep problem solving, you get depressed or irked until you can solve what's troubling or facing you.

Stop masturbating and you won't lose zinc and as for Vitamin-D just go out and be in the sunshine.

Have you ever been depressed? Good luck trying to think abstractly in that state.

Natural selection. Actually, male depression isn't same as female. Depression in female population is caused by their unstable hormonal level, while in male case it's most likely psychologically induced condition.
Depression, homosexualism, and perversions are mechanisms that are activated in response to overpopulation. That's why birth rates are so low in cities and high in towns/villages. There are also almost no LGBT people in villages, just for the record.

to make one off themself for the health of gene pool

Hey Jap, why does your country has the most suicide rate in the world?

Their gene pool has the world's highest standards