Check ur autism at the door u fucking weirdos

check ur autism at the door u fucking weirdos

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bullshit test

>Do you like being around other people?
>You're autistic.

That's the whole test.

Your score was 17 out of a possible 50.

Scores in the 0 - 25 range indicate little or no Autistic traits.

You autistic. You probably need to wear a diaper

12 out of 50

wtf >:(


I just hate people.

too long

24 for me

Only true autists have the patience to finish it.

I got 28 but ive been diagnosed with ADD and PTSD at a young age so it is not surprising that it would think that.

These tests are bullshit.

Most high functioning autists have developed coping strategies to overcome the negative social aspects of not being a NT fucktard.
It is better to test for the strategies than the traits, which are masked in most of men. pretty much all female autists have completely hidden our traits through social mimicry.

I blame Baron Cohen for these shitty things, he's so arrogant that he think's that NTs are superior and it is threaded through all his work.

A shit test with very easily manipulable results.

Also, I hope you fuckers are messing with your results intentionally. Real autism is a disease.

Got 9/50

>tfw assburgers

I just bullshitted my answers heh

45 for me. Is that bad?

If you score under 30 you're a normalfag and you need to leave.

I got 33.

where there's smoke there's fire
don't need a test to tell me i'm socially awkward

I'm not autistic. I just hate people.