Ask A Wisconsinite Anything!

Lets face it, you've never visited this state let alone heard of it.

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No one cares. Your answers are worthless not only to us, but all of society as well.


I've been to madison several times and fon du loc. What's up with all the fucking cheese?

Wisconsin makes a lot of dairy products, so cheese is popular.

You must be from Illinois.

That's where RedLetterMedia are based.

What city u from? Milw fag here.

Same here!


why doesn't Wisconsin own that part above it

I know you like cheese, think I got that from Frasier

That is all

There was some kind of dispute between Michigan and Indiana, where Indiana wanted to have access to Lake Michigan, so Michigan was given the Upper Peninsula in exchange.

We also wear a foam block of cheese on our heads at sporting events.


I went there last night to buy some beer. New Glarus Moon Man. Yes, the beer is literally called Moon Man. Good stuff.

Too bad that the town of Hudson is going to be economically devastated come July 1st when my gay state finally allows us to buy booze on Sundays.

i was once in milwaukee for a few days. its what id imagine detroit is like.

tldr fuck wisconsin

Illinois fag detected.

Hmm that sounds familiar, green bay packers? Or am I way off?

is it white?

Is Wisconsin more like the cucks in Minnesota or niggers like Michigan?

The North side is consumed by blacks, but the city is one of the most racially segregated in the country.

That 70s show

goddamn FIBs

You are spot on!

I think Wisconsin is 85% white

The Dells are a decent vacation spot, I'll give ya that.

>tfw you cross Theo Wirth Parkway and instantly go from "Leave it to Beaver"-ville to season 3 of "The Wire"

Are you the ones known as Cheese Heads?

More Like Minnesota, since it's hard to get to Michigan. The people in the UP are different than lower Michigan and more like us.

They are the WORSED drivers.

Sweet, I remember my friend telling me about that a while ago

Basically my teen years in the 90's as well.

That's us!

Door County is great too.

I knew it! I read a graphic novel by one of your compatriots named Craig Thompson. The novel is called Blankets. Some punk mentions the term there

This is the only reason I know Wisconsin exists, too.

Wisconsin is the best state. I'm still sad that I left Madison for fucking Portland.

Isn't Milwaukee filled with niggers?

It is except for Milwaukee which is basically planet of the apes

Only thing I have ever heard about Wisconsin was some girl fucking dogs

Why do you Wisconsinites end up in Chicago? And the ones that do why would you consider yourselves Chicagoans?

It is, but they are segregated from whites on the North side of the city. I think they are 60% of the population, while most whites live in the suburbs.

I hear you do good ale. Well done.

is madison's bullshit contained in the city limits or is that whole greater region a little fruity

They think it's trendy to move there. Many Chicagoans also move to Wisconsin because It's so much nicer, but they are still Bears fans.

Why haven't you moved to Michigan yet, faggot? I hear it's better.

Brew city USA!

Fishing, going to packers games,good Nordic women, can't be that bad. Sounds comfy.

It's contained in Madison and Milwaukee. The rest of the state is conservative.

I can see that. Also girls from Wisconsin must be ugly because the ones I know all of them look like hillbillies.

It was with Ohio, the state militias literally fought a battle over the Toledo Strip, and that's why Michigan and Ohio hate each other to this day.

Fuck, I just outted myself.


Yeah, but they fuck easy, so that kind of makes up for it.

One liberal shithole for another. Was it for weed?

We're connected by hockey. Some for Black Hawks and others for Wild.
Also Home run Inn is my go to frozen za. Wash it down with some good beer. A+

once i went to the dells and stopped in a podunk town to eat lunch wherein my cockles were warmed by some guy in the bar ranting about that nigger in the white house

Stealing this.
Because maps

Why do you let Michigan cuck your state of the Upper Peninsula?

The upper MidWorst is Canada Lite. Everything north of and including Chicago needs to be nuked.

You're all cucks that voted democrat for 30 fucking years. Hell Minnesota still is

t. Lower MidBest

Thanks, I was too lazy to look it up.

Wrong. It was a land dispute between Michigan and Ohio. Both were fighting over the strip of land where Toledo is located saying it was part of their state. The matter went to court. Ohio won but in compensation Michigan was given what is now known as the U.P.

t. Michigan master race

Wisconsin was just a territory at the time and didn't have any state rights. Indians outnumbered white settlers as well..

Wisconsin is now a red state.

Thanks, I was shooting from the hip and didn't look it up.

>once in 30 years by half a percent
>we're red now!

Look I'm happy you're on the road to recovery and am rooting for you to remain uncucked, but I have to keep ribbing you, Michigan and Minnesota just out of playfulness and to make sure you don't revert again.

>a fucking mitten

It's really great. I have been around the world and nothing compares to it.

Haha, sounds good. Scott Walker has done some serious uncucking as Governor.

Tell me all your thoughts on cheddar, cause I'd really like to eat some.

I prefer Butterkäse over cheddar.

Tell me what you know about yoopers.

They're basically 'our guys' doncha know?

No problem! Here's another fun fact. Even tho Michigan was given so much land instead of the Toledo strip they were still very salty about the whole deal which led to them receiving the nickname Wolverines(think U of M) due to it being the cousin of the weasel or something like that. Should be noted that the U.P. was at the time pretty much uninhabited and no one knew about all the copper there yet so it probably did feel like a raw deal at the time.

>Lets face it, you've never visited this state let alone heard of it.

Fuck you user. I live here.

Some quick rules for Wisconsin visitors:

1) It's soda, not pop.
2) It's a BUBBLER, not a drinking fountain.
3) Don't fuck with our natural resources.
4) You will not outdrink us. Ever. Don't bother trying.

The Russians are still licking their wounds over the sale of Alaska.

>send spotted cow faggot

Overall how is your state?
How is the cost of living? Activities, scenery, etc.

5) Its a stop light, not a traffic signal.

You must be from Minnesota where Spotted Cow is outlawed.

waukeshafag here. this state rules. i've lived a few other places and wouldn't choose anything else. just stay the hell out of milwaukee county, period. i've sworn off the bucks and even brewers due to being in milwaukee county. leaves me in a deep red county with awesome state parks and the packers.

Cost of living is lower than most in/near our urban areas. It's extremely low up north.

Scenery? Google Door County. 'Nuff said.

Activities? Redneck dreamworld.


It's a well know fact that Minnesotans women prefer Wisconsinite's cheesy cocks over crusty viking peeners

This all wisconsinites ever talk about is muh cheese,Packers and snow.

There's lots of hunting, fishing, outdoor activities and festivals. I would consider Wisconsin affordable, especially if you are wealthy to begin with. $250k can get you a lake side mansion in some places.

>nah far south. Famalam in Muskego

green bay fag here

its too fuckin hot already

We talk about beer, pussy and hunting too.

>all talk tho

I've been outside in shorts and t-shirt since February.


Some more notes about Wisconsin:

We drive with our windows open when it hits 40 degrees.

A traffic jam consists of getting stuck behind a tractor.

It takes about 28 feet of snow to close a school.

Friday night = fish fry. Everywhere. Seriously, it's all you're getting.

We're the only motherfuckers that know what an "old fashioned" is.

Anyone not from Wisconsin has never had a cheese curd in their life. No. You really haven't.

>tfw I live in the people's democratic republic of Madison
send help plz


No, that's only a brand name for a drinking fountain. That's like calling all soft drinks "coke," calling every vehicle a "Ford" or a "Chevy." It's just fucking stupid.

I had a Wisconsinite tell me this same shit years ago, and it has always been a stupid name for a drinking fountain.

I feel for you bro. Move.



fuck off cheesehead

We also say Kleenex, not facial tissue.


thats a wisconsin thing?

cheesehead jackassery is universally known