Do you like being a Man?

So Sup Forums i'm a Man who enjoys being a Man.. but what about you? Do you like being a Man or meh?
And if you don't like being a Man please tell me why?

And i'm not here to judge you, just wondering..
And i'm not asking this question for any reason , just wondering is all.

Im a manlet so not really

I wouldn't have dealt with even remotely as much bullshit if I wasn't.

yeah because if you're a female the average male can kill you if he feels like at will. what a dangerous life. Also I would rather be the agressor in sexual relationships

All in all, yeah.
If i want to achieve something i have to work for it.
If I want to help someone in practical ways, I can.
If I want i can be brutally honest or tongue-in-cheek sarcastic and noone raises an eyebrow.
So, I do.

Eating pussy is relatively easy and clean compared to letting a guy throat fuck you and cum on your face after he pulls his dick out of your ass

Men are physically and mentally superior to women, this is a fact. Why on Earth would anyone want to be an inferior human with some moist, fermenting hole between your legs?

it sucks when your a bitch

if you want to have some real fun you have to be a sociopath

>Do you like being a Man
well, considering I'm a tranny....
Pic unrelated


>On Sup Forums

Eh, well i said i wouldn't judge.


Both has pros and cons despite what feminists say but yes I prefer to be a man, you have more opportunity. Although all the women I know seem more happy in life in general.

plenty of trannies are redpilled. Actually there might even outnumber the SJW nutcases

fucks sake


what a gay thread



Browse /lgbt/ for five minutes and tell me if it looks like a cohesive, supportive group.

>G's hate B's
>Everyone hates T's
>T's hate themselves and anyone who actually likes them
>L's hate everyone

I can't say that I know a single woman over 50 that isn't completely batshit insane, depressed or hateful regardless of how well off in life they are.

And nowadays they just spend their time on social media pretending to be happy and pretending to have friends between mental breakdowns and letting guys they just met jizz on their face for a $20 dinner at red lobster.

I'm not a high-value male so I've been exposed to the shit end of life. I am what I am, I don't hate myself for being a man, I'm just very aware of biology and the social dynamics at play here.

But being a man in my experience and for the guys I've known is not as awesome as feminists or Sup Forums queers say it is.

ass checked, numerals checked, moar.

Why are there so many manlet swedes on Sup Forums? I thought Scandinavians were supposed to be tall.
>p.s. Hitler, Stalin and Putin are all manlets as well, they seem fine.

hi there /polgbt/

I like being a man. But at the same time I enjoy doing drag. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Girls clothes are more fun

I'm bi, but it's the kind of deal that when people find out they're fucking shocked.

I'm not a fan of the whole pride parade, rainbow flag deal. I just want society to stop sticking its nose in my business.

Yeah, females are physically weak, usually quite dumb. Hanging out with females puts tons of pressure on your image and how you act generally. Women are bitchy and overly emotional. You literally bleed from your fucking crotch. You're never satisfied with anything.

Yeah their lives seem easier on the outside, but they only seem easier to beta fucking men. If you're man and you aren't happy to be one kill yourself right now. Men should be expected of things. Imagine being a woman and being so pathetic you aren't expected to do anything?

Also, women are quite disgusting honestly if you ask me and they get fat much more easily. I'm glad I'm the superior gender.

I'm a dude, kinda happy with my height (6ft), but I'd like to be like 6'6 or smth.

But remember anons, moving the world is a matter of will, not strength.

men are more beautiful, smarter and stronger
and I believe only men can become this conscious

why the low number (or non existence) of great female philosophers or theologians?
females are the lesser

I fucking love being a man, it's great to be physically stronger and to have a larger brain.

Absolutely enjoy it
Though there are times I wish I had massive fucking cow tits just because they look fun and it's life on easy mode
But those feelings usually go away if I have a gf
It's been years since my last girl and these strange feelings come back every once in a while

Seriously this. The ancient Greeks truly taught us about the greatness of men. With their philosophies and their artwork and statues they always showed off masculinity. Men are so much superior to women in ever way.

It always makes me laugh that women must put on makeup to make themselves look even half as beautiful as the average male.

i love being a man and can carry the burden of sacrifice and suffering this carries fine (the good things go without saying) however i often am disgusted at how unappriciated this struggle is. i don't envy women for the pros and cons of their position, good for them, but the attitude and lack of awareness disgusts me.

>body telling me not to be a loser who dies alone with no kids

pick one

this is the equivalent of NEETs saying they are "depressed" when it is just their evolutionary impulse telling them its not natural to masturbate 8 times a day and watch cartoons as an unemployed adult

im a man by spirit and mind

I literally consider to loving yourself a mental illness, wtf is this question?

why are you so retarded?

i wonder who could be behind this post.

I wish I was a man but I don't want to be "trans". I have done all I could to get rid of the benefits of being female while not becoming completely degenerate transperson.

Manlet here as well never really bothered me too much (being short)
Never really thought too much about my gender (BECAUSE IT ISN'T A FUCKING CHOICE) but being a man is great especially when you live with a woman and you can see how much neurotissism and emotion rule their life.

Yes. I love it.

>I wish I was a man but I don't want to be "trans". I have done all I could to get rid of the benefits of being female while not becoming completely degenerate transperson.

I demand tits, inferior being.

Too late, I cut them off.
Nah not that far gone.

Nope not even 6 foot, guess I'll just switch over to the other side and be tall grill.

Why would you do that? That kind of makes me sad, hating yourself so much you mutilate yourself to make you feel better

I just dont get it


It is the worst gender, except for all the others. ;^)

I meant
>I literally consider NOT loving yourself a mental illnes

Ever sense i was little i wanted to be a Girl, 23 now, i haven't taken Hrt or anything because i felt God would be displeased with me or something if i changed what my parents gave me...

But when i look back on life... i really wish i took Hrt when i was younger.. *Sighs*
Wanna trade bodies? I'm a 6,3 alpha male and a non mutilated penis.

And Fyi i HATE the Transgender community, they're so cringey it makes me wanna cry, they force shit like Bruce Jenner and shit and it makes me wanna kill all trannies on sight..

Yes i'm heavily redpilled

>"muh misandrism is a real thing"

>I don't know anything about his life, but I'll just assume he's a fedora-tipper

I wish. In your case can you accept just being a feminine male? I try to accept being a masculine female. Although I'm not gay, which would make it easier.

God dammit. I'm going to hell

I love the psyop in the OP post. Makes you consider not being a man - reminding you of two things.

1. It is possible to change to a woman now. Disgusting.

2. Women do have it easier.

This post will make at least 2 trannies in the long run, I guarantee it.

Wishful thinking JIDF. We're not degenerate jews liek u