So when are Americans going to pay reparations to Mexico?

So when are Americans going to pay reparations to Mexico?

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You got conquered

Reparations? Goddamn dumb beaners can't even spell properly. The word is repatriation, and if you ask me, the sooner, the better.

Never, be thankful that your dirty ass great-grandparents weren't raped and murdered.

You got fucked by a stronger force, and want to be paid for it? Be thankful we allowed you to have the land that you do.

The best part is that even though we allowed you to keep a portion of your land, YOU STILL HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING OF VALUE WITH IT. ITS STILL A DEGENERATIVE CESS POOL FULL OF VIOLENT SHIT SKINS.

Your people suck and honestly shouldn't be viewed as anything more than slave labor.

fuck u ya god damn nigger whore

It blows my mind how you people think that we should pity you for being a weaker and dumber force than us. It's about time people stop feeling ashamed of being better than others.

You a retard, you dictator was anti American,pro euro per and was delt with,we install a new guy we thought was pro USA,and again delt with him.

Blow it out your ass

You fucking beaners are making us addicted to these like we made the redskins addicted to whiskey. You're the ones that should be paying reparations.

Enough of your illegals leech enough welfare that we can call it even.

You guys got more money than the French got for Louisiana, and that was after getting your shit pushed in for a war. Frankly you should be happy you got that much.

ding ding ding.

Conquered peoples don't get reparations - you're lucky enough to have been left alive.

Its not like they stole half of mexico's land and use there people as slaves

thats not how the world works stupid burrito fucker, we dominated you, now fuck off and deal with the cartels raping your women.

aint paying you shit bitch

If CANADA is still around, Mexico has no fucking excuse.

You guys aren't even spaniards you cultureless honkeys

If you eat takis and tacos you're a filthy beaner just saying

Never. Fuck them.
To the victor go the spoils.

-3rd gen American/"Mexican"


Story of Mexico's life.

These fucking things gave me cancer

>never you dirty spic
>put down phone

>Not realizing that in every mayor downfall and negative twist in Mexico history, there're always a couple of cheeky characters rubbing their hands around the corners turning the country into a slave of International Banking and (((American corporatism))).