Why chinese don't have souls?

why chinese don't have souls?

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they're not human

Is that a boy?

ant people.

every individualistic person was genocided now they are a hive.

just Chinese liveleak and have fun and you tell me if they are human.

I don't know. Why do dogs bark?. Why do birds shit everywhere?

god stopped giving them souls when they kept killing babies.

90 years of communism will do that to you.

Asian religions typically do not embrace the idea of a soul as a separate entity from the divine. The idea that there could be a infinite thing, be it an entity or the universe/creation that did not encompass all things is anathema to them. A 'soul' implies separateness from the universal infinite thus degrading the infinite; this is a logical contradiction.

Thus Asians have no concept of the 'soul' as being separate from the divine infinite, all is one. jews also embrace this concept as well That is why Asians (and jews)have no souls.

they regard animals as things basically.

Hey anons, learning Chinese here.

They really don't have souls, it's not meme. I dated a Chinese girl for a few months, she broke up with me when she started to have feelings for me, and was proud of being able to not get attached, it was fucking bizzare. I'm a chad, too.

Maybe you just smell bad.

Their religions make no real distinction between a animal, a partner or themselves. So they are not boiling a dog alive or crushing your heart, they are really doing it to another aspect of themselves. Think on that for a moment.

Define soul.

but buddhism is not pantheism,

incredible mental hardships, from an oppressive and anti-individualistic culture, ends up eroding their spark of life known as the soul

Why aren't sandniggers like you humans?

I have a Chinese wife; I'm 28 now and we've being going out since high school
You're probably just ugly dude

.t Hongcouver


...nah dude, I'm decently attractive in a general sense, and obviously a chad to the neckbeards on here.

Also /fit/ as fuck.

they do have souls, but most of their souls are in their first human life and just graduated from being animals

so yeah that's because of the population increase, lots of rodent-tier souls in there

Asians really always have wanted to be white haven't they

they technically do have souls

>dat eyelid glue
>dat circle contact lenses

Chinese chicks are the eastern counterpart of pic related

They are absolutely our closest brethren. Even if Arabs and white Hispanics look the most like us, Eastern Asians have the most similar societal achievements, which is the most important factor.

The chinese I believe have the fastest growing Christian population.

google.com.mx/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=2Az8WIf7NcPa8gfM_4EQ#q=bear bile



thats my waifu

Seriously though, she was just slumming with you. Any quality Asian girls know better than to miscegenate with white trash.

Hive mind

This since the word “soul” can refer to both the immaterial and material aspects of humanity. Unlike human beings having a spirit, human beings are souls. In its most basic sense, the word “soul” means “life.” However, beyond this essential meaning, the Bible speaks of the soul in many contexts. One of these is humanity’s eagerness to sin (Luke 12:26). Humanity is naturally evil, and our souls are tainted as a result. The life principle of the soul is removed at the time of physical death (Genesis 35:18; Jeremiah 15:2). The soul, as with the spirit, is the center of many spiritual and emotional experiences (Job 30:25; Psalm 43:5; Jeremiah 13:17). Whenever the word “soul” is used, it can refer to the whole person, whether alive or in the afterlife.

The real question here is, do they have spirit?

Green star
Yellow star

Hive mind
One big collective soul/s living in millions of human fragments

Money is a type of spirit


Hello r/asianmasculinity

Please elaborate Schlomo Shekelstein.

Korean boys look so cute.

All quality Asian girls in the US are dating white men.

Those who had something like a soul are starved to death in the Marxist revolution.
Survived have only the inhuman

Dating, maybe. Mating, unlikely. Keep your shit genes to yourself round-eye.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that Asian boy. She was literally begging for my white babies. Proofs.

Comrade Liang there is no need to pretend our true nature





Because reddit made it so.

And yet she broke up with you. Really sizzles my wonton.





It's more related to Monism but that too is a simplification.

Seriously people, be aware of this, stop consuming Chinese products and services.

They do. Their interactions are too sublime and alien for many foreigners. Literally too dumb to grasp it

hey los zetas

I think it's their religion which promises reincarnation or some shit so they see human life as worthless

She wanted my alpha seed and then she wants someone else to raise it......BLEACHED......HWUUUIIITE RICED

its the fucking commies man! they break the spirit of humanity.. just look at the east Europe.. they are already dead on the inside...


it's the rice diet

Confucianism teaches obedience to authority, no afterlife necessary.

Mum wants




Mum can give me her little asian cock.

Mum is the cutest boy i've ever seen.

The death is also in front of our door

is it true chinese women don't/can't feel love?

See my other posts, muhammed

thanks, mr thundercock

then we have to kill death,Arminius..

>the longing for freedom
>the instinct for happiness
>the refinements of the feeling of freedom
> art and enthusiasm in reverence and in devotion
>to carry one's head freely,which giveth meaning to the earth

U wot m8?

this is not even a meme, it's actually true that they don't have the word for 'soul'

Hey Sup Forums, how come all these azn cuties have nice big round eyes? Are your racist stereotypes just a meme?

A definition for the Spirit that can be used by the non-religious.
The first two work are true for lower tiers of people, last three for higher tiers of people.

>majority of 2-3rd generation immigrants either dont speak the english language properly or are vapid left wing twinkies

its odd,hong kong and taiwan are alright

because they are really descendents of ayys

Here she is without makeup. Better than the average chink but I think you gotta appreciate big-ass foreheads a little also.

Oh... this kind of soul.
Nah, only North Americans are brainwashed like this.
Ching chongs probably carry different values, their "soul" would be:

>“harmony but not uniformity.”
> “neither friend nor enemy”
> “law of the jungle”

Or some gay shit like that

>nah dude, I wasn't refused by a girl, that girl wasn't even human

All humans are part of the hivemind you fucking mongoloid.

ants are lesser creatures. only humans have souls


Speak for yourself, faggot

They evolved from cockroaches

epic pepe

I have a magical Soul that is not part of God! So does everyone! So there are Billions of Gods! Seriously?

You can maintain that the sky is green though it will always be blue, user.

As above, so below.

All orders of life are reflective of other orders of life.

do you ask a cockroach how he feels, or do you just hit him with the bugspray?

What is blue?

Because they only function as part of a whole and not on their own.

only worst koreans have a seoul

i see what you did there

and Moroccans have souls or your pedophile European consumers have souls?

Acknowledging that all things have a shared soul doesn't stop me from killing bugs or eating animals, user. Eating an animal is life experiencing life, which is arguably what all this is around for in the first place.


you know
the country that sent you teachers for decades to make humans out of you
which you payed back by being on the american coalition to destroy

None knows, and everyone is too busy to care.
It's China.
They want the US to pay debts. Nuke'em.

It's not their fault, PRC cultural revolution really fucked them up.