He's fucking back lads!

He's fucking back lads!

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Wow it only took him 3 hours to complete that thought

Looks like the incoherent ramblings of an increasingly maddening psyche to me.


Why is always a leaf? WHY?

druggie holocaust when?

Duterte death squad is one call away.

>Builds The Great Wall of America
>Uses the bodies of drugies to fill the inside of the wall.

back for more conning action I guess
Kushner needs more money in the bank

When is Hillary going to jail?

we will build the wall and resurrect Brendan Fraser's career.


>Puts poles along the Mexican border
>"But Dahnald, how's that going to stop people?"
>"Patience, kiddo."
>Proceeds to put body of every illegal Mexican on said poles.
>"No need to waste concrete."


This, but make sure to cover up any cracks in the wall so sunlight doesn't shine on a druggy. SIE SIND DAS ESSEN

I liked the tweeting when I thought he was going to follow through. Now it's literalky just shitposting

we may need to make that call sooner rather than latter

Sadly kind of meaningless if he's going to cuck on DACA so readily. That's 1 million+ young illegals that can 'rest easy', apparently. What happens when the 'non criminal' illegals can also rest easy?

The wall will be meaningless if appropriate policy is not put in place to make it effective. If that 'big beautiful door' is permanently open, it doesn't solve any of our problems.

>won't kill DACA
Nah, he's dead.

Leafs take turns on posting propaganda here, depending on who'se busy prepping the bull. Don't think too much into it, it's just gonna make you sad.


lmao he's losing gas faster than Jeb! making guacamole

>tfw steal china's tourism revenue with the new and improved great wall of america

>we will begin building the wall within the first 100 days

What a fucking looser. I fucking liked him but he did a major flop on the wall, its probably never gonna be built. If he wants to be in office for 8 years he better build that piece of shit

(((Trump))), who did everything Hillary went to election for. Oh yeah, sure.. Build the wall, but fuck up relationship with based Russia and based Assad, cooperate with the (((chinese))) and suck Israels cock.. Trump is just a big as a faggot as Hillary and Bernie. Notice what they all got in common? Love for the jew. Hope you fucking donald fanboys wake up to reality soon and don't become as cucked as antifa and hillary

He has just spent too much time talking with Abe and Xi

what he truly means is to fund the WAR

10 feet deeper


your a faggot if we had hillary we would have a no fly zone in sryia

Soon my kangaroo friend.

Trump needs to

1. Build the fucking wall already
2. Jail Hillary
3. Withdraw from foreign conflicts
4. Start charging other countries that rely on America's military
5. Institute the tax plan from his platform

These were the things I liked about him, what's taking so long?

lmao he probably did it to anger all the haters who immediately hate-reply under all of his tweets

what a genius

So what? Does this make Trump good? Wanting to arrest Assange and threating war in Syria.. Jesus you need to wake the fuck up and smell the jewish roses

Unfortunately i believe Hillary will never be jailed

fuck off leaf

you probably voted for the ontario liberals

do you think this is a marriage based on business?

ivanka could do way better

you just happened to not like the things he's already done? fuck off schlomo

It's almost like he has some genealogical quality that Trump's children find attractive

Didn't mean to imply that in the least. He has my eternal thanks for stopping the TPP.

is he tryna poet now?

trump has switched sides, and he won't come back.
either (((they))) have him by the balls because they have kompromat on him, or he was persuaded by threat of force. doesn't matter, the outcome is the same - trump is now a good goy who will do the globalists bidding.

I don't care if he backtracks on every single campaign promise...

Except the Wall.

He better build that fucker.

So what? Trump himself said 'it's not their policy' to go after DACA recipients.

By itself this wouldn't be as big of a deal, but we're looking at a growing list of things he's completely flipped on.

I mean, he's a real estate mogul, but not a genuinely "attractive" man.

I think it was done almost like an arranged marriage: he isnt hideous, but ivanka could definitely do better

Women don't care as much about looks as men do.

Can someone change it to "... unfucked my shit up senpai, my life..."

3 and 4 contradict eachother

Defeatist voter spotted. This is what a typical liberal voter looks like, except this one is a Trump voter.

Good goyim

If trump doesn't do his shit, will USA get a new hitler next election?

Hopefully, but it might not be from the party we want...

the fact that Sup Forums is stressing this hard over the wall proves that they know fucking nothing about government

FFS he needs to pass a spending bill to Congress first & that shit takes a while, god forbid he just randomly starts with no allocated funds to start with


That depends. Warren Harding didn't do shit, and unemployment went down to 2% under him.