Globalist whistleblower confirms everything (again)

Be sure to keep an eye on the name Ronald Bernard, because he will surely end up "committing suicide". Can't find any mainstream outlet reporting this, only found it on reddit and some blog.

>8000-8500 people "run the world"
>there's how 99% of the population thinks the world works, and how it really works
>financial elites start and finance wars
>luciferianism is legitimate, child sacrifices are real, ie cremation of care in Bohemian Grove
>intelligence, government, finance, all areas of society are owned and operated by the same criminal cartel

How can we spread this and fan the flames of revolution, Sup Forums? Are we all damned to Jewish rule?

Other urls found in this thread:

Dipshit christcucks and muh chosen people are preventing us from revealing der jude.

damn, this is boring; puts me right to sleep

Don't you feel the same way? I need a nice nap, good night

Stop sleepyposting.

nice social commentary

Christians are told they can't criticize Jews. They're muh chosen people.

>Christians are told they can't criticize Jews. They're muh chosen people.
We can't do shit until we get rid them.

stop shilling this shit here


I swear to god, some of you cucks don't even know what your buzzwords mean.

>not being on here literally 24 hours a day and not seeing it shilled yesterday

>basically simply says why america goes to war
>because the currency is linked to oil and without it it would collapse

Well, that says it all

I didn't see it, no.

Did we come up with anything productive or?
Fuck, what am I asking?

Fatcats in the fed, military industrial complex, oil tycoons and financiers make a buck, the whole world burns, and the peasants pay for it.

When he starts talking about zionism, divide and conquer etc

I always wonder, if that's the case, why go for mass migration?

This makes me jump to the conclusion that this guy was let go to create doubt in right wing views that their hate might be playing into the hands of the "elite"

Someone's behind the refugees and it isn't stopping; so if you really don't want people to live together; why this?

They're flooding refugees all over Europe and the US because of the destruction it reeks.

Majority groups become minorities, crime skyrockets, not to mention the economic burden it imposes - which in no way can be understated. Plus, it helps reinforce this cultural-marxism that the normies eat up, allowing them to get away with this crap.

the only end for this is implosion of the culture that's being invaded; you'll end up with 1 culture and 1 people with the most extreme of religions; even those muslims who think "it's not true islam" will be wiped out and replaced by actual terror.

It might create instability, for now, but soon enough it'll be stable and they'll have one people to stand up with and if the case the guy is making equals that them trying to differentiate us is letting them win then I don't see this as a viable tactic.

Think about it, Israel takes no refugees. They blatantly claim they desire to keep Israel pure. The refugee crises exist because of American interventionism, which is all Israel's wars.

You dilute the populations and cultures with hordes of savages, infect the populace with SJW/liberal/delusional bullshit, traditional ethnicities/cultures are destroyed, replaced by a bunch of perpetually in-fighting "oppressed minorities" and their H-wite knights.

It's divide and conquer.

you can achieve this without mass migration.

If they are after infighting, they don't need mass migration. We are already doing so and not because of mass migration

If they are after infighting, I would like to have an explanation why uk leaving europe isn't playing into their hands and farage is a puppet of the elites

Yes i agree. Its time for all of us to just go take a nap. Sleepytime now guys. Cmon go to bed, ill go right behind you



Nations with unified culture/identity are much harder to fuck. In the end you'll have your "pure kike masterrace" and a globe full of halfbred proletariat.


What about it?
Im a sleepy man in Serbia, i bet you're pretty sleepy too. This globalist whistle blower is N O T H I N G, nothing to worry about.

Turn off your fucking computer and go to bed.

Europe doesn't have a unified culture/identity

Is there really something we can do since they control everything?
The only solution I see is going full Hitler and killing all the kikes.

Jesus Christ himself called Jews sons of the devil and the synagogue of satan.

He also said we get to heaven through faith, not works, and as long as we believe in his sacrifice it will get us to heaven. Quite literally, following the rules bible to get into heaven isn't how you do it. You gotta believe in Jesus' sacrifice for you.

tl;dr -- Christians could crusade the shit out of this world and still go to heaven.

Jesus was a real scumbag.
The only tenable solution is for people to wake up, then yes, literally exterminate everybody within the current power structure.
The Germans, French, Spaniards, Brits, etc. have their own ethnic and cultural characteristics. Americans were a mixture of European blood homogenized here in the states. Now that's undermined with hordes of filthy Arab scum.

Whites will be nonexistent if their plan is seen through. Even if you don't care, they've destroyed the family unit, disgraced all standards for decency, courage, honor, loyalty. Reason, logic are all but buried; anybody can believe anything so long as it fits the narrative. We're rampant with degeneracy, ignorance, ,cowardice, hypocrisy. Rationality, and compassion - those are the two fundamental truths that both man and should state should adhere to.

Nice social commentary.

so their plan has already succeeded.

We pretty much move at their whim already.

There's already massive conflict within countries and in between them. If divide and conquer is their plan it already worked.

If they want division, why turn the world in a brown mud? I don't get that, infighting? I don't buy it, that's happening already.

And if they want infighting, coming together, as the guy in the video says, is directly in concordance with their plan so why is he saying that by coming together we'll be able to stand up?

It's huge leaps in logic while ignoring logic.

They want you to be divided, because united; they'd be given ancient era justice overnight. I'm not sure I'm convinced humanity is capable of doing so myself.

>called out the Jew
>Died so we could go to heaven without stoning people to death

I don't follow your ((logic.))

You can argue if humans are able to or not but why risk it? We are already destroying orselves with hordes of refugees

For all they know we'll turn out as one united race sooner or later, what then? Start again? Seems a massive risk if you want to control everything. And turning into one race, or atleast one culture, is likely to happen eventually, the extremist form will rise and force everyone into metaphorical submission; creating unity through people but they don't want unity; they want conflict

We are already divided, in big ways and small ways, so them trying to divide us more by diluting whites, or even down right making them non existent, doesn't make sense.

They are literally displacing an already divided group of people but an entire continent with a shared culture.

blasphemy will get you no where......Jesus will not be mocked

There will be no revolution. The man of lawlessness is coming, but his reign will be short....


Watch the entirety of the video in OP if you haven't, not saying it'll explain your question though.

A good quote is from some Monk back in the medieval era, "most people know not with what little understanding the world is run."

You're slowing us down.
Ye, ye!

I watched the entire video.

Him saying unity is against of what they want makes me question the entire thing, because if that was true, right wingers are objectively faulty in their thinking, and who would want to discredit rightwingers or even make them, or atleast fence sitters, question their stance? hmmm

>when he starts talking about sacrifices

It has nothing to do with left or right. It has nothing to do with race.

He says explicitly that political party, race, etc. are just divisive tools, and the refugees are gasoline on an inferno.

You're telling me. I really felt for this guy. I didn't have the best childhood either, so I can't tolerate any child shit.

Pedophiles, abusers, whatever -- I'd damn them all to the lion's pit.

I don't know what kind of christians you have in america, but that's not true (at least here)

if they are divisive tools, we are already divided.

Pouring in refugees from different countries, with a shared cultre + ideology, is non-sense if you want division


Islam is inherently divisive, violent and incompatible with Western ideals.

The leftists fuel the fire even more.
The faggoty cuck kind.

Kek, a true christian would know that the bible does call out jews on their bullshit, MULTIPLE times. Even jesus once "begged" not to be thrown to the jews

I ain't religious, but I'd gladly take up arms with crusaders against the Zionist, Luciferian scum.

It is and it will pour us out, leaving europe in a state of divisive islam, a chaotic mess.

Like it is now, the only difference will be that their division is violent as fuck and those who don't believe will either believe or be killed; creating the true islam and one culture and religion and thus unity.

And once that happens they'll attack and wipe out isreal at once.

Bringing savages to civilized countries, letting them reap the benefits and take over will back fire badly.

You should brother, you should

people knows but dont care, they like their status quo

>Someone's behind the refugees and it isn't stopping; so if you really don't want people to live together; why this?

yes, it's called the kalergi plan

They're flooding refugees all over Europe and the US because of the destruction it reeks.

see kalergri plan

I thought I was redpilled before I saw this video. im not so sure now.

It won't be a unified Islamic Europe, it'll just be a shit show of various groups going at it while the Zionists plunder all of them.
Soon as the holy war begins.
Fuck people.
Thanks for the intel, brother.
Now you have a foundation to begin digging even deeper.

>Ronald: Yes. Much later in all those studies and discoveries I found a document, which they are claiming is bullshit of course, the Protocols of Zion. And nowadays I recommend everyone to read the whole of that incredibly boring document. Just work through it, read it through.

I kind of suspect it might be bs. Of course, it could have been that Sup Forums was more right than we ever knew.

Here's the full text, followed by the wikipedia interpretation of it.

once islam has conquered europe and has the numbers, the idea they won't destroy zionistic ideas is insane.

This is them walking straight into their own dimise, if there's one thing muslims can agree on it's their hatred for jews.

letting them pour into europe and the us, destroying what are, arguably, the only defenders of the jews is illogical.

>inb4 that's exactly what they want

if that was the case, these people is positions of such massive power can just fabricate an all out nuclear war and no one would be the wiser and the subtleties of this won't matter because we'd all be death.

the sunnis and the shias will be too busy fighting each other to bother with the kikes.

Yeah because that theory is really proving right for the countries surrounding israel now

Constant war with isreal.

Israel is a symbol and nothing more

Very sleepy

I was answering to someone saying that sunnis and shias would be too busy to care about them and that's not the case.

I never implied otherwise.

this also ignores to simply create a tangent, an off-hand remark.

If he mentions the Protocols of Zion, you can be more or less certain that all of this is disinformation designed to discredit serious investigation.



The POTLEOZ are real.

Maurice Joly (JOsef LevY).

A sheckel for the good goy...


so Jews and Israel are behind everything again.
to simplistic in my opinion

It goes way beyond "the jews did it". It's not "just jews", it's jews and friends. It's a fuckin' small cult that despises humanity, wants it all for themselves, and are willing to have the world burn just to have their keks.

>want it for themselves
>want the world to burn
>are elite

Why not just do it already then? This view is so myopic it doesn't make sense.

this is the last thing I replied to you and you conveniently ignored it and keep spouting simplistic stuff

You're missing the point -- they want their boot on everyone's head.

They don't care if all of us, or the Earth itself, perishes in the process.

ok so
>mulsims wreak havoc on European population
>EU allows the genocide of whites for as long as the rest of the world let's them
>at this point white Europeans are a minority
>world steps in, but the damage is already done.
>Europe is now south america 2.0
>All religion is banned. because trouble it has brought to Europe.
>Jews help broker peace with cultural Marxist ideas.
>Jews rule Europe.
>Jeurope declares the state of the ME a disaster due to religion.
>jeurope invades ME.
>see greater Israel project.
>peace in ME
>now Europe and ME under direct jewish control
>euro economy and ME oil exports with America as ally
>china, Russia either join or are starved out or total war.
>jews will play china and Russia off each other.
>Russia loses
>now the jew world order vs. China
>China not diverse enough
>jew world order instigates ethnic cleansing of Chinese people
>NWO is here
>jews think European people must be wiped off the face of the planet
>European people will oppose a one world government
>must destroy the race that has the intelligence and honor to stand up and fight.
>idealogical subversion is not enough.
>they despise the white race
>why a one world government?
>they believe they must bring peace on earth in order for their messiah to come forth
>Muslims believe their messiah will come and conquer the world.
>Christians know that the antichrist comes first brings peace to the ME and institutes a one world government.
>slamic and jewish messiah is the Christian antichrist.
>inb4 fairy tale
>they believe this and are actively working towards seeing it come into reality.


almost sounds like us

Yeah, (((wikipedia))). Sorry.
Yeah, but we're not Jews.

If one looks at the history of child sacrifice in the near East particularly Israel children were generally sacrificed for favours asked for and recieved from the Gods, such as a business venture.

It became the case that people would buy and raise the children of poor people to sacrifice rather than their own, and this practise is very much on the increase again in places like Africa.

white europeans are already a minority.

The people he's talking about are handling GLOBAL finances, europe is small fry in relation to the entire world so them thinking in terms of percentages in a continent is unplausible

The rest is huge leaps in logic and it conveniently leaves out another one of our friends, asia.

Your "why" reason are silly. Europe has been behind a one world government since the beginning, when it was founded. Saying they are against is just fabricating lies to fit in your view.

Jews were kicked into Babylon for those practices. Probably kicked around all over the world for it, on top of all their other shenanigans.

Like the interviewee points out it's a question of how much you want something, are you prepared to break all normative taboos to get what you want through sacrificing a child, the ultimate act of greed and self interest...those at the top say yay!!!

"The Cremation of Care."

Quite literally.

>white europeans are already a minority.

proof of concept

>The people he's talking about are handling GLOBAL finances, europe is small fry in relation to the entire world so them thinking in terms of percentages in a continent is unplausible

The whole is made up of individual pieces. First Corner a market that bleeds into all other markets. Then apply again and again until the whole pie is yours. I think it's called a monopoly.

>The rest is huge leaps in logic and it conveniently leaves out another one of our friends, asia.

Why I stated they are simply following their religious ideas. Just because you don't believe in it doesn't mean they don't and wont actively carry it out. Also Where the fuck is China located?

>Your "why" reason are silly. Europe has been behind a one world government since the beginning, when it was founded. Saying they are against is just fabricating lies to fit in your view.

Richard Nikolaus, more commonly known as Coudenhove-Kalergi, was a Free Mason and an advocate of racial mixing. He is regarded as a father of the European Union, being the founder and president for 49 years until his death of the first movement for a united Europe, the Paneuropean Union. The governed aren't actually in charge are they?

DESU the guy sounds like a larper. The things he says stitch together nicely but are too vague to really have an impact.

Yes exactly, originally even over caring for one's own children, as stated in the video the total psychopath, to them just business.

>>In the early 21st century Uganda has experienced a revival of child sacrifice. In spite of government attempts to downplay the issue, an investigation by the BBC into human sacrifice in Uganda found that ritual killings of children are more common than Ugandan authorities admit. There are many indicators that politicians and politically connected wealthy businessmen are involved in sacrificing children in practice of traditional religion, which has become a commercial enterprise

Brave, brave Man.
I Hope He's Safe.
One thing I've always wanted to know is what & when do they do to Actors? I'd like to be one myself but I fear they'd try to get me to do shit like this to be succesful. I'd just Turn them down like he did & get tortured. Mortal wealth & fame is never worth the price of Your Soul.

Yeah, funny how the Jews spend even more time attacking christianity than you fedora-wearing neckbeards do

Targetting individual pieces is not true, europe and america are feeling the brunt

religious ideas don't hold value once it's outlawed in your logic and china isn't asia in it's entirety. So if you use china as representive of asia you're simply creating a boogey man in order to give your view more worth but it's a worthless boogey man

You just reworded what I said, europe doesn't oppose 1 world government; they are for it.

its not 'shilled' if its Sup Forums related and infuriatingly interesting

They don't need to get rid of whites. They only need to threaten us enough for us to get our total war on.

Death by car crash incoming.

These bastards need to wake up.
the elitists are for it, the people are either too retarded to know about it or care, or against it, see: brexit
Evil fucking kikes. I want them on spikes.
If people just opened themselves to the idea and looked further it'd collapse in an instant.

come over here if you want to talk about this actual guy and not just LARP

This guy could very well be a larper, due to the Protocols of the Elder of Zion being a well documented hoax.

However a dutch user here on Sup Forums claimed that he had been in pizza parties and that as a practice it had a whole occult undertone, with gnostic influences.

It may very well be true, and that such elites rationalise their perversion behind such practices.

>Targetting individual pieces is not true,

explain please?

>europe and america are feeling the brunt

ok? doesn't the logic flow that your latter statement disproves your former statement? If i'm confused please elaborate.

>religious ideas don't hold value once it's outlawed in your logic and china isn't asia in it's entirety.

Do you sacrifice children? Do you handle global finances while worshiping Lucifer? Oh so the elites can participate in a religion while the masses fight over bread crumbs? Your China/asia argument is dead, you're reaching now.

>So if you use china as representive of asia you're simply creating a boogey man in order to give your view more worth but it's a worthless boogey man

First you deny my inclusion of any Asian countries. I clearly included China in my first post. Then you disavow the importance of China. What the fuck? your argument makes no sense. I have not declared China a boogeyman I have stated they will become a victim.

>You just reworded what I said, europe doesn't oppose 1 world government; they are for it.

Kalrgri plan is for the extermination of the white race. In order to create a mixed breed, low IQ, thus more easily controllable populace. I'm sure European people love this fucking idea. They were and still are mostly in the dark. Did you not watch the video? The story about the general gathering his soliders in a dark room. Then lighting a lighter. You need to see the light.

checked and confirmed

has this ever worked?


Kek is pleased with the awakening!

>Sup Forums was more right than we ever knew.
The hive mind knows.
If it doesn't, it will find the truth.
Because that is it's nature, and natural nutrient.

What hive mind? Elaborate.

>What hive mind?
you will have to look it up

>child sacrifices
>everything owned by a criminal cartel


Chirstians do that to themselves. I watched the documentary on the synagogue of Satan from that one pastor and it made me crack up. Anyone who is white that follows Christianity is a race mixing retard that thinks it's a okay to breed whites out of existence. For 3xample Joseph's second wife was a fucking Ethiopian and supposedly doing your own genealogy is against the Jesus as well. Bringing refugees and other non-whites is what Christianity preaches.

>iraqi oil was laundered in a german bank
what other actual data or leads was presented in this interview? what did we learn that wasn't an nameless allegation? any data/lead that can be investigated? i would love to know.

we have found that he is involved with this co-op bank in netherlands now.

btw it has a Knight Grand Officer of the Byzantine Order of the Holy Sepulchre as a international advisor.