Chances of Le Pen victory

So, be real, what are the chances of Le Pen winning against Macron?

I don't need to hear doom and gloom necessarily, just give me the facts.

I predicted Brexit. I predicted Trump. Micron will ANNIHILATE Le Pen in the second round. No need to worry though, he will be an awful president and the euroscrepticism will only rise in France in the coming years.


1/8 odds = 88% Macron
5/1 odds = 16% Le Pen

Learn to odds ratio, user. After you adjust for Jewish tricks, it's about right.


Kinda like Trump to be honest.

It's up to the frogs. They have a small window to rally support for Marine. I don't think there is any hope, I already consider France an African country and don't consider it an ally in any of my thoughts for the future.

Macron will get destroyed at the debate, Le Pen's number will soar a bit higher but it's gonna be very hard for her to cover a 20% split.



About as much as no chance

>I predicted Brexit. I predicted Trump. Micron will ANNIHILATE Le Pen in the second round. No need to worry though, he will be an awful president and the euroscrepticism will only rise in France in the coming years.
This. People assume just cos Trump and Brexit happened that Le Pen has to win. The world doesn't work that way.

The summer will be just awful as regards terrorism. We haven't seen anything yet. Islam is ready to spill over. Summer 2017 will be the Summer of Peace. By September the Frogs will be wishing they picked Le Pen.


tree fiddy
bet on Macron

he thing with trump has that, this forum and all of us are much more integrated into Burger culture, we where almost there, spoke the same language, we saw the movement

but this time, I simply dont know, this board isnt french enough to get a grasp of a cultural change like the one that made trump win.

the thing with trump was that,

Trump's victory gave me 395€
LePen ratio is still too high, I'm going to wait.


Go back to masturbating to under age girls in 2chan please.

there's 2 weeks to go, there's many a slip between a cup and a lip

Macron worked for the Rothschild bank for 4~5 years there is no way he'll lose this election.

>media all claiming that macron and his fuck ugly wife already won


Trumps Odds were also pretty screwed, [spoiler]which is why I made some money.[/spoiler]

>implying I'm not doing that right now
have 2 hands and 2 eyes and superior Japanese Galapagos 10 key interface

how many leaves and seashells did you end up winning

None. Its almost a math equation. Everybody on the left center and half the right will vote for macron. 68% - 32%

Yes, but his odds were manipulated by the medias. The votation system in France and the history of Marine Le Pen party in addition to her very name make it very unlikely for her to win.

Mélenchon had a chance to win against Macron, if only Hamon didn't present himself.

But now, everybody excpet Mélenchon called their electors to vote Macron and the French will just massively vote against the FN and the name Le Pen.

Trump was a slip up and you're all naive if you think the globalists will allow it to happen again. Fuck, even Trump has been pushed in line by now.

fucking christ


Absolutely 0.

I can't think of a safer bet.

I agree that it will need to take time. Is there some window in which it needs to happen, though? I assume that over time more immigrants will keep coming to France and gaining the ability to vote.
Is there a point in time where, even if the majority of France wakes up, it will be too late?

Literally 0 barring the greatest polling fuckup ever

I'd say low. Pretty much everyone I know will vote Macro because they don't want Le Pen to be president. They don't realize that Macron will eradicate any chance of an okay future for their children unless they're rich.

>trump has no path to victory
le pen will win

Ad five to ten percent to le pen, because of polling bias. At best her chances are between 25- 30 percent, but it also deepends on the happenings and his scandals.

She'll lose. But the FN will be the opposition party and they'll have some power.


She mafe it in the second round she has andecent shot,our. Kraut president eas considered an underdog vs the socialists but he won bc people hated them 2 years back

However the polls were actually quite accurate for the voting turnout. France doesn't have the saving grace of electoral college.

>. But the FN will be the opposition party and they'll have some power
There will be two opposition party if Melenchon plays his cards right.

all the odds

or rigged opinion polls by the looks of things.


thats fucked up

Will the media attacks on her work in her favour as it did with Trump?

I'll do better next time. sorry

Seems to be about the same as Trump's chances a day prior/the day of. Do it, based frogs. Save your country and join your allies in the west against Islam.

>unironically voting for a woman

tip top kek

the odds, no you

Le Pen will lose the election but she'll get like 40% which is a huge step.

The national front never had this kind of numbers before

Macron will just keep spilling oil on the fire

Go back to masturbating to Ahmed actually molest your daughters, Pierre.

Japan at least keeps it to drawings.

Macron will win almost for sure. He is the worst candidate to run against for Le pen. In case of Fillon or Melanchon I would give her some chance, as she could in case of Fillon get some votes from working class voters and supporters of welfare state (her economic outlook is pretty left wing) or the right wing in case of Melanchon.

But Macron has a mixed program and is capable to gather votes from both sides except nationalists.

And he ran against the worst candidate imaginable.

Macron won.
Our election system is retarded.

It will be too fucking late! Islam is poised to attack now.

Who will come to the aid of the coward French and Germans?

Why don't we hear of attacks on Muslims in France? The media must be hiding the fact. No way would a human allow their own murder or humiliation.

I hope he runs France into the ground maybe then people will wake up.


I don't know about 40%, but she'll do higher than expected.

Don't worry, stick around and you should see either

a) Marine LePen president in 2022


b) A French Civil war by 2030's ( Muslims vs Whites)

>what are the chances of Le Pen winning against Macron?
Something like 5% top.

>As much as Le Pen had slightly fewer votes than Macron it's worth remembering that the people who voted for everything else didn't vote for Macron.
>Le Pen has some very left wing economic ideas which could be quite popular
>Macron is an easy target: wealthy, elite, banker, previous member of the ruling party. Does not stand for actual change.
>France is pretty racist: Calais jungle, racial tension, regular terror attacks
>People who voted conservative never say they will vote that way in polls
>If it is a 'done deal' then less people turn out to support the 'certain' choice.

I bet £30.77.

Macron can be alright.
He did shit laws regarding work rights and is kind of snob
He wanted to deport criminal immigrants in the past, the slightest infraction and they take the next plane back home.

My guess is that he's playing nice to get his way to the top and then do as he will, our president unlike other countries has absolute power and nobody can do shit about it.

It's irrelevant because neither party they belong to controls the Assembly or Senate.

After Trump I'm convinced that it doesn't matter anyway.

He was supposed to be opposed to globalism but everyone has a price...La Pen will be no different...that said, go for the male candidate... females are not fit.

>current year
>caring about betting odds

I see what you did there