Next french president will be a pro Europe, granny-fucker, Rotschild ex-banker...

Next french president will be a pro Europe, granny-fucker, Rotschild ex-banker, liberal fag who was never elected before and hardly has a program besides agreeing with everyone

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He question is: do the French want a child molester as their First Lady

>met Macron as his teacher when he was 15.

What happened?

Marrying a grandma

What the fuck is his problem

Why's that a problem? That description you gave makes him sound like the single most French person who ever lived.

>2017: boohoo sex is so scary mom!

The recent setbacks for right-wingers in Europe lately have led me to the conclusion that Europeans are terrified of any politician that represents something new, it doesn't really matter if it's a communist or a nationalist. People WANT a grey and boring suit who is identical to the last guy. Anyone who is well-spoken or has new innovative ideas is immediately discarded by the average voter, probably because of the association charisma and innovation has with the nazis. Best to go wit what you know and not risk another Hitler right? It's political and societal stagnation.

Americans on the other hand have a low opinion of government in general and love people who are loud and don't give a fuck about what other think of him. Hence they got Trump, because he is a walking caricature of an American. A loud and boisterous businessman who speaks his mind and isn't afraid to speak up when he disagrees.

Europeans however are just boring and crave a continued status quo. They want a stuffed suit who say the same old platitudes that they have heard for 50 years. They want to be able to plan their life out meticiously without any surprises, every year is the same shit with the same policies and politics perhaps with the exception of tax rates. Europeans are rootless consumers who only care about themselves. It's over guys. The globalists have won.

>Europeans are rootless consumers who only care about themselves.
>but Americans are not

There is still pride left in Americans because patriotism is not a dirty word (outside of California anyway). They're proud of who they are and venerate their founders. Europeans spit on their ancestors and give away their birthright to strangers.

Jesus, please tell me it's his grandma.

America has more strangers than Europe and is less white. You're delusional.

Your generalisations have no basis.

Jesus christ, what's wrong with her fucking arms?

>Europeans spit on their ancestors


France was dead in 2004, what else is new?

It's down to the electoral systems.

Yours are designed from the ground up to get left wing parties and ideas into power. Even when someone nominally "right" wins, they're choked by a left coalition.

Common law countries have the greatest electoral systems out there - they routinely return strong governments and push lunatic socialists out of office instead of bringing them in. Even in France where the right had a chance to do well, they get shafted by the "second round".

If all else fails they either do an Austria and rig it, re run it when they get caught and return the same result or do what Belgium does and collapse the lot and let the civil service do it.

All this ultimately leads to EU control

Prepare for butthurt.
When people realize what his program is, we're gonna get a year long strike.
Why the fuck are people voting for him anyway?
Can't they fucking read his fucking brochure?

America is also dead in 2004

Good choice considering the circumstances, saved Europe from poverty and Russian servitude.

i love it

>mfw that's real

>Can't they fucking read his fucking brochure?
i did
pretty cool desu

Dead in 2004? Try 1965, also lose your proxy unless you actually are a fellow burger. In which case, embrace the plight! Isn't the end of Western Civilization and Europe as we know it, such a culturally enriching experience?!


I'm a proud granny-fucker and a cuckold too, and it makes me so hard. I wish he would fuck my granny (wife). Not from Sup Forums, I'm from the_Donald, just visiting.


so he's trump without the disguise.

1965? No, that would be 1776, fucking traitors

>Neoliberal economics with a slightly liberal social policy vs Neoliberal economics with a slightly conservative social policy

why gives a shit either way your country will be trash

I had hoped that at least the French would save themselves.

Can we push this Rothschild's banker agenda?
Would normies be afraid?

do normies even know who are Rothschild?

Yeah, they had a bunch of interviews with Macron voters on the radio this morning and they were all like
>Now everything will change for the better!

Nigga, do you have any idea who you voted for? He is pro globalism, pro immigration, pro EU. Everything will remain exactly the same.

I wonder how he'll deal with a country where a significant chunk of the population heavily oppose him to begin with and even his supporters will probably get disillusioned fairly quickly. A decade ago I would have said he'd step down after a year or two, but consequences literally do not exist in modern Europe anymore so he'll probably just be a lame duck throughout his entire term and then the media will find some other "new hope" to shill.

Let's be clear.
If we elect this globalist shill, we deserve every truck they throw at us.

>do normies even know who are Rothschild?
Europe's best defense against Putin & Trump
Long live our jew overlords!

That granma was used woman
old hag have three child and 6 grandchildren

born with a silver spoon macron married her
fucker have some serious mental illness

yurop is beyond saving
just buy a lot vaseline and enjoy the big muslim rapefugee cock up your ass

It's sad that so many French voted for this Europhile, globalist sell-out Macron. Now the other parties are rallying behind him.

Macron is the establishment, a puppet of the system.

His wife is 24 years older than him WTF!

Nigel Farage: Macron speaking with EU Flag behind him Says it All!


fuck you.
Give me info and sources i'll make progaganda myself.

I've got like 2 weeks right?

Neck yourself.

France was dead when De Gaulle Resigns

LBJ was the Death of America , Immigration Act of 1965 was the nail in the coffin
and yes , Emanuel Celler mother was jewsith
2016 was when America realized it's inside the coffin

You fucking fag.

Death since 1789.

we are so fucking done

>Next french president will be a pro Europe, granny-fucker, Rotschild ex-banker, liberal fag who was never elected before and hardly has a program besides agreeing with (((everyone))).

This is gonna be such a mess.
'Socialists' getting parliament seats, having to support the government.
Government issues liberal laws projects.
Can't fucking vote for it, because won't get elected next time.
Macron's mistake is not having a party. It will render him fucking useless.

Yeah pretty much dead

French don't give a fuck

I love older women... been chatting with a 51 year old lately..

this, five years of a granny-fucker cuck by everything in the Assemblée nationale.

I don't really see him doing much either. As far as I can tell, Macron voters seem to be delusional about what he actually stands for.

ffs when will people fucking learn
French don't care about what they vote for. they vote AGAINST someone and are stupid.

>Nigel 'The Liar kek IT WAS JUST A PRANK BRO' Farage
>being so naiv to care about anything a man who ditched all responsiobility once he had to proof his words says
Gottverdammt nochmal Holland!

In that case you need some scandal about Macron.
Doesn't his granny wife have a daughter his age?

France White middle class will vote macron

and america white middle class vote hillary

because they don't care about anything at all
they spit on white working class long ago when 68 movement happend

fucking people virtue signaling all the time
but white working class pay all the bullshit

Mark my word, when white middle class successfully demolish white working class

they also demolish their own privileged cocoon

when third world immigrant start rebellion against white middle class

no one will saves them

what's stopping you from converting to islam and killing him in the name of Allah?

BUZZFEED SQUAAD where u at???

why is everyone so sexist all of a sudden now that Le Pen can be first french madam prez? itn't it her turn?

Je me sens mal et je veux mourir.

Fucking nuke our country already. I lost faith in the French people

Sounds like Trump

People forget Trump was globalist as fuck before he ran for election

can't wait for him to say: Je suis president Macron and these are my wife's sons

Feels pretty bad that so many people are retarded and voted what the media told them to vote.

Eurofederalists won

He's reverse Trump

well this kind of scandals wouldn't do much desu
but even then, they wouldn't vote Le Pen
Jesus, 20% voted Fillon who took like 1 million for his wife. Nobody cares about anything

Macron - anti-protectionism , Pro-Third world immigration , Robot and finance are future
fuck white working class

Trump- unskilled laborer immigration won't help economy , diversity is just problem , trade regulation is most important

You " Hey , guys , macron is same as trump"

why can't we have a proEU antimuslim party again?

No left wing scandals are going to be covered by the media anyway, not even the riots and violence againts cops are properly covered, or in the US with antifa the blame always falls onthe right.

No because the media tells them Le Pen is a Nazi fascist and he is is liberal politically correct.. so the dumb asses will vote for globalism and the end of france and Europe.

Media so focused on LePen being a threat, they don't realize how much Macron is a threat to everything France stands for.

>Implying the peoples of Europe aren't brainwashed
>Implying any of them give a shit about politcs
>Implying universities and their (((studies))) aren't cultural marxist
>Implying European electoral systems aren't tailor made to keep the right from power
>Implying resurgent right is fighting an uphill battle of gigantic proportions in Europe.

Europe needs more death and destruction, more atttacks, more no go zones, more despotic (((leadership))) from the EU, more MSM lies, more illegal economic immigrants and last but not least; more lefties using violence to shut down any dissenting voice.

The beast that is globalism and cultural Marxism needs to be roused fully so it can be slain.

Reaction...Europe is a lost cause.

That would help, but by the time we get there, there's a pretty high chance they would have dropped the democratic process altogether.

As opposed to a cucked, Russian puppet, weak, and economically stupid opposition? You deserve this for kicking your King out. Roi Louis XX would guide you to paradise.

Look at the bright side, 5 years of that cunt running France into the ground can only help Le Pen in the long run.

Good things come to those who wait, lad.

medias are all owned by a couple of bilionaires who do you think they'll root for ?

Will Macron have the balls to debate Marine is the real question.
Chirac didn't even try.


I am unsurprised. The Dutch election proved that Europeans were cucks. The French debacle merely reinforces that perception. Next year the krauts will elect the woman who has flooded their country with Ficke Ficke rapeniggers.

So long, France. You used to be cool.

TFW guy gets molested by his wife everyday

You think France or western Europe for that matter has five more years left in it?

As opposed to the SPD who will fuck Germany even more. Germany has moved away from Refugees Welcome to something a bit better but not by much. The Dutch elections didn't matter except that the Turks gained power, you're picking the wrong battle. If you don't want migrants focus on integration and only families coming over. The rest can come later...

If we're pessimists the world has around 100 years before climate change and nukes and we're left with the eternal leaf.

It's either 5 years or civil war breaks out first. Too many cucks for civil war though.

>debating with Jean Marie the destroyer

chirac wasn't that stupid


Send potatoes first

Reminder that your Le Pen literally sucks Jewish cock every night..

I have no idea from where that patatoe meme has came from we don't have any patatoes in our cuisine.
Pic related
Anyhow you have to send luxmonies n stuff, need to but myself a new ca... i mean to rebuild old germanic architecture.Like pic related.

>pro Europe
Unless you're an Americuck or a commie, there is nothing wrong with that.

Yes, she is bad. Yude.
Ey. Goyim !
She is bad.

Goyim we must vote for 3rd world immigration and globalism instead.

That would have been so epic though.
Both were smooth-talkers, and it would all have been about who loses its shit first.




Aside from Germany, nobody is pro-muslim in the UE. Most range from indifferent, to subtly attacking them at whatever chance they have. They don't openly do it, but they still don't like them.

Then again, considering that most parties are full of capitalist businessmen or people with strong ties with the large corporations, it's not surprising that they favor immigration to get cheaper labor force.

That looks great if yu eat it 1 by 1. Otherwise its disgusting.
How can you eat pickle with sweet cabbage ?

That white thing? Is that yogurt?
That purple thing?
Also beer with other drinks?
No go.

That is not beer.
That is kvass.
And that white stuff is Kefir.
That pink stuff is cold soup.

>it's not surprising that they favor immigration to get cheaper labor force.
that's bull because we have the whole eastern europe
they just want more africans to lower the IQ and push for more state control to turn us into brazil

looks pretty gross overall but whats the pink stuff?

only swedes and germans do that

Cold soup.

Jews told them to and they listened. This is true of all white western countries.