Brit/pol/ - shit new meal deal edition


>Jeremy Corbyn planning to 'dismantle' the UK's defences, Conservatives claim

>General election 2017: UKIP manifesto to pledge a burka ban

>When Nigel Farage met Julian Assange

>Jeremy Corbyn refuses to say if he would authorise killing of Isil leader

>General election 2017: Tories to pledge energy bill cap

Other urls found in this thread:


And I've never bought lunch from Sainsburys since.

First for Maurice Cowling.

Fun Fact: We presently celebrate an unemployment level of 1.5 million as low.

>posters that the remain campaign rejected


>not buying this superior sandwich

I haven't been unemployed for ten months, is it still difficult at the job centre? It is so degrading in my opinion, filled with those "U wot m8" sorts.



>11 calls so far today from obvious dole bludgers who clearly don't want a job and are just ringing because their adviser told them to
Going to stop advertising on jobmatch tbqh

Britain must stand with the enemies of ISIS.

You still pretending to be black?




So THIS is Brexit Britain...




best poster

You're a recruitment consultant?


Just got a leaflet through my door from a tinfoil hatter standing for the council elections. She thinks the freemasons have a conspiracy against her.

She's even got a YouTube channel where she thinks backdoor trojans are affecting her view count -- probably the freemasons.

Seriously some of these are fucking non-sensical
>18-29 year olds
>pregnant woman shown

1, 3, 2.

Oooh, reminds me of the "Violent Nationalist Powertools" ad from Scotland's referendum. (Also rejected.)

Actually looks alright as far as modern architecture goes.

>“Asked by BuzzFeed News if he’d been visiting Julian Assange, the former Ukip leader said he could not remember what he had been doing in the building.”

This one is so lazy


>Pretending to be black

Post your favourite political poster ads

>insult the old who are more likely to vote

i wanna see the imp fuck the chick

What's this?

I want to fuck a jew girl from my work but I'm NatSoc. What do i do?




> Plans for the redevelopment of 100-108 Lower Marsh have been approved by Lambeth Council.

It's worse than ever before.

>Implying I bother to ring at all


Why do these triangular pre-packaged sandwiched taste better than anything I make at home? What's the fucking secret?

>hanging around people who don't like you

Your time is UP ANGLO SCUM.

MSG and tonnes of mayo.

Don't fuck her?

Sugar and salt.

I was just listening to this as I typed it. I hate the cunt, everything he stands for, and his "music", but this track is accurate as can be so props for that. It paints a grim picture.
There is no use blaming others, it's the easy way out.

I hope you tried a BLT with some sweet mayo.

>tfw rich as fuck

Can anyone tell me what it's like to live as a piss poor faggot?

Ed Milibands biblical tablet

Nah, I run HR for a dom care firm. High staff turnover and fairly consistent business growth means the job centre loves us. They'll happily send us any fucker who can spell their own name (and plenty who can't) just to make their numbers look good. We turn down most of them.

But she's fucking fit

Do it then report back with deep details.


Polish workers spitting in the sandwiches they make

Can you loan me twenty quid senpai

Not British, but I like it.

>he thinks thats rich




kys I don't do handouts, people should have to work for their money.

Nice inspect element kiddo

Richer than you paying 50% taxes to feed pakis lmao


The rich of this country spend more on monthly gardening

It's very much a song of post-thatcher Sheffield.

Pick one, She'll have your eye out if you try and have a snog


I am struggling to adequately describe how original, fresh, and essential these guys are. And, I defy you to find ANYONE as damn charismatic in front of a mic today. Astonishing.

>tfw no potato-kun


Sounds like good bants. Vote for her.


>have 22k in my savings and 4k in a help to buy acc
>consider myself poor
wish I could be as smug as this user

>How to take a screenshot

only the best

Not to mention the fact that the old people saw the dawn of the EU and its transformation into the mess it has become

Here he is

It's up there. The political message is meh (I mean, it's 2010 not 1983.) but the timing was perfect, and the SNP were just big enough to make it "Reasonable people being snarky, how funny." instead of "Nonentity does joke."

For those in need of a reminder: The 2010 Labour manifesto had basically the same image with a ray of sunlight instead of a nuclear explosion - except that their sun looked like a less-stylized nuclear explosion...

Go the fuck back to the shitpit you came from.

>how to take a screenshot

Can't buy smarts, dummy.

Yeah, but I disagree with these types blaming "the government" for all of their problems. Fuck that. I've been on the dole, been down and out, and didn't attempt to shift the blame one iota.
It really is a matter of pulling your socks up. Work hard, and smart, and you will no longer be a part of the picture he paints. No excuses.

What is a dom care firm?

Corbyn is:

>against pointless wars

>for making St George's day a national holiday

>for nationalising the railways

>against the EU

>for rolling back and destroying the Blairite menace

So tell me brit/pol/ why aren't you voting labour?

>Westminster voting intention:

>CON: 48% (-)
>LAB: 27% (+1)
>LDEM: 10% (-)
>UKIP: 7% (-1)
>GRN: 3% (-)

>(via ICM / 21 - 24 Apr)
>Chgs. w/ 20 Apr

Corbyn SURGE!

If your principles are on such weak foundations then do you truly hold any?
Man and beast are separated only through will of mind.

are you fucking serious?

Because I'm not poor.

h-he'll come back, right lads?

Absolutely based

>no butter
>There's two sandwiches like this, one just has butter
Britbongs explain

>namefag is THIS FUCKING NEW
shocked desu

Yes. We have been overun by reddit fags since the election was announced.

West London?

Wtf I love importing pakis now