Why there is so much suffering in the world?

Why there is so much suffering in the world?

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Niggers and jews my friend.

you forgot women


We're at the most peaceful time in human existence right now

It's the human condition.

cheer up lad, it'll get better

I blame most of it on Poland.


be optimistic as possible, my friend.

it's the only way anything can get better.


This, compared to previous eras we live in a time of plenty and a time of peace.
But humans become accustomed to everything no matter how good they have it they'll still be unsatisfied and miserable.


they made a wreck out of me, especially when I was a gullible teen

Cause Poles are too lazy.
Polish death camps were not efficient enough

Kill yourself and there will be a little less.

>Why there is so much suffering in the world?

>Niggers and jews my friend.


Because there are people living on this planet, which automatically creates problems.

Suffering is subjectively perceived and is a biological mechanism of self preservation.

It's not real.

Industrial Society

because 90% of people on this planet are fucking retards, if you want to fix the world you first have to fix the mindset of the retard culture or gas them so they can't breed.

Suffering is a product of Darwinian biological design. It evolved to disincentivize behavior the decreased evolutionary fitness in the ancestral environment. Transhumanism and neurological reengineering may be one way to fix it.

And the beta men that enable them

because everything gained through cause and effect will have a beginning and an end, nothing is eternal, yet human beings are wired to make obtainments, to keep what they have and increase whenever possible. everything is constantly slipping between your fingers and the harder you try to maintain status quo the more exhausted you become. the game is rigged


Life is suffering. Idk why it is what it is.

Realize that you live in a world where friendly, harmless creatures are slaughtered and eaten, sometimes alive, by other creatures because those creatures HAVE TO in order to survive.

What a fucking nightmare.

It has to do with greed. Once people realized they could vote for other people's hard earned money (without remorse), it started us on our current path of envy and despair.

Cheer up poland bro, we are in this together

Do you have the "With the Jews you Win" one?

Rampant nihilism, decadence, degeneracy, lack of meaning, etc. We're in the final stages of Rome. Prepare, it won't last much longer brother. We'll be free from this mess soon.


whats that lassie ? you saying cloud monkeys curse humans ? oh timmys just stuck in the well again...


We weren't around to save the world, just here to watch it fall

becouse we fight each other instead of helping us each other

bc people are actually like to suffer


Because of WANT

I feel so tired

The Jewish psychic energy murder machine.


plz gibe green card.

>Why there is so much suffering in the world?- 37 posts and 7 image replies shown.
Because idiots chose to have children; it's really as simple as that.

Suffering is not a human made concept.

Life is suffering for all creatures.

Even a Jew loses a shekel and cries out in pain.

We live in a prison reality

its okay poland i still love you