You could've stopped unironically believing that fucking nationalism would help France because it won't, and you're fucking AWARE of that because most of the measures she would take are fucking UNCONSTITUTIONAL, but what do I fucking expect, you're all basement dwellers who think they're gonna start the next crusade. Stop fucking masturbating to My Little Pony first and then you can call yourself a Christian.

Instead of attacking the neoliberal Jew who massively imports foreigners for cheap labour and keeps polluting, voting for Mélenchon and fixing the problem at the root, you decided that it was a fucking good idea to go back to the 16th century and lower yourselves to the level of uncivilized barbarians.

Her shit fucking party is fucking EMPTY, they have the faggot Phillipot and that's fucking it, NO ONE ELSE. No fucking economists, no fucking intellectuals, NOTHING.

Fuck all of you. You ruined this election. Hillary Macron is gonna win and we're in it for five more years of neoliberal bullshit. The Earth isn't going to take that anymore. Good job, faggots.

Other urls found in this thread:


Ah fuck you thinking there is such a thing as (((democracy))). saged


Fucking retards.

Yes, because it's everyone else's fault, expect for yours that you simply can't get enough of that big black EU dick up your le anus.

come on France, you can do better than this. You haven't had a violent revolution in a long time. You're over due

shut up jamal.

"...voting for Mélenchon and fixing the problem at the root..."

Yeah, emboldening the shitty welfare state will totally fix the problem of a shitty bloated welfare state. Makes sense

>GUARANTEES a victory to the EU banker

>le big nigger dick meme !!!1!1!1

>welfare state

You just fucking elected a clown as a president. and he's already betraying you. Neoliberalism kills countries.

They are all jewish bankers you fucking monkey! Either they are jewish bankers directly, or they are backed by them. You are a literal retard

>hates nationalism
>supports a united Europe...
Just because the EU hasn't been identified as a "nation" why are you such a coal burner

And guess what, the WELFARE state keeps giving money to banks and they don't do SHIT with it.

France is a shit country anyway. You have been politically irrelevant since the death of Napoleon. Rest in pieces you raunchy cowards.

>voting for Mélenchon and fixing the problem at the root
And here it is! Another butthurt """Insoumis""", Mélanchon would have fucked France over economically anyway and you know it.

>pretends to love white people
>wants to explode the only union between them

If it wasn't her it would have been Fillon



Unlike your fucking bitch he has a program and he's been approved by many economists. What credit does your bitch have ? NOTHING. Who gives a shit, she's the ticket to victory to whoever's against her anyway and YOU KNOW IT

Il se marre le fils de pute, alors qu'il vient d'élire Macron.


Calm your tits baguette, nazis don't win in Europe anymore, it's 2017 ffs.

Mélenchon est pire, je m'en bats les couilles

Et seuls les minables sont défaitistes avant la guerre, elle a beau n'avoir qu'une infime chance vaut mieux voter que s'abstenir comme un crétin

Macron / Mélenchon j'aurais voté Micron petite fiente communiste

>Approved by (((economists)))
This guys, is what a normie looks like. He is retarded to the bone. Sage everyone

Oui en gros t'es une sous-merde sans aucune cohérence, tellement conduit par la haine de Mohamed qui te rackettait ton goûter à la récré que tu donnes ton cul au néolibéralisme sans broncher :^)

QQ the post

Fuck France. Fuck nationalism and fuck all you edgy faggots.

Speak a non-exotic language please. This is an international forum.

>Sup Forums basement dweller knows more about economics that a hundred people who made it their job

You just participated to get the most pro-jew candidate elected

Hurr durr, white people are one race....
Slavs are niggers with white skin, Germans are a load of sheep. Fuck you and your "only one race, human race" BS

OP is absolutely right. Voting FN is always, ALWAYS a mistake, unless Le Pen can get the absolute majority right off the first round.
Now, even if the commies decide to vote for her in the second round, she still has zero chances of winning.


La même rhétorique ridicule que le FN. Vous êtes tous des merdes collectivistes et c'est ce qui fait couler ce pays. Continuez de vous complaire dans la médiocrité, moi je suis un évadé fiscal bande de rats :^)


>he's been approved by many economists
And who might these economist be? Because to understand that the CEO's salary to only be 20 times higher than the lowest paid employee and raising the minimum wages would be killing France takes 2 brain cells.

They are all pro jew you faggot. Man you normies are so dumb it actually hurts

>voting for a Communist
>"fixing the problem at the root"

You deserve to be shot.


>The Earth isn't going to take that anymore.

Either don't take it anymore or kill yourself faglord. It's been a year and a half since the migrant crisis started and the Bataclan and I'm sick of hearing about people getting raped and killed on a weekly basis while Europeans just twiddle their dicks and plug their ears for etermity.


>they get to have cheaper workers but we are not allowed to find cheaper CEOs

It won't be killing France because these fucking faggots would stop making piles of gold in the Seychelles.


>pretends to love white people
>loves an organisation at the forefront of exterminating them

>Hillary Macron

He's not a communist you stupid faggot. Calling everyone who's not a neoliberal Jew a communist is what kills economics debates and what leads your fucking obese country into a fucking environnemental disaster.

>be Insoumis
>criticize Fillon 24/7 "muh give back the money criminal"
>lose the 3rd place to him



>environmental disaster

Encore un qui croit au (((global warming))) hahaha

he would've sold out like trump and become another sarkozy

They'll just delocalise you fucking moron, why would they bother paying people 1700€ (and that's a lot for the smic by the way) when they can pay a bunch of chinese 2€ a day?

The article does not name any economist as well

memes, all memes.

Btw, your country will be flooded with migrants whether you like it or not because they will get flooded by water.

But I guess LE CRUSADE DEUS VULT is more important right ?

She will win and that will be triumph of democracy over ((((EU)))).

who cares

he was the only non-commie out of the 11 candidates

He's been Sarkozy's prime minister for fucking 5 years, the fuck did you expect?

>Le cuck or Le Pen

stay mad misogynist globalist shill we got this

Congratulate yourself.

For doing nothing while shitskin terrorists kill your citizens and you faggots just hold candlelight vigils and sing kumbaya.

Go Le Pen.

Enjoy your bankster reptilian Rothschild puppet frog fucker. Have fun with EUdSSR.

Abolishing the Monarchies was a mistake

France is flooded with shitskins, islam prospers more and more everyday, it kills people in our own soil and no one reacts, we're literally dhimmis ready to be blacked for the next decades, this is the end of a civilisation, no one cares about your childish speech "muh neoliberal", this is seriously ridiculous.

Better dead than red.

Because they would still pay a shitload of taxes if they want to sell their shit in France. Problem solved.

By the way there's a list of names at the end but since you're probably a fucking idiot who only reads titles I'm not surprised you vote for the FN :^)

Even the pajeets got their nationalist in. Why are the French a bunch of weak faggots? If Le Pen can't get in, your republic is obviously dysfunctional. Fix it faggot. Maybe a few years of the absolute hell Macron is going to deliver to you will change your point of view.


>neoliberalism imports a massive amount of foreigners for cheap labour
>keeps voting for neoliberalism
>keeps failing to see the link

>politically irrelevant
what does that even mean?

Baby's first whining.

>Because they would still pay a shitload of taxes if they want to sell their shit in France. Problem solved.
They don't have to sell in France and the real problem would be people loosing jobs

They're signataires not economist you retard, maybe the one voting for a commie is the real idiot here?

>voting for Mélenchon
>a commie will fix everything

Ok muhammed

>electing a communist
>b b but it'll work this time guys!

I almost feel like we should have just so that you and millions like you would have perished in starvation.

pourquoi cette haine du communisme?

I'm not voting for Macron, Einstein

Ce qui est marrant c'est que tout le monde ici present pense qua Macron est cancer mais continue de taper sur les autres que lui
Les FN qui disent qu'il aurait voté macron plutot que Melenchon si c'etait les deux au deuxieme tour et l'inverse les Melenchoniste qui prefere voter Macron plutot que LP
C'est Macron l'ennemi les gars et il gagné du terrain car les gens se sont taper sur les doigts eu lieu de le matraquer comme une chienne

Thatcher sure did help your country !

"lel u suck nigger dick lulz"
>proceeds to suck his boss's dick

requesting a punished fillon edit pls

>advocates mass wealth redistribution
>not a gommie

>sure, it might look like a duck, walk like a duck, talk like a duck and quack like a duck
>but it's definitely a horse

Il est débile, il ne sait sûrement pas que c'est grâce à un communiste qu'il a droit à la Sécurité Sociale ce fils de pute

Qui a non-ironiquement envie de se faire taxer ses propres biens et richesses pour engrosser une élite dirigeante feignant de les redistribuer et réprimant toute contestation au nom de l'égalitarisme imposé ? En plus aujourd'hui les communistes sont des islamophiles immigrationnistes de la pire espèce, ils collaborent comme en 40

Yes she did, you'd agree if you knew anything about 70's Britain

I swear you frogs should let go of this communist bullshit already

Thatcher did help, retard.

Melenchon would have made our country stink in less than 2 years, but "muh the system must explode"

>someone proceeds to go against the classic neoliberal system ruining our environement


>If all those faggots drinking the FN kool aid would have voted Don Fillon we would have won
Feels really bad man. They had a real conservative candidate but they fell for empty promises of some reality divorced fringe politician instead of supporting a man who voted against the legalisation of homosexuality.

Le Pen voters betrayed france to the kike bankers, thanks a fucking lot.

i did and i'm glad
she has now two weeks to cuck the establishement

He wants to end nuclear energy which doesn't cause any damages to the environment, also global warming is a fucking hoax AND finally the major problem for our environment is the amount of shitskins here

She will do 40% at best and you'll go back whining on your retarded board for 5 more years.

then let's hope you will vote for her, OP! thats the only way to stop Macron!

Are you retarded, aspie?
Do you honestly believe Sup Forums had any effect on this shit?
There's maybe 10 French fags on Sup Forums who actually got out and voted for her.

Either you believe that Sup Forums had no effect on the election, in which case - fuck off with your shit thread, or you believe that Sup Forums is very influential and did impact this election, in which cases, why the fuck are you complaining? If Sup Forums is so powerful they can make her win, and without Sup Forums none of this would even be possible, you'd just get Macaron by default.

Do you ever use your brain, fuckhead?

Hahaha yes, lash out Pierre. If Australia was going to be flooded with migrants due to natural disasters in some other part of the world at least I could say it wasn't for something as pathetic as France's misguided ideals. Maybe if you keep up this anger you might get driven to try and affect actual change in the world for once in your miserable life.

Thanks, you just proceeded to mathematically demonstrate how retarded you are.

>voting for Mélenchon and fixing the problem at the root

Stay mad commie fuck.

Thatcher did help, Britain was the sick man of Europe for ages untill she got into power.
Times were rough back then but alot of us suvived "Thatchers Britain", looking back it was THAT bad

underrated post

wasnt* that bad

Hooh okay you are actually a retard, I was considering your opinion for a moment there lel, but now that I know you are a retard it's not worth it anymore

Under Melenchon this would have probably happened, but its only because the commies can't keep a central safe, our system would never allow such incidents, and we aren't near a tsunami area either, so yeah you should reconsider your "environmental" plans

France is like 90% refugee and nigger so.

the only way for you guys to "win" was to have Melenchon and Le Pen in the 2nd round, and it's not like Le Pen took first place.

>hate french people and France
>see this guy and think"oh shit he looks decent they don't deserve him"
>look further
>attali and weinberg, 2 most jewish jews I know gave him a job at fucking Rotschild
>went to Bilderberg meeting and then was fucking ministre of économie 3 months later
>gave 40 billions € to rich people using taxpayer money to help the unemployment
>it went up 30% meanwhile because trickle down is the most jewish scheme ever invented since chipping border of coins to make more coins
>laugh my ass off when he really pass 1st turn
>convinced my grandfather to vote for him already

Your country is finished lmao

>implying melenchon had better chance against cuckron

we have send a message to (((them))) and to EU

>Un putain de Belge

juste baise ma merde vers le haut

Of course he won't, voting for woman is haram.

nothing can help france at this point. country will implode in coming years, and the only possible outcomes after are a dictatorship and a failed state

>someone proceeds to go against the classic neoliberal system ruining our environement

>...by being a commie

Sounds about right 2bh.


Tiens, abruti

Exactly what it means da! But if ur still don't get it, it means that your politics have no impact on the world since Napoleon

Well, you'll get your wish. Get truck of peace'd.