Can Sup Forums Refute these Critisisms of Holocaust Denile?

Calling all Sup Forums deniers and revisionists. I'm not trying to bait here, I've genuinely been investigating the usual revisionist arguments put forward by those on this board and elsewhere, and in the process have stumbled across this wiki article which claims to refute or explain many of the inconsistencies commonly pointed out by revisionists.

I haven;t checked it religiously, but the sources I have looked at seem legitimate. Can Sup Forums defend the revisionist claims refuted by this article?

Other urls found in this thread:


make your own arguments lazy fuck

theres more where that came from bro


I dont know if the gas chambers are real, but the nazis definitely did mass murder jews

Again, I'm genuinely interested in this stuff, and I am checking the various sources cited in the article. I just wanted the second opinion of Sup Forumss resident Holocaust experts.

At the end there were mass killing
About 1.5 million I know from a safe source.
Learns to deal with it and look forward.
The Political Idea of Natsoc is correct the killing of the Jews was wrong
as simple as that.

The holohoax is a myth and even the ADL admits that 44% of youth don't buy it. Only baby boomers buy a giant lie built on widely disparate and contradicting stories (many proven false) and the idea that all physical evidence and the lack thereof should be excluded from the conversation on penalty of prison.

I still prefer to argue that internment was more than justified. I bring up the 1918 German communist revolution where 90% of the leadership was Jewish, kike Lenin and his kike/multicult bolshevik party murdering any halfway intelligent ethnic Russian/Ukranian after the civil war, Jew NKVD head Yagoda and his merry band of kikes famining 6,000,000+ European Christians around the Black Sea in the 1930's, etc. etc. etc.

Essentially Sup Forums knows a few hundred thousand died and that Jewry deserved to be wiped from Europe.

Watch this Rabbi explain why Europeans had/have the right to want Jewry wiped clean from Europe.









emotionally scarred holocaust survivor makes up stories -> all stories are false, holocaust is a myth

logic level: white supremacist


What a Jewish post but i'll give you four good ones that come to mind. I want to believe but it's so hard.

>1) Where did the 24,000,000lbs+ of ash go?
>2) Why on all of the aerial photos of the war are there no massive coal piles at the camps, massive coal trains, or massive coal mines that are surely required to torch 3k bodies per camp per day?
>3) How did IG Farben produce hundreds of tonnes of hydrogen cyanide from what in 1942 was their remaining chemical plant and why didn't they just use a simple ammonia/bleach combo which is far cheaper/deadlier than hydrogen cyanide but notably doesn't kill lice?
>4) Why did Germans use the most inefficient and costly methods available with the Jew when they had hundreds of state of the art industrial slaughterhouses and were low on fertilizer? Why didn't they make a nice Jewish paste to spread on the fields next spring?

Again I want to believe but it's so fucking hard sometimes. When you answer these i'll give you four more. I have twenty or so here that need answering.

>the killing of the Jews was wrong
>as simple as that.

If they left and stopped trying to rule the world you'd be correct. But they keep coming back, again and again. There really is only one Solution.

I still assert that the kikes deserved to be wiped clean from Europe. Basically I agree with most of what this Rabbi said.


>check link
>no mention of diesel engines

Read the Chapter about "Diesel Gas Chambers" in "Dissecting the Holocaust". This alone shows how literally millions of alleged killings are a physical impossibilty going by the way described by "official testimony".

i already posted above that i dont necessarily believe in gas chambers, but the nazis did mass murder jews. there are photos of the burial pits, you can see that the jews were kept in starvation conditions which caused them to contract disease, and many were probably just shot

you can find a lot more documentary evidence on the blog that i posted above

You're also forgetting (you're the kike that flies a jap flag in ptg for 8hrs a day aren't you?) that the entire holohoax narrative falls back on testimony. They want to ignore the complete lack of physical evidence, and all the contradicting evidence, and only rely on testimony.

If the kikes only want to rely on testimony then we must look at all testimony. Including all this garbage that they taught as fact to us as kids.

They killed a few hundred thousand inbreds and they had every right to do so, that's the general consensus on Sup Forums.

The Einsatzgruppen killed communists. It's just a fact of history that communism and Judaism and inseparable. Marx the founder of communism was a kike, Lenin the founder of the soviet union was a kike, and Lenins chosen successor Trotsky was a kike. Germans watched Jew NKVD head Yagoda, Jew Kaganovich, and Jew-married Molotov famine millions of European Christians around the Black Sea in the 1930's. etc. etc. etc.

> the entire holohoax narrative falls back on testimony.

nope. there are plenty of internal memos and photos

This is the sticking point for me. I don't doubt that many alleged 'survivors' have fabricated stories, like the lamp shade and soap myth or the masturbation machines and whatever else.
But the main thing that the article I put in the OP points out is that there were numerous camp guards, members of the SS, and high ranking officials that admitted that there was a coordinated effort to kill Jews. One would think that these would be the people most likely to want to try and prove that the gas chambers didn't exist, but many of them have explicitly stated, even many years later, of their own free will that there was systematic killing going on at the camps. Why would they do this? Have they been under constant threat for years in order to keep up the hoax?

Why won't you answer any of these questions? I tried to humour you for a moment. I have another 20 questions when you answer these.

>They killed a few hundred thousand inbreds and they had every right to do so, that's the general consensus on Sup Forums.

if you think mass murder is justifiable anyway then why do you even bother denying the holocaust. how boring

Nobody blames every Jew for the actions of the overwhelming majority but it's still an undeniable fact that most of the dire issues we face in our nations simply wouldn't exist if Jews weren't here. Jewish influence is overwhelming negative and they've overstayed their welcome, time for the chosen people to go to their chosen land. No exceptions.

It is illegal in my country for me to agree with you. It may be illegal in my country for me to be in this thread. I believe that studying this particular bit of history thoroughly may also be illegal.

Here you go -
i found this somehow but im not sure how accurate this is...

>don't tell the cops

Only advocating genocide is illegal in Canada, and incitement to crime. No true speech in Canada is illegal either, we literally have an exception for truth.

I would love to get up in front of the courts and lay out Judaeo-communism for everyone. They haven't gone after anyone since Zundel because he woke up millions when they tried to get him.

Holocaust denial is illegal in Canada.

When you see photos of Holocaust victims they all look like they starved to death...Worse than dying in a gas chamber but nobody ever talks about it...Wonder why?

>Implying cops in India know what jew are

Correcting myself. It seems laws have changed since the last time I checked. Sweet! Yeah, the 6 million number is bogus AF. Census before and after the war show that it's impossible, not to mention there were only 8 million jews in all of Europe at the time, or something like that? 400,000 is probably the most realistic number, but even that has it's sketchy moments.

Most people here are probably just frustrated with the exaggerated nature of the event. not just the numbers, but the significance it had in history.

Was it really six million? How much time did you spend learning about the holocaust in school compared to the events precipitated by leaders such as Stalin or Mao? Was the holocaust really the most significant event like this in the twentieth century? why would it be over represented? who would benefit from the over representation of the holocaust? do they actually benefit from it?

This is why I feel comfortable in saying this: if our goal is to prevent future mass suffering, the lies surrounding this topic need to be brought to light.

Anyone who takes more than a cursory glance into it, and has a little bit of intellectual courage and moral integrity, can see them. If we demonize the people amongst us who show intellectual courage and moral integrity, we will wind up with a culture devoid of those virtues. And that's a culture that can be more easily steered back into barbarity.

I know the people who made up the lies thought they were doing a "good" psyop, you know, like the easter bunny and the tooth fairy kind of thing, they theought they were little lies that would do us all good. But the time has come for equanimity.

Good Wiki, though. It does refute some of the stuff I've read, for sure, however it gets sketchy in places. I want to, some day, read over those Gestapo references. If it really mattered to me. I'm not a white supremacist or severely anti-jew. I just think that there was a LOT of propaganda going around during WWII and the holocaust is just some of it. Even if the 6 million number is right, which I really doubt, there were bigger atrocities enacted in that time frame that seem to get far less attention for some reason. This really says to me that it's important propaganda that is being pushed by parties with an agenda.

A lot of the biggest claims were instantiated and enshrined after 1965, and fed to us in school using essentially trauma based mind control in a mass psyop.

Churchill's 6-volume tome The Second World War, published in 1953, which won the Nobel Prize for literature, makes no mention of a systematized homicidal gassing program (although I do not have my own copy, I have never seen this refuted). Now this was a man with access to all the intel, and he wasn't exactly detached from International Judea. So why wasn't it mentioned? Wouldn't the (((Nobel))) people have denied him the prize if he deliberately omitted this purportedly central truth?

The answer is: he wasn't expected to, because the "gassing program" meme hadn't been enshrined as dogma yet. The narrative has evolved over the decades.

Those films you were shown in school? the bulldozers? Starvation and typhus. Horrible to be sure, but the deaths, however many, were not due to what they taught us.

The lampshades and soap memes? (I was even taught about this in school)... That was the work of the OSS (precursor to CIA). Billy Wilder and Alfred Hitchcock were brought in. It's Hollywood, baby, and the essence of propaganda is repetition.

Think about the effect that had on, say, the American population, whose single largest ethnic demographic throughout the 20th century was: German.

Think about what kind of power can be leveraged by shaming an entire generation or two into self-loathing and steering them away from any form of self-pride or organization towards self-interest save the commercialized outlets you give them.

Pretty much. Like I said, even if the 6 million number were real, killing millions of people at a time was pretty much in fashion then. Promoting one genocide over another - when all the major groups seemed to be partaking - doesn't make sense at all. That said, I'm on the side of the 6 million number being vastly exaggerated, While Stalin's numbers seem to be fairly accurate or under stated. Stalin was the real Hitler of WWII.

Dont forget the masturbation machines

Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day 1, that makes for 3,153,600 minutes.

6,000,000 Jews killed during 3,153,600 minutes comes out to 1.9 Jews per minute. That means Hitler killed roughly 1 Jew every 30 seconds. (LOL)

In Auschwitz, the most famous and biggest concentration camp, there are 15 crematoriums. According to Auschwitz survivors, Jews would go into the chamber, gassed for 15-20 minutes, then put into the oven.

It takes 1 hour to cremate a body using modern furnaces which operate at much higher temperatures than the traditional ovens at the camp. However, lets say that the ovens were operating at a level that we see today, that means it would take 1 hour, 20 minutes to gas and burn 15 Jews assuming they were all burned simultaniously. (Disregarding the time it would take for the gas to empty the chamber for the bodies to be transported from the chamber to the oven.) The elevators used to transport bodies were very slow and could only take up 7 bodies at a time with their weight capacity. However, for our greatest ally, we're going to assume that bodies were teleported instantly from chamber to oven.

That means 15 Jews were gassed and burned every 1.2 hours. That comes out to exactly 300 Jews every 24 hours (Assuming the gassing and burning of Jews was happening every hour straight for 6 years on an uninterrupted basis) the total # of killed jews would be 657,000 for those 6 years. The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz alone

Where are the bones and ashes?

>but the nazis did mass murder jews
I dont care

>tfw you fail to debunk ANY argument so you need to use ad hominem

I think this isn't about how justifiable mass murder is, this is more about why Hitler is somehow the poster boy for it, along with nationalism and any sort of white pride that a person can muster.

This doesn't make sense when just about every other major group of people, any race, creed, or political ideology you can imagine, also committed mass murder. Not to mention the fact that some of the information surrounding Hitler's misdeeds is fairly questionable.

The west KNEW that about Stalin and communism, which is why they were happy to have Germany pay the price to hold back the red tide from sweeping across Europe for them.

Fair, however, using that to spread propaganda demonizing nationalism and personal pride in one's own genetic make up is more what the problem is, I think.

Ancient grievances, user. Germany and Italy were reviving Rome. International Judea still hates Rome for having taken over the Holy Land and destroying their temple.

But on a more strategic note, yes, the reason why Hitler and the Germans were held up as the poster children is, there were more Americans of German ethnicity than any other background in the 20th century, and shaming them and preventing them from organizing on the grounds of their self-interest as a groups has proven to be incredibly lucrative.

And it has been turned against all white nationalists, of German decent or not. The propaganda and narrative evolved. I get the original purpose. They, just, changed it. I feel like my grandfather was fighting against the people that are now pushing the anti Hitler narrative. If that makes any sense?

My grandfather didn't fight for white nationalism. He fought for his family, his people, and his culture. He was protecting something.

Today we are being taught and convinced that protecting that something is somehow wrong and evil. That it's racist to care about my culture. That it's evil to protect my country. They are shitting on everything my grandfather did, then at the same time talking about what a wonderful job he did defeating this horrible person and making a global statement that we shouldn't be doing what my grandfather did - protecting your people, your family, and your culture. It's fucked up cyclical logic.

Yes it does. The wars wiped out a lot of fairly closely-related Europeans, and Americans and Canadians of European descent. Nobody talks about THAT genocide. It's not considered a genocide because they enlisted for it, thinking they were doing so for the "greater good". Well, that "greater good" turned out to be the money and power elites, the top of the pyramid... and as Bowie said in The Man Who Sold the World, they never lost control.

They knew that European white men, while relatively new to the Civilization Game compared to the Middle East, were quick learners and if they organized in their self-interest, would pose a threat to them. so they endeavoured to have them play a game of "let's you and him fight".

The culling of strong white men is still an ongoing project, the levers are just being applied culturally now. The powers still want white wombs, have you noticed?

Cuck the white males, breed the white females. I see your point. Such an odd concept there, sigh. Women don't want to be with cucks, in the end. They will say they do, they will pick a cuck, but they will cheat on that cuck, they will leave that cuck, they will take everything that cuck owns. Given a chance they will fuck any man that acts like a man, no matter what SJW shit they spew, in they end, they want men.

Seeing what's happening in Sweden makes me really think it may be planned. I mean, I lived in Morocco for a month a while back. The men were men. I, actually, learned a lot about being a man there. You will not learn how to be a man in the USA, Canada, or anywhere in the west, really. It's all but dead here. Even the men who think they are real men here, don't really know the true extent of how cucked our society has become.

I can't tell you how many of my friends have raised children who are obviously not their own. No one says anything, they just pretend it's normal.

Yes it is entirely hypocritical. The word gaslighting applies. All Germany wanted was to run their society for themselves, to not have it run by a people relatively new to the land who *self-segregate and consider themselves superior*. It's not really that hard to understand. But now you have a new country on the planet as a result of it, an ethnostate that has tremendous international power. Ironically, they want the same thing Hitler did. A state of their own. But their diaspora fellows in the west, while seemingly in opposition to them, have been one of the largest forces behind denying cultural identity to everyone else. The victimization factor, heightened by the propaganda discussed earlier here, is the perfect cover. As if the group that is actively working against any other group's instinct for self-defense is somehow simultaneously the only group that should be allowed to indulge it. It's pure hypocrisy.

Fair enough, but the Muslims are a bigger problem. Israel can fight to survive as much as any country. For sure. The Muslims are, by far, a bigger threat. Having Israel as an ally there is a good thing.

Complex system, isn't it?

>it may be planned
It has definitely been planned.

The top of the pyramid is using Muslims to dilute, outbreed, and eventually introduce across-the-board slave-tier moral and lifestyle constrictures into what they plan to be their herd.

This thread is the reason we need to preserve a lot of leafs on the day of the rake :3

Hello user, thank you for making this thread because it's something very important to think about, I worry all the time that I'm just falling for propaganda by denying but at the same time the extent to which everything about the Holocaust is questionable makes it impossible not to.

So a few things, first of all the article admits that there is no evidence of any order for the supposed genocide, and it's suggesting that despite this there is evidence that Hitler intended on it.

A lot of the stuff flagged up is just Hitler quotes that are being forced to mean what the article wants it to mean like 'the removal of the Jews' which deniers would say is deportation (which there is evidence of).

Also note a lot of Hitlers references are to 'international Jewry' and a lot of his uses of the word just seem to be euphemisms for communist. Most of the communist party at that time was Jewish. A modern comparison would be Muslims, they aren't disliked because of their race but because of their ideology. And often we let the worst examples of that group affect the general perception of that group.

The Himmler quote is again vague 'do away with Jews who are no longer able to work' The drug in question was a euthanasia drug used only for 'incurably sick' people. Also note it took until 1941 for there to be 'no objections' to that. And yet they want us to believe that before 1945 they also killed 6 million people who were on the whole not considered incurably sick.

Wow, that's the third leaf shill post I've seen since I last refreshed. How much is shariablue paying you goyim?

The powers NEED to control two things globally for total hegemony and the next stage of their plans: fossil fuels and banking. That is why they are destabilizing the Middle East and have their eyes on Syria and Iran. It's a game of Monopoly playing out.

This is why it is to their advantage when Muslims chimp out in the west: it creates support amongst the voting and taxpaying masses for their activities in the Middle East.

But don't kid yourself, they're not there for OUR benefit.

Every now and then we do a good one. This is almost as good as that JPB thread we had a while back. We've got some good leafs here.

Not OP though he's a faggot.

I have a feeling it's the French Canadians who are better posters I could be wrong through

>Not taking the shortcut...

The power players justify their attacks on the sanity and lifestyle of the middle class in the west because that is supposedly the biggest carbon-producing demographic. (never mind that the western lifestyle is the product of the consumerist lifestyle these same powers promoted not too long ago). Nevertheless they have convinced themselves that they have to do this to save the world.

SOMEbody has to control all the oil and money, by force if necessary, or our population will spiral out of control and we will use up all our resources, right? That's the real kick in the teeth: they think they're saving the world. The truth is, they are blind to their own paranoia and lust for power.

The Muslim attacks will continue in the west, and will continue to receive undue Media attention, while the people of the west are chided for being racist if they say anything about it, until the rogue (read: independent) nations are assimilated into the grid.

That's when cash disappears and RFID starts becoming mandatory, the military is transitioned into keepers of the police state (already happeneing), and the planned lifestyle constrictions will be introduced to bring about a population reduction.

>1- Leuchter Report
The article in cites a second study done on material from the gas chamber walls, and another that claims that the concentration of Zyklon B found in this second study falls within the range necessary to kill human beings.
>2- only 3.5 million Jews lived in Europe at the time
figures vary, some estimates put the figure at 15 000 000 in 1938, with over half living in Europe. Again, see the article in >3- Robet Faurisson
I must confess to ignorance on this one
>4- Paul Rassinier's testimony
The official narrative is that the mass extermination aspect of the Holocaust was a well kept secret among the higher up and the men who actually worked at the death camps
>5- Gerstein report
As with all such documents, it's a case of deniers saying "it's fake!" and defenders saying "it's real!", each providing their own experts on forgery as sources. Claims of forgery don't really prove or disprove anything.
>6- fake photos
again, just because some photos were faked doesn't prove anything
>7- logistical impossibility of gassing 6 million
This is, perhaps, one of the more compelling revisionist arguments, but you have to remember that nobody claims that all 6 million purported victims were gassed: many are claimed to have been starved to death on purpose, shot, or otherwise killed and buried in mass graves. I'd say that most of these sorts of arguments make assumptions about the time it takes to burn a human body and the number of bodies burned and the like that are difficult to verify.
>8 and 9
not an argument
I agree that Holocaust revisionism should not be illegal, but the fact that it is can hardly be called proof of anything.

In short, they ant to form (are forming) a breakaway society. Earth will have two classes, masters and slaves. The master class has already acheived escape velocity in wealth disparity. The next stage is for them to grow the gap with gene tech for themselves, CRISPR and designer babies. They are already introducing dysgenics through many vectors into the population destined to make up the slave class.

Whether they plan to eventually leave the planet is anyone's guess, but we as a species, barring AYYY LMAO help, are nowhere NEAR getting off this rock before the population crisi plays out.