But why do you *NEED* that gun, user? Is there really a *NEED* for "assault weapons?"

>But why do you *NEED* that gun, user? Is there really a *NEED* for "assault weapons?"

What do you say?

Other urls found in this thread:


>*shoots them dead*


>>But why do you *NEED* that lock on your door, user? Is there really a *NEED* for "private property?"

to kill the people(s) who may try and harm you. simple. self-defense is the right to life and nobody can deny you it

Fun things are fun.


>"I need it to assault you user"
>*rapes you with the gun barrel*

Do you NEED a car?
Do you NEED a tv?
Do you NEED a bed?
Do you NEED a computer?
Do you NEED a dishwasher?
Do you NEED a cat?
Do you NEED a couch?
Do you NEED a Cuckshed?
stupid fucking argument

Humans are apex predators. Humans have displaced or eliminated most other non-human apex predators. Humans have and will continue to hunt and steal from other humans. I must be ready to defend myself from other humans.

Rights are not based on "needs"

for anyone still on the fence take a look at this.

Take a look at this bud

I say that I have money and I can buy things I want and not just because I need them.

It's not called the Bill of Needs.

the answer to those is no but they come in handy.

So does a gun

I need it as much as a jew needed air vent in the showers

why should i fight with one arm when the criminal/ muslim has got the firepower

what the FUCK is the matter with you
SHITTING up the thread
get OUT

police are not obliged to protect you
being against aggression does not imply being against violent retaliation in defense

your gunna get deaded kid fucker.

I like having a gun so that I can put down a rabid pack of niggers if they try to break into my homestead

assault weapons were "banned" in '89

funfact: it's eaiser to obtain a howitzer than an "assault weapon"

fucking rekt right there.


my bad i overreacted

I might NEED to kill people at some point. That's why I NEED them.

The founding fathers said I could for militias and bear arms. Saying assault weapons shouldnt be allowed is in direct opposition to on of the core values the constitution. Get out Commie.

I didn't register when Chicago started registering, I bought pistols when they were banned, I ignored the 94 ban, I carried when it was a felony, I never bothered with the CFP, and the assault weapon ban here has never actually been enforced.

I stopped bothering to justify myself years ago. Their opinion has never influenced by behavior, and now that they don't have the votes I don't have the time.


Its the bill of rights, not the bill of needs, faggot.


>I have money and I want one
I do want a gun desu

Civilians need guns to protect against tyranny. Us Britcucks are screwed. Don't be like us, under the boot of traitors.



i let the zyklon do the talking. all commies get in the chambers.

>Why do we *NEED* a standing army? Is there really a *NEED* for "assault troops?"


Thanks for all the input, fellas.

Do you need to lock your doors?


There more Im aware of the degeneracy, the more I am in favor of high-yield weapons such as phosphorus, mustard gas and bombs.
I dont even give a shit anymore, burn it all.

>muh geneva and hague bullshit that vietnamese and goatfuckistani shitkickers have no idea about, but we should abide because the big scary UN and EU will be big meanies to us if we dont play by arbitrary rules

fuck off, total war or no war

t. drunken edginess

I don't. Now kindly go fuck yourself.


What happened to WANT??

The reason I ask, by the way, is that I'm on the ass-end of a research paper for college that ended up being 25 pages long so far. Going through to cut shit down, now. I was the guy that posted a thread about it the other day. Tomorrow's the day of reckoning.

Bad Gubamint deterrence. USA will be free 4eva

Heres hoping your tutor/decan/whatever isnt a full-blown lefty and dismisses every shred of common sense with MUH CHILLUNS.

Mind I ask, did you touch up on the point of "but cars and other appliances serve a purpose, but guns are only for KILLING"?

>What do you say?

If you've never had a gun boner you can never understand a gun boner.

He is, and this paper I've written is written partially to get back at him for constantly trying to bluepill the shit out of us every goddamned class.


If someone tries to steal from you just call the police.

"Because of people like you"

"Duty to retreat" makes me so mad.


he should have used a single shot rifle.

How else can I painlessly kill myself with a lower chance of failure?

Actually in my research I discovered that suicide is what guns are used for most often and that suicides and negligent discharges are added into the "gun violence" and "gun deaths" statistics to blow them up.

Also black people are WAY more likely to shoot or be shot at all but especially by and while being a black male age 17-29.

Damn, son, you have your work cut out for you.
Do you think the other students in your class sway one way or another?

Possibly related, during your search, did you by chance come up with states that are the most pro-freedom/gun? Vermont, Montana or whathaveyou? Asking for a friend.

Guns can also be used for target shooting, hunting, ornamental purposes.

letting others take your oen god given right to protection. don't become like us, a bunch of fucking cowards.

I *NEED* you to shut the fuck up

Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and Texas are good too.

Guns are the ultimate equalizer... it doesn't matter if you are a 250 lb guy trying to attack a 90 lb girl, you eat lead you go down. Everyone who advocates for women's rights should be 100% pro gun

Yeah, there are a lot of states that are implementing constitutional carry and if not that then they're shall-issue. There's very few states that are hostile to guns anymore in comparison to just 10 years ago. A bunch are also implementing "castle doctrine" and "stand your ground" laws, which protects you from legal repercussions that may result from a good shoot.

Other students in the class are mostly complacent, but there's a couple other military guys in there that can't roll their eyes hard enough. One of them is kind of a turncoat though, kind of guy that thinks he's hot shit before he's earned anything.


Preaching to the choir, sir. Also, my condolescences for your pistol laws, the things look hideous. However your shotgun suppressors are awesome.

I actually have a hard time justifying decrying Australia in my paper. You guys' crime rate is incredibly low, according to reports, but I did go into detail on how forcible and shitty the gun-grabbing legislation is.

>Live in comfy midwest town where 98% of the population is white
>Nigger family somehow slips through the cracks and gets into my very strict apartment complex
>No more than two pets, no more than five people even if you live in a giant townhouse, etc
>Surprising nobody there's like ten chimps constantly in and out of that house
>All of a sudden like 15 niglets constantly running around the parking lot, bouncing basketballs off cars and shit
>Literally within a week of them moving in four cars got broken into
>The oldest (?) son tried to kick in my door at three in the morning
>When I answered he pretended to be drunk and tried to force his way in
>Revealed my shotgun
>He literally pissed himself and ran away
>Next morning the cops are at my door, his mom called them on me
>Tell them what happened, show them the bootprints on my door
>Cops literally go "fucking niggers" and tell me to have a nice day
>Coon family didn't even make it to the end of the first fucking month before being kicked out

That's why I own a gun

>Tell that story to my friend
>"Yeah but you weren't gonna shoot him right?"
>Yep, I would have if he came in
>Their faces

It's almost like once you leave mommy and daddy's nest you need to be responsible for your own damn safety or something

What do you care about them needs are you their mother ?

no >

you a are a subversive demoralizing leftist self-deluded, self-important, self- c u c k e d street clown

>the real question is do you have the guts to redpill yourself ?
google KGB Yuri Bezmenov who says it himself , "never bother with leftists, they are political prostitutes ... contaminated ... only after the revolution will a military boot push his fat bottom in a concentration camp"

> cucked by your bosses , nice

I despise people that view self defense as some sort of terrible thing. My mom's that way. When I told her I was planning to get my concealed carry permit, she got really weird about it, acted like I said I was gonna start LARPing as police with live ammo.

Fucking niggers...

haha low?
there's a crime every 2 seconds. if some cunt ain't stealing he is killing. every person i know has a criminal record.
land down under is a fucking shit show, i know the streets and i see the shit on the ground not in fucking fake papers that my lying piece of shit gov pushes out.

I appreciate your input my oily friend, but I'm on the opposite end of that spectrum. I'm very pro gun. Constitutional carry is my shit.

I believe you, every Aussie I know even back at my old duty station said the same thing, but I can't prove it. I'd love to, though. You got any ideas?

All our gun laws are retarded, the whole process for an FAC is filled with so much red tape it's a total farce. Plus our self defense laws are totally cucked.

We need a complete overhaul of our firearm laws.

oily ? oh its you again , what's that are greeks oily? you know olive oil does not sip through your pores you stupid clown, I eat crazy amounts of it ... not what I can say about you, pumping your junk food (us food) full of hormones and turned you into a fag.


The gun ban in Australia was a total failure like in England, all it did was increase crime by a horrible amount since no one could defend themselves.

As a free citizen of the United States I have a right to access private force

not sure mate, but their has to be a way.
NZ makes it work and so does sweden.
I'm very confused to why take the guns away when it should have been a quick response to the port arthur shooting.

in my mind, aussies are to slow to fight for their own rights, to quick to give up. we can fight in wars like madman but when it comes to home, the bitches run the show.

do you really need that mouth? is there really a need for assault weapons?

Been redpilled on niggers since I was a kid

>Grew up on farm
>Different country town than the one I live in now
>Neighborhood mostly consists of all of my cousins and grandparents living in the same row of houses (my family more or less owns several acres of land that we built houses on, paved our own roads, etc)
>As time goes on other farming families do the same
>Most of them end up moving and houses go up for sale, dirt cheap because middle of fucking nowhere
>Nigger family moves in
>Everyone is upset
>Don't understand what's wrong because I'm like nine
>Can't understand why all of a sudden my dad is bringing in vehicles, won't let me go outside alone, makes me shut the blinds all the time, etc
>Sister and I playing Mario in the living room one night
>Big window, we had one of those big box flat screens that were the early big screens in the 90's
>All of a sudden king nigger smashes in our window with a hammer and tries to come in
>Dad comes running in and blows his fucking head into paste with his Elmer Fudd shotgun
>Got a Niggers 101 fast course that night
>Every time I've been mugged it's been niggers
>Every time I've been rear-ended it's been niggers, and they never have fucking insurance
>Every time someone was screaming in my face at retail jobs it was niggers

Carried a big ass knife until I was old enough to CC, now I have a handgun on me at almost all times, and a shotgun for home defense. I wanna get a big cowboy revolver soon just for shits and giggles.

>shall issue

We have that...well, had that in the country where Im from. Basically you could own a handgun, shotgun, semi-auto and use it for home defense or sporting if you gave a good reason. Being in some sort of a shooting club was enough, but might have meant keeping your firearm away from your residence. For carry you had to apply again and state a reason, which would then be checked and maybe approved (jeweler, bank manager, cop off duty, etc.)

Bureaucracy was a hassle, but if you got in at SOME point as a LEO, most of your applications would be approved. Blue line I suppose.

>being this assblasted about being oily

>"Yeah but you weren't gonna shoot him right?"

That is my entire family's stance on guns. While they are adverse to owning one, when I voiced my decision to purchase a gun, a similar conversation came up and their conclusion is that a gun's ONLY purpose is to intimidate.

>"If that doesn't work then you just shoot their foot!"

Also similar to the stories in this thread, gun-phobic people are eternally convinced that just wanting to own a gun means you are planning to kill, regardless of circumstance, as if that is your only prerogative to own a gun.

It's a stereotype about Mediterraneans hair being greasy.

kiss my ass


Whatever you say, my oily friend.

Pay debts.

I actually touched on the Port Arthur shooting for obvious reasons. Man, that ban shit sucks.

Nice. I went through similar shit growing up in a predominately black area. I was on the receiving end of a lot of violence and racism. Real tribal shit. Some of my best friends and a certain excellent role model happens to be black, but I've seen my share of the other end of that spectrum for sure, and the numbers don't lie.

Too oily.


>i need it for the same reason I needed trump to be president, to trigger communist faggots like you

all yours to clean with your arsewipe ( your american shit eating tongue ) ^^

like I said, enjoy

>family's stance on guns

My woman was against guns, maybe for reacration. The "I could never kill another human being, no matter what" type of shit, but when I gave her a possibility of her CHILLUNS being up for grabs, she snapped right out of it and went berserk.

Oh definitely. I have black friends, I've had black girlfriends. But that doesn't change the fact that niggers are gonna nig and you need to be ready for a chimpout when it happens. I worked about four years in the ghetto, and every single day was a fucking nightmare.

I can only work part time right now because it's the only way to afford living on my own while I go to school, so I'm back to seeing how fantastic black customers are.

>Be a butcher
>Department closes at nine
>Customer comes up at nine thirty wanting something sliced
>"Sorry, department's closed and all the machines are torn down for cleaning"
>White people: "That is unfortunate"

There are exceptions to the rule but the exceptions do not make the rule, which is something people really need to understand


Only an ape with no concept of the future would let himself be disarmed and be OK with that.

yeah, laws should have been laxed more for self defense but now everyone has to die because if you use any force that is more then the attacker you go to jail.
a child rapist who broke into a house to kidnap a little girl and the father killed him but because he was renting the house and did not own it he was convicted for murder.
our laws defend the attacker more then the victim.

henlo greasy

That happened in my state user. I armed up after threats from a street gang

Mmhmm. Bleeding hearts are the worst. All that is consistent with my experience over the past 20 years. All that shit grandpa always talked turned out to be true all along. I'm just glad I got to tell him "you were right" and go shooting with him some more while he's still alive.

He's still currently alive, I'm just saying.

Boy that makes me fucking angry. Was that covered in the news or anything? I'd like to include that in my paper.

Hey user..do you live a sheltered life? Ever been out in the real world? I purchased mine after threats from MS 13....they are many, I am one.

dont eat my asshole ?

>your loss

I never understood the point of equal force.
If someone attacks me with a knife and I let three hot ones into his chest Im the bad guy, because I could have somehow de-escalated, or use my kung-fu to disarm him? By chance project my own carried cold weapon and utilize it to make it fair? Whatever thats worth is being assaulted.