Should Trump ban porn?

Should Trump ban porn?


That will never happen.


He should require an ID submission to access porn and crack down on those who don't comply. Porn sites do almost nothing to keep kids from watching, and the affects of porn addiction are far more crippling to our nation than cigarettes.

no but people should stop watching.


There should be a social movement to re-stigmatize porn.

You want to be a degenerate? Ok, we won't stop you, but we will punish you with ostracism.

People will just brew porn in their basements

The goldenone looks like a nerd dressed as a norse god.

Absolutely, or at a minimum make it so that you have to publicly purchase the right to access porn sites. We need to reintroduce social shaming for this sort of thing.

no he should not ban porn, not only is there nothing wrong with porn but it goes against muh freedumbs

if you want to ban porn you are no better than a feminazi honestly

Yes he will faggot, he already built the wall and hes made it so companies can sell your online data he will ban you degenerates because he's the best and Pence will back him on this

Should Trump stop watching porn?

m8... not everyone is going to get a career, not even is going to ever be in a position to provide for a family of 3+, most people are fucking losers who have no hope for a high-quality life due to their IQ n shiet

why would you want to ban something that brings them daily happiness?

same goes for smokers and heavy drinkers... for a lot of productive citizens they see these as disgusting habits, but for others, it does bring some happiness in an otherwise terrible life

the strong and intelligent will avoid those vices regardless of legal status, so lets keep it that way

>UK Govt tries to make porn harder to access
>this thread
>these replies

I don't see how he could pull that off effectively without increasing internet censorship.

Can someone who is less lazy than me do one of those "evolving brain" memes out of this?

Should Trump ban the making of porn?
Should Trump ban the production of porn?
Should Trump stop watching porn?
Should Trump stop making porn?
Should Trump stop making cuckold porn?

Sure. I'll just be sitting over here with my 200+ Gigabytes stored in various thumbdrives.



victims of the porn industry are all willing participants, therefore government has no right to ban it.

But man, I would be better off.
After 10 years with the girl I love I would rather just jerk it to porn than go through the hassle of sex

He is. He reads warhammer novels and has a skyrim let's play. It's a hope for nerdy white guys everywhere really.

You've got a problem my dude

only incest porn.

What would be do without BLACKED?

Yes, it weakens men.

not sure if bait or a whole new level of denial and delusion

yes and he should do it under the pretense that it is sexist and objectifies women so that liberals cannot argue with it.