I just got here from Reddit. Why are you guys so obsessed with "digits" and "gets"?

I just got here from Reddit. Why are you guys so obsessed with "digits" and "gets"?


Posts that end in 7 are blessed by kek. Like this one.

go back there nigger hitler did nothing wrong


You have to go back

go back to where you came from.

Weaponised autism needs ammo. Now fuck off. We're full.

digits grant me the power to punch your face through the monitor

reddit was a mistake


Go back faggot.

Absolute fail, what is wrong with you Carlos?

first of all, check these digits

Kek has confirmed this

fuck reddit


*user was given reddit gold for this post*

Upboated :^)



An Australian who actually delivers, well I never.

you can get digits just by praising kek unironically before you post... watch this.

Looks like your time here has come to an end, friend.

I still don't get it, they're just numbers?


Kek is real and he chooses who wins which elections.

We're not, but it's a nice way to get attention. Think of it as your upvote system, except that at the rate at which posts are made here it's completely random.

Have a redpill. Baby pill. Easy consumption.



Get the hell out of here while you can, the redpills here will do a number on your mind. No shit you'll literally become a nazi.

You have to go back.

Inb4 250+ comments
you are all faggots.

Why are you still here?
Go and visit 8ch dot net

Ever since I started praising KEK I haven't ever posted without digits

Unless it's a suppository, I don't think he's interested





Go back

You have to


"Redpill" I've heard of that one before, still getting used to all this new lingo.

It started as a meme on 2ch and is as old as that site.

That's why we have embraced diversity.
Rifle calibre incoming.

watch videos from sargon of assad or arkad or whatever the fuck hes called

the video is about 'kek'.

best quick rundown you can get.