Who do I vote for in the election?


schmernie schmanders


The restoration of the absolute power of the monarch

Not Corbyn

UKIP you plonker

theresa may

unless you're a commie faggot

Conservatives will form a coalition before letting corbyn and snp form a government

UKIP double digits confirm

May, unless you're a degenerate.

Vote Labour because they're a failure like you.

>beady party
>guy on poster doesn't even look beady
Should have used pic related.

RESPECT, of course.

Do they even have a program now?

UKIP are the only party that genuinely care about us as a people and as a culture, when the other partys say they care about England or the UK they mean they care about the UK making as much money as it can and being as powerful as they can in the new world order regardless of anything else.

However, if your not in a secure seat then I'd recommend voting tory just for safteys sake

>Thinking UKIP will win seats
Ukips support base comes mostly from conservatives. UKIP would simply split tory votes and offer the possibility of Labour or lib dems to sneak in. If you're in a safe labour seat or safe Tory seat then vote for UKIP. If you're in a highly disputed seat vote Tory.

Ignore these posts, they haven't opened their eyes and actually looked at what UKIP are at the moment (Labour lite).

Only reason brit/pol/ adopted UKIP was because UKIP were moderate libertarian and Sup Forums and brit/pol/ back then were moderate libertarian. What they are under Nuttal now is the antithesis of that and it only happened to the party because Nige was willing to do anything to force Brexit by using the working class.

The correct answer is you spoil your ballot or vote Conservative and lobby for the right wing section of the party.

Vote based milkman


t. "I came in the 2015 general election" newfriend

>(((spoil your ballot)))

You gave yourself away, kike. Now shoo

Who will the Conservatives form a coalition with? My money is on SNP

UKIP member here voting conservatives like a sane individual

Nigel farage


Conservative Party