
why did they ruin the west

Spoiled little shits that had everything that pissed the country down the drain flooding it with immigrants and spending money as fast as they could make it without thinking about the future

cared more about themselves and money than the future of their kids

Greed and raised in an era of extreme prosperity.

A product of their environment.

>tfw make 55k a year and just happy I can afford a decent apartment and car
>tfw the economic Jew is forcing me to contemplate being trapped by the vaginal jew so I can afford a home

At least my boomer parents will leave me a nice inheritance.

Oh look, another Millennial thread. Stupid fucking Millennials, I’m from Generation Z (born 1999) and I’d just like to say we’re better than you. We’re a little more right wing, which means most of us are aware that niggers are inferior and shouldn’t be bred with and here you millennials are watching niggers on TV like a bunch of cucks? No wonder your generation failed so miserably, you’re all a bunch of lazy entitled losers whose only plan in college was to finish. Well you know what, I’m not a dumb spic or nigger fucker like you, I have a plan for college, I’ve got the right major picked out, you know what, I planned on dropping out and starting a startup, hiring a bunch of Pajeets and Gooks to do the work for me. Generation Z is uncucked and nationalist, we support Donald Trump, Marine Le Pen and Nigel Farage against the globalists and Jews. You guys can stay cucked because I’m gonna be blazing past you financially while you’re all too busy blazing on weed like degenerates. We were raised on the internet and we’re not gonna be cucked to anyone, unlike you shitty millennials. You are all entitled race mixers who watch cuck porn and dream of a united, globalist world run by niggers and jews. It’s really sad to see the fact that so many of you were decedents of white people and you choose to sell out that heritage. Your generation is utter garbage and I can’t wait until you all march into Russia and get cucked by Putin.

>children of cowards who ganged up on the honorable Third Reich
>soulless consumer filth and hippies

Someone posted about how prosperity creates laziness, laziness creates a depression, a depression creates hard workers, hard workers create prosperity. The circle of life or some shit. Unfortunately we're on the tail end of that circle.

I honestly give "The Greatest Generation" a break on this simply because you need to understand the context of how controlled the media was back at that time.

I can only speak for America but we were extremely Nationalistic and America First in those days before we entered WWII. Our (((Government))) had to conspire to get us to join into the War.

They even had to have filthy non-whites attack us first before we even agreed to do so.

for the lulz

Why do you guys believe shit like this? Do you even live in areas where there are Jews? Have you ever met a Jew?

The immigration bills were passed in the dead of night, both the Hart-Cellar Act and the 1991 immigration bill under H.W. Bush which increased immigration by 40% and dropped English language requirements.

Not a peep from the media. I can't put the immigration thing on the Boomers. We were sold out by the ruling class and globalists who wanted cheap labor.

I also give the Boomers credit for making some really great music.

I have only met one Jew in my life and that was in the 90's. He cheated in a MtG tournament and my cousin stole all of his rare cards.

You think, wait untill the bank bubble crashes and all savings are lost. Very soon my friend

I live in a town that is ~20% Jewish. Most of them (9/10) are fine, but the rest (1/10) justify all the negative stereotypes on their own.

I want to get a job in the political sphere. My mother keeps on fucking saying "go there personally and aks for a job" as if that is the easiest thing in the world. Sorry, we no longer live in some hippy world where jobs will come and fuck you in the ass before you even apply

Does that mean that Norway's sovereign wealth fund goes to 0 too?

We all lose, everything. Well, except the jews

where the fuck do you live? California? 55k is not bad at all if you don't live in an overinflated shithole

Our boomers are even worse, they think Yugoslavia was the best thing ever even though it was a commie shithole as any other. Worst part is, young people today believe them.

Not at all. 55k goes far where I live but it still doesn't get you where I would like to go fully. If I made about 10k more I would be a bit happier.

55k in the 70's and 80's would net me a huge house in a super nice suburb and 2 cars.

They already gave me ~$3 million in real estate and stocks
Also it was their parents that destroyed the country

Because we didn't ban lead from house hold uses until the 1970s, and republicans fought it till Clinton was elected

Don't waste it, keep expanding the little empire they started.

freedom reporting in
so are we waiting on the hard workers from canada to show up or do we wanna get a jump on that part?

I got insanely stoned the other night and put on Superbad. Everyone in that movie is such a hyper kike I got uncomfortable.

Stop it! Stop makin me feel bad

>born in 99
I hate to break it to you but you are a millennial

Exactly this. My 3 best friends in high school were 2 Russians and a Lithuanian, all 3 were from Jewish families. Their parents were cool as fuck, not liberal at all, and pretty normal people. That being said, I've definitely met some Sup Forums Jews as well that are the exact stereotype. I don't think all Jews are bad, but the ones who are bad are the ones who also have a lot of money and influence and they're the ones pushing this cultural Marxism shit. One of my Russian friends' Jewish dad used to talk about how much he hated "those fucking niggers" all the time, so he sure as shit was not scheming any cultural Marxism. Bad Jews do certainly exist, and they are certainly scheming fuckers, but this "hate all Jews" Sup Forums mentally is stupid, most of the middle class ones who don't own yachts and record companies are pretty regular people.

>born 1999
You're still basically a child, you've achieved nothing with your life so far, come back in 25 years

Boomer here, fed up with you millenials acting like entitled little brats. I earned every fucking penny I have so you can get your grubby mitts off of my property. Ironically we boomers are the ones voting right wing, whilst you little shits vote for idiots like Corbyn and Bernie.

i wonder if you'll get anyone to bite on this

You know the sad thing? The last fuck you of the boomer is them dying, they'll drop the white population like a fucking rock.

>implying they won't spend or haven't spent it all

>they started
Family has been pissing away our holdings for 120 years

Millennials are so full of shit. They're just a bunch of fucking pussies who aren't using to going out and dealing with their own shit.
I was born in '96. I'm a full-on millennial. I don't even remember 9/11. And university fucked me, because I wasn't raised to deal with my own shit, my parents were always there, and when shit got hard I didn't learn my lesson and kept going to them for support. Anxiety, depression, it was all there.
I dropped out, started slinging resumes, didn't get any hits. I'd put out a few resumes a day, spend a little bit more of my parents' money. My house got dirty, mental health got worse. Eventually I said, fuck it, I'm being a big pussy, I'm gonna put out like a hundred resumes tonight. I had an interview scheduled by the next day, and a job in a week. I cleaned up the house and started going outside after work. No pills, no therapy. I felt a hundred times better literally overnight.
And to think I used to sit in a university dorm, retweeting memes about how minimum wage isn't a living wage, yaddah yaddah. I'm living proof that my generation is full of garbage, because I rise above all of my own problems within two months, just by getting off my ass and doing g something about it.
/Rant, I gotta get back to work.

I set my kids up and they are just fine. Maybe you or your parents fucked up. Let's see you kids can balance the budget. I see the youth vote Democrat all the time and want all free stuff from government. Deal with the debt then.

Yeah, Jew hate on Sup Forums is hard to separate from the memeing, but it helps keep normies out. I'm at the point where I can see a lot of the stupid horseshit Jews do and get a way with and will publically acknowledge it from behind the safety of "edgy" humor. But I'm still not ready to gas a few million people to get rid of some turds in the punch bowl. Maybe when I'm old and bitter, but I'm still somewhat hopeful for now.

The majority of white Millennials voted for Romney and Trump. That's not a statistic you hear a lot in the fake media.

The reason the "youth vote" looks so pro-Democrat on paper is how much more wonderfully diverse they are.


Yeah, I mean there are definietly tons of Jews trying to fuck up America, and the amount of influence they have is absurd. There is definitely reasons for not liking them. But like I said it's not all of them, I don't hate the Jewish family who lives down the street in my suburbs, but I sure as hell do hate the Morty Goldmans of the world who write anti-white articles for their shitty liberal rag. The Russian and Lithuanian friends I had were pretty cool families, but I tend to think Russian/Eastern Europian Jews tend to be a little different anyway because they come from shit lives over there and realize America is a pretty great place. It's the privileged millionaire Jews who are always scheming and shit.

i wish
would be okay with mandatory euthanasia if you can't support yourself past 75

whats a boomer?