Why the fuck do millennials dress like this?

Why the fuck do millennials dress like this?

Everytime I go to the mall I see degenerates a niggers and nigger degenerates wearing these rags

Is there anything safe from the Jews reach?

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I see Gen (po)Z dress like this, usually. Also only Gen (po)Z and niggers+spics go to the mall anymore in my city.

I usually see younger people wear chinos and a Thrasher or a California Republic hoodie.


I blame jayden smith

Looks Antifa-esque

The pants are the only part of that outfit that are really bad imo

You're just an out of touch cuck. It's called streetwear, and not only is it present in the us, but most of europe

>a hoodie
>a sweater
>and a jacket

It's dumb. He's also somehow wearing skinny jeans but not filling them out. Very skeletal

all millenials arent fuckboys

You're just an out of touch cuck. It's called streetwear, and not only is it present in the us, but most of europe

>But most of Europe

Only in the UK. Everywhere else, it's nothing but Zara and H&M with everyone owning a pair of salmon-colored pants.

Big legs are for women. If you have big thighs, you are genetically inferior.

>what are the quadriceps
Someone's never lifted anything heavier than his dick

Are you sure you're not just talking about homeless people? Do you live in San Francisco?

I don't know anyone who dresses like that.

>unironically wearing streetwear

wow it's like i'm in 2015

You better hope you have bigger everything to balance out those thunder thighs, otherwise you look like a bitch boy.

>being this obsessed with men's thighs
Does your dad know you're gay?

If they're under 18 they're not a millennial by any definition.

*kisses you* MWAH

>going to a mall
Found the faggot

Better than whatever faggottry you wear.

go back to /r/streetwear faggot

>Why the fuck do millennials dress like this?
>Everytime I go to the mall

I haven't been in a mall this millennium.

Streetwear is the pinnacle of faggotry faggot

That's a German military jacket from the early 2000s. The rest of his outfit is shit though

Pretty hilarious they hate Nazis but can't help dressing like them. Haircuts and all.

Lol this is depravity at its finest.


You fkn pleb. Jeans have to go though...

Most of them don't, usually just black people. I see people in blue jeans or tan pants usually.

perma-skeleton identified.

Your legs need to be proportional, however I never understood men who want huge thighs it's kind of gay

you're supposed to post a picture of soe

Millennigger detected.

I thought you were wearing a spider as a fashion statement. That'll show me not to click to zoom.

>hurrrrr young people wearing the latest fashion trends in current year
>must be the jews!

Guessing pic related is how you dress

lol I do squats every week , if you don't have a toned ass and thighs like tree trunks that take all the strain off your back when lifting couches and granite countertops I honestly feel bad for you. Go project somewhere else

> unironically being smug about wearing a fucking ralph lauren shirt

shit tier desu. saying this as someone who owns a few of em and also thinks most streetwear similar to one posted here is retarded.

>implying this isn't the pinnacle of masculinity


>Is there anything safe from the Jews reach?

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




At least that type of fashion is functional and plain.
To rip clothes for no purpose is stupid. To wear baggy clothes is stupid.
I generally wear suits, for work and all.

>i am mad about people's clothes

fuck off, you turbo autismo.

are you just posting things you saw in an /fa/ inspo thread? cause i can assure you that hardly anyone irl dresses like that.

>I generally wear suits, for work and all

Fashionable clothing isn't made for muscular thighs. The models at places like Mr Porter have 19 inch thighs.

Do a few squats and most of the pants they sell will not fit half way up your leg, unless it's a stretchy material, which makes your pants look like leggings. To be fair, though, the Rippetoe squats and oats people invariably have terrible physiques, regardless of how big their thighs are.

Never lifted detected. having jacked legs is fucking alpha strength mode, ost lifts require your legs in some degree. Muscle= genetically superior

Not the damn hovercraft shoes, really?

go back to /r/streetwear cock sucker

It's a subconscious warning.

>based german flacktarn
>blame jews


I like the looks. Better than wearing polo shirts or soggy food stained shirts that you haven't changed in a week,

wrong. was touring europe recently. this shit is everywhere

millenial clown detected

It's a pretty new trend, even amongst bodybuilders (or "lifters" as they call themselves now). Back in the 60s and 70s, when bodybuilding was at its peak, no one had huge thighs because it detracted from the look. Not to mention that it affects how you walk. The big Mr Olympia competitors now have legs so big that they can't walk properly and have to waddle.

OP is a manlet fag who wears suits and pic related shoes and probably got beaten up by a fashionable chad yesterday

Nice pants fucktard

victim complex. they want to look homeless to earn other's sympathy

Well, "Many Israelis are Literally Full of Crap, Study Finds"

>pic related

OP the type of nigga to wear these bad boys

>not wearing hugo boss suits everywhere
do you even Sup Forums

Pic related is how I dress.

If you are /fa/, people are much more likely to listen to you.

Fashion is a language. If you can speak it, you can reach a lot more than you realize (especially girls).

>Ralph Lauren
Only spics with greasy slicked back hair wear that shit, get outta here.

shoes, tattoos and pants are degenerate, i dig the top though

Fuck. I was too late

How are suits functional?

>Back in the 60s and 70s, when bodybuilding was at its peak, no one had huge thighs

are you retarded

Those pants!hahaha no homeostasis

these babies are better

aren't we all??


I dig the jacket, top middle. I have a Canadian Issue 3 winter jacket

Why does the meme about suits being uncomfortable exist? When I got my first one for my prom it was the most comfortable clothing I'd ever worn. Sure it got a bit hot because of the fucking dancing we had to do, but otherwise it was great.

You got a lot of pockets, pants, jacket on the outside and inside.

I'm pretty sure only poor people dress like that. At least that's how it is here in central Texas.

90s fashion was best fashion

>muh streetwear
>most of europe
Never seem it before except on gays. Fuck off consumerist

Perfect for goose stepping and curb stomping

Fashion always changes and it's always ugly and stupid. You should know this by now.

you got huge tits user

I have one of those jackets in my closet right now, am I a faggot?

I use it for innawoods not out in public, pls no bully

True millennials were raised in the 90s and prefer slightly baggier pants, as was the style at the time.

Only if it is actually made for military or workers and has steel toes (yeah don't let your mom step on them if you like your toes, otherwise you'll be fine pussy). "Fashion shoes" like these that goths buy and wear are pure shit and you should avoid them.

Hell's to the yea

great, m65 jackets stopped being cool a year ago gramps.

I dress in shit like that because fuck expensive clothes or giving a shit how I look when I'm only going to fuck them up working on my car/bike/dirtbike/computer/woodworking I have a suit in a suit bag double garbage bagged in the back of my cupboard in case someone dies but the rest is trash clothes and thriftstore shit I don't care about.

this is like old people whining in the 50's when young people started wearing blazers and "inappropriate" clothing for things other than leisure activity in private. Kids will always wear stupid shit, just look at the 80's.

I do however think it's a concern that young people are so obsessed with fashion nowadays, can't be good to focus too much on looks.

>I got my shirt from the mall, I feel really rich and cool, and high class
>looking waspy is cool, even though I am not rich and I have never touched a golf club


wew lad

i want that fucking jacket.

I actually told my wife yesterday that she needs to dress more like a woman. It did not go well. I said that she doesn't really dress feminine and it's difficult to be attracted to someone who doesn't express their femininity.

She was like "what if I told you to dress like a man?", and I told her that'd be a completely reasonable request. After all, she's attracted to men and wants to be with a man.

Anyway, I hate modern fashion. The styles they convince people to wear well into their 30s are terrible. Geek shit, Pseudopunk-lumberjack-motorcyclist, frumpy jeans and baggy mens button downs on women... I hope I didn't go too far talking about this with my wife.

Got one in an Army shop not long ago... Works pretty fucking dope. Was even cheaper than Shelley's. Quality wise is pretty much the same. Next time would probably buy that shit instead of Doc or Shelley's. Still a beautiful piece tho

Same, I also want a WW2 US Tanker jacket


So what's the end of your blog story? Did she agree to wear more feminine clothing and you more masculine?

The only reason I dress like a bum is because I am sick of being robbed.

>Why the fuck do millennials dress like this?
It's a disease. American pop culture celebrates everything that's ugly and nasty.
Promotes everything that's edgy and crazy.

It's something they have been indoctrinated into from childhood.

>Is there anything safe from the Jews reach?
Maybe Asia. Jewish television hasn't reached them there yet.

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enjoy your divorce

Not an argument.

I thought grunge shot itself back in 1994