You fucking heard him Sup Forums you ignorant shitstains

You fucking heard him Sup Forums you ignorant shitstains.

i dont hate blacks, i just want them in africa

Fucking manlet!

>if you're a faggot nu-male blow your own head off

wow the madman actually did it!

there's a clear reason why he chose to OD on buckshot

Some famous Hollywood singer said something liberal? Color me surprised.

I dont care about the opinion of a cunt who tried to rape a fat disabled girl and pussied out lol

I guess he always lived in a safe bubble, and never got "culturally enriched".
His words have no credibility.
Fuck that degenerate.

Kurt had a grudge toward noemsl males who gave him crap in HS. if he had lived longer im sure he would have been enriched and had second thoughts

He shot himself and did drugs.

His words worth nothing.

What is this supposed to mean?

>never got "culturally enriched".
He got JEW'D though

Show me a source for this you dumb faggot

Nirvana is a piece of shit for edgy teens so who cares

>KYS you fucking fagg-
Oh nevermind

Kurt Cobain was the proto SJW. I almost wonder if he set the stage for being an SJW and 90s/early 2000s ((academics)) started sketching out their intellectual arguments around making Kurt Cobains views seem legitimate/not completely retarded

I live in Washington state and people are still grieving Kurt's death. Fuck Kurt, fuck Nirvana, fuck Nirvana fans and fuck this shitty state for loving him so much.

And was he aware of that?
That's the question.
To me he seems like a mumbling idiot, that liked to suck dick and do drugs.

this isn't the 90s and I'm not a teen girl. I don't care.

Why do people act so entitled to positive approval for going to homo's defense?
It's like they suddenly gain enlightenment for supporting anal AIDS.

Why would I buy shit music from a shit artist?

And then he killed himself

He was a miserable smackhead cunt who ruined rock music anyway. I think he was secretly gay, so much for supporting gay people, only explanation for a man who goes with a woman as butch as Courtney Love.

it's my policy to not take existential advice from people who have killed themselves.

His voice is shit and his music sucks why would I want a record?

I can totally see a depressed permavirgin Nazitard buying his records. Not much he can do about that, and I'm sure his psycho family enjoys the royalties just as much. Btw I'm a female and I bought Nevermind in vynil in 1991.

RAPE MEEEEE. He blew his mind with all that dope.

>junkie faggot who can't play a fucking guitar
who cares

But yet the great muh Nevermind lives on!


its shite degenerate crap as with basically 90% of pop music.

I'll grant that he is a good singer. But everything else - nah. Shit. Proto-SJW shit to make youngsters think faggotry and degeneracy and drugs and being edgy are the way to go.
I won't say it's just as well he is dead, but his being alive wasn't much use either.

>He's the one
>Who likes all our pretty songs
>And he likes to sing along
>And he likes to shoot his gun
>But he don't know what it means

OP didn't even post a source now everyone here hates kurt cobain

lol you're all fucking dumb sometimes I swear to god

Anyone got his suicide pic?

>Heeeeeere they come to snuff the rooster.

Right, I'm going to take life advice from a junkie who shot himself. Their music didn't get "good" until after he shot himself.


sounds like he's a fascist

>commits suicide

Never did like this faggot.

Best thing he ever did was pull the trigger.

oh shit is that the real one?

>Btw I'm a female

fuck off and you know the drill

Thats not it his head didnt blow off.

I used to like him when I was an edgy 15yo. Now that I've been in the real world I understand how much a sack of shit he was.

But it's a-ok to hate white men. Look, you shouldn't hate anybody because of the color of their skin or what's between their legs.

What an authentic looking shotgun.

Nirvana is played on classic rock stations now, grandpa. You're 20 years out of date.

Fine with me.


>degenerate suicidal drug-addict faggot special snowflake burning in hell sends a message from the grave, telling how to join him

Well, what are you waiting for? This is clearly the path to a better life.

>What an authentic looking shotgun.

I lol'd...and am wondering what I'm looking at there.

Loved guns though

What has more brains then Kurt Cobain?

The wall behind him.

The rigor mortis and the jaw bones with teeth looks legit

Reminder that he was a beta cuck with no friends that was manipulated by a roasty.

Damn, how will we ever recover?

Nigga he dead.

Kek, the way I remember the Japanese word for Wall (Kabe かべ) is by thinking of that joke.


Tits and time stamp or leave your "I'm female" shit at the door.

Stop making this thread. It's boring now.

Kurt was so such a faggot.

Ian Curtis is the true voice of a lost generation.

Vynil used to be the norm back then, kiddo.

Fugg nvm
That pic is some sick cosplay

Guessing you're in your 40s

That's fine. Living in Seattle his music is still played 50 times a day on every radio station. It is fingernails on a chalkboard to me at this point.


You're a hater.

Kill yourself.

oh, wait...

There is no females on the internet.


In Utero was their best album.
And really the fucker was raised by a single mother, got treated like shit by his wife, did drugs, and killed himself. I'd wouldn't give much value to his beliefs though I enjoy the music. The same with many other musicians.

Good job I were listening to Pantera at that time

Is dmx /ournig/?

this isnt the real one

>Last time you saw that nigger, last time you'll see that nigger.

Unplugged for me. Was 14 when it came out

>i want to pee but i have no hole

Stone Temple Pilots were better

That's a pretty fair request though. He just didn't want to be supported by people he disagrees with, he's not asking for those people to be lynched.

This isn't say, on par with say taking money from people you disagree with and then telling them to fuck off and calling them bigots while refusing to give them their money back like Playtonic.

kurt cobain more like kurt cucklame

Literally their worse album

>buying Nirvana records
This is why he was depressed in the first place.
Liberals were a mistake and he knew it.
He grew to hate the (((Homosexuals))) and the (((races))).
He even hated his own wife.
So she killed him.

They're elegant bachelors.

Literally who?


Dmx really doesn't like gays much

Soundgarden is acceptable in my book.

Blow up the outside world I tell you what.

I pirate everything. I won't give the (((corporations))) a penny more than I have to.


>Suck my dick and while you niggas that's been to jail before know it's about to get thick.

I take all of my life advice from people that kill themselves in their 20's.

Ftm tranny post op

Who cares?
Like 6 good songs.

Also, no one should respect Kurt Cobain
When he was in high school he was so fucked up he and friends used to steal beer from a mentally retarded girls house routinely.
Then he decided he wanted to kill himself in high school but he didn't want to die a virgin, so he attempted to fuck that same mentally retarded girl, but stopped when her pussy smelled like shit.

He would write things like abort Christ in his notebooks and song books, and draw violent graphics pictures in them.

And the biggest reason you should never respect Kurt Cobain is he was such an irresponsible heroin addict that he got his child taken away.

Fuck Kurt Cobain. I like like 6 Nirvana songs, but Cobain is a piece of shit who is burning in hell.


Did you do that on purpose?

But why?

gettin yo dick sucked in prison aint gay brah

>tfw a girl has a bigger dick than me

>Kurt Cobain was the proto SJW
he had guilt for raping a retarded girl in his hometown. this is the source of his angst

Mentally disorederd music. May all cucks share his fate.

"Almost" had sex with a retarded girl
Not defending him

But he is guilty of stealing alcohol from her routinely