50 to 60 Basketball Americans raided a BART train in Oakland over the weekend.

Disabling the drive-forward mechanism, by proping multiple doors open, they flooded in a mass takeover robbery.


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Why wasn't anyone carrying? Put some holes in those coons.

Typical niggers.

Dozens of them got together and planned this. Wtf?

Niggers truly are worthless animals.

We live in Commiefornia. NoFun/NoGuns.

The downside is we obey the law, they don't. This is their tactical advantage.

This is California we're talking about.

You know, this is one of those incidents where there are so many perps involved that very likely none of them will ever face charges for it.


being an obvious non american I often forget how California cucks gun owners there.

Liberals/progressives dream, conservatives/Libertarians nightmare

Public transit - not even once.

We don't call public transport "nigger trains" to be edgy, you know.


Fuck California. They've earned this. I hope the niggers cross the Golden Gate and eat the faggots alive.

BART police had a stand down order. There were so many niggers, the police couldn't intervine for fear of a mass "Fruitvale" situation.

It was LITERALY 28 Weeks Later tier.The cops literally stood and watched.

I only got lucky because I had nothing.

I went to Edmonton to visit family a few years back and it was the first time I had been in a large city. I had to use the public transit initially and boy...

It's just like the movies. Some free-for-all where anything could happen. Lots of people you didn't want to get to know.

>american bolsheviks

swear to god, my gf was a bluepill anti-racist until i took her to an oakland BART station at 2 AM.

>oakland BART station at 2 AM

Trains stop running at 12AM

Why is there no video?

Get fucked, san fran faggots. this is the grave you chose to fuck butts in.

because all of the phones got stole. maybe there's some shit on FB live, kek.

If that's true, the cops should be killed first the next time it happens.

That will do it. I grew up in Georgia and was always racially aware. I went to San Fran back in 92 and got a taste of Oakland and BART back then...That shit made MARTA look like a 1st world transit. At least in Atlanta the cops dont stand down for monkeyshines. Fuck Oakland and all of Cali as well. Lived in Chula Juana for a year. I think I was the last gringo to leave.

i didn't say we rode the train. we went to a concert at the oakland stadium and the car that picked us up was by the train station

>he thinks all the niggers go home when the trains stop running
drive down international blvd by the BART station at 3 AM and you can rent a crack head nigger hooker for $20 an hour

> why was there no video

All their cell phones got stolen. Everyone. They took over every cart in the train.

The only footage would be from BART cameras. But it takes days-to-weeks for them to cough up footage.

Literally this. What purpose do these police serve aside from insuring none of the sheep try and protect themselves from a feral nigger hoard

>The images cannot be shared publicly, she said, because the suspects appear to be minors.

They're referring to the 50-60 nigger/spic assailants as "teens", and claim because they are minors their identity cannot be shown to the public. They've determined that ~60 of them are 'minors' on a whim.

Daily reminder that Hitler literally did nothing wrong.

Rode the MARTA this weekend holy shit what a coon fest. I ride the DC Metro to often and it's not that bad.

>unidentified teenagers
Why do I still get ID'd for ciggies at 39?


>we have had sucess identifying them in the past
now hold on a minute

All of that is accurate except for

BART trains have onboard recorders but the Police are keeping the footage for themselves

Because Bart has decoy and fake cameras. The surveillance is nonexistent.



>arrastão (plural arrastões).
>a form of crime, occurring in Brazil and Portugal, in which a group of criminals surround a location (usually a beach or tunnel) and steal every object in it.





Cant wait for this nigger to narrate the next season of Through the Wormhole.

Whats mine is mine.

>We *are* literally a second brazil

its sad but the US prob has more in common with Brazil than most European countries when you look at the multi ethnicity and sheer size of the population/country. Hopefully we learn from their many many many mistakes.

>this is the grave you chose to fuck but ts in.

Only people like diane fineswine get a CCW permit.

I'm not well versed in US history. A cursory search says shes is/was a senator in california.

Quick run down?

Meanwhile, in the Peoples Republic of California:

>>According to a police officials, witnesses said 40 to 60 juveniles flooded the station, jumped the fare gates and rushed to the second-story train platform. Some of the robbers apparently held open the doors of a Dublin-bound train car while others streamed inside, confronting and robbing and in some cases beating riders.

Anti-gun libtard who opposes everyone having guns EXCEPT her, her bodyguards, her husband, etc...

Moral of the story: stay the fuck away from Oakland

I hope Trump's presidency kills her, but only after she watches him tear down her entire political legacy first. I want that contemptuous cunt to die as miserable as possible.


So just standard left wing hypocrisy as usual?

>Oakland has ZERO FFL holders inside city limits.
>Oakland has one of highest murder rates in country.
>Oakland loves illegals and protects them over citizens.
>Oakland such a shithole even the Raiders want to leave.

Hopefully Lil Kim can reach out and touch Kalifornia. Nothing of value will be lost.

A few years ago niggers from Paris suburbs were doing that too. And gangrapes.

^ this

I worked in San Mateo Co. for a while and whenever I rode the bus I noticed the stench, the greasy feeling of the seats and wanted to take a shower and wash my clothes when I got off. Bart too for that matter. Same smell and greasiness.


I love this story. Is it on CNN?

Come on now, if it's nuked the land cant be used. Conventional methods would work best on the no-guns flies that inhabit the city, surely?

>The images cannot be shared publicly, she said, because the suspects appear to be minors.


now if more people were allowed to conceal carry, that would have been a whole different story.
anyways it's called cucklifornia/commiefornia for a reason

Pass it to colin flaherty on youtube

Not surprised. Is Oakland the most degenerate city in the country?
>in California
>full of feral niggers
>high crime
>SJWs and BLM
>not far from Berkeley

Jesus this is terrible. I feel sor....
Never mind they deserve every bad thing that happens to them.


It's actually more full of Mexicans than anything else these days.

Blacks are being ethnically cleansed from the area.

Can you say anything about your country actually? I'm courious about it. Is it safe to live there, comfort levels etc

If you move outside the heavily multicultural cities like NY/LA/SF it begins to resemble Europe more closely.

The displaced Oakland niggers go to Richmond, right?

>The images cannot be shared publicly, she said, because the suspects appear to be minors.

>niggers organize a train robbery
One of them must have accidentally stolen a bunch of western movies.

Ideally this would be the correct stance, letting California get a taste of the consequences of its retarded liberalism makes sense. The unfortunate side consequence is the increasing California diaspora, where people flood out to escape this stuff...and turn wherever they end up blue, because they're complete idiots who want to maintain the policies of their failed home state. Literally Muslim tier

This is the reality. As cities and neighboring cities get more non-whites and thus more crime, the whites will flee because they never volunteered to live as a minority who could get mugged in their own land.

It keeps happening and without the whites the quality of life for the shitskins plummets dramatically, creating Oakland, Chicago, Detroit situations.

We live in a world full of HD cameras on every device and security cameras to watch our every move but when a gang of niggers rob a train.... not a video in sight.

Like the niggers didn't post video to worldstar.

BART specializes in having fake cameras.

That's my commute, I go through that BART station at least four times a fucking week.
We need to just fucking wipe Oakland off the face of the map, and most of SF while we're at it. Everything east of Market.

And you know what? The privileged and compassionate "Progressive" elite will never have to deal with this. They don't need to ride BART. They live in SF, or they have private parking in the city, or they have company shuttles move them to their cushy startup.

yes, the lower "flatlands" of Richmond by the freeway is the modern Niggeropolis. I grew up in the Richmond highlands where the white people lived and got periodically robbed by maurading fringe elements of the greater niggerhorde. We moved though after some niggers stole my Atari

Hilarious. I guess they were all different races right? A multicultural gang of criminals from all types of ethnic background?

Or could they be 100% negro?

what anime


Most of the cams on BART are fake.

>mfw my enemies get raped by a pack of feral niggers

>>Basketball Americans


hey user . I am in D.C. also. the orange line to West Falls is safe rich White / Asians . made the mistake of getting off in East Falls and it was niggy Mexican gangsta


I also hope they next time they flashrob a train, they haul a few libshit bitches off as slaves too.