So now that Wikileaks and Trump are enemies, what dirt do you think Wikileaks will dig up on him?

So now that Wikileaks and Trump are enemies, what dirt do you think Wikileaks will dig up on him?

it's nothing. I've ready red the hole thing.


they both benefit from trying to pretend that they're not in each others pocket

He actually does have prostitutes pee on him.

who doesn't?

read all thing.
former supporter. nuclear codes
sleepy sleepy.

oh that's wear your wrong sweety.

the whole thing is a big fukcing nothing. once agian.

hastag mentallyhill


didnt think of that.
if its true that Trump is going after him, shit may happen
and i will be supporting Julian.

so if you make a thread with "Wikileaks" in the name sleepyposting bots show up?

So this shill thread is being shilled by shills

I miss the days when they didn't perceive us to be a threat and we could actually share opinions.

Shills don't exist.
I'm sleepy. Aren't you sleepy? I think it's time for a nap.

none, I trust the President

Wikileaks was never friends with Trump. Wikileaks is its own beast.

not sure if meme or shill ...

I don't think Trump or his team would be so dumb to use unsecured private servers and yahoo email. How fucking stupid the DNC were/are!!! Unless they did it on purpose of course...

Read through the whole thing, and I could use some sleep right now.

It's all a ploy to safely get him to the states and secure him without the world thinking they are bringing him in to acquire intel on other nations.

That people actually believe the shit they hear on the news is beyond me.

Or simply they want to seem like they are "angry" at wikileaks. No losing if Trump turns out to be (((Trump))), and they imprison Assange. Just means that we're gonna get the insurance files sooner.

The ones that suspiciously are accused of being corrupted every time they are brought up.

>I don't think Trump or his team would be so dumb to use unsecured private servers and yahoo email.

That's exactly what they did in week one, though.

nothing wrong with that, tho

actually, no, they didn't

You would literally have to be mentally retarded to not be able to figure that one out.

Hey I don't like making threads and this has something mildly to do with it. So, I've been filling out access to information requests with the government lately. They just sent me the bigfoot file today actually, that why I was reminded of this now. Anyway, I think I want to request all of Trudeau's emails. I'm pretty sure I'm entitled to them, but does any Canadian here actually know what department members of parliament fall under?

The "sleepy" thing might be just a meme. Was wondering the same myself earlier, but now i was merely trolling atleast.

Not sure if it would trigger the bots if the opening message has wikileaks as text instead of a picture, unless its only people trolling with the sleepy-meme.

Does it really matter if it's a meme or not? We're all so tired and need sleep.

not gonna former trump support liar here

every all of gigabytes are nothing, fucking.

such lay down tired honeybun sleep

wikileaks and trump enemies? Didn't their leader recently die?

Whatever wikileaks in all likelyhood will bring out is part of their agenda.

Whatever rests is a thourough cleanup of the common mindset. And if there is anyone that is capable of doing that, it is God himself. May he come quickly.

Indeed. Doesn't really matter. I practically went through two thousand documents today, and found nothing besides Podesta's risotto-recipe. Really need some sleep now, better luck tomorrow.


cochlear nodes


You realize Trump is using this "arrest"thing as a way to get him to the US and by passing other nations who want him?
Assange will be at Trump Tower in NY in a Penthouse just before he received immunity for the trail the keeps getting delayed until 2024.


There is none! You Clown!

>muh 6 gorillion D lawn darts