How do we remove the frog?

how do we remove the frog?


one of those threads is mine

what do you have against pepe huh?


There is no need to remove Kek from Sup Forums.

We simply need to invite Thoth.

How about we remove you OP

first, you point the gun into your head.
Then you pull the trigger

Actually that worked.


We shall not remove the frog, but /mlpol/ must rise again. Heil Aryanne, the Pony Furer.

If we remove the frog, will Sup Forums die?

you dont

>kekistan flag
>dumb frog poster

Seriously ? Is no one going to check these ? 22662266 nigga show some love wtf


>Raging about the flagship symbol of Sup Forums and Sup Forums in particular

Either you are some Gandalf the Grey tier Oldfag who just got Internet connection for the first time in eight years or really fucking new. I think I know which one it is

Praise MOLOCH!

He hates the Frog and does not spam up this board or any board.

MOLOCH is the God we need to remove the Frogposters once and for all.




It would be extremely shit postful

I will not praise mammon


Two pairs, not bad

this is a big board

The Trashdove symbolises Thoth, It feeds off of singles


fawr jews.

>not understanding the palindrome symbolism
for a forced meme you'd think more cunts would know what it was about


>still trying to force your shitty trojan horse on Sup Forums

i don't have or post pepe's but it doesn't bother me for some reason and the fact it's been called a hate symbol is hilarious/ridiculous

I said it was forced.. whatever mate



palindromes, and Thoth, are always forced.

Thoth forces himself, he doesn't want praise or sacrifices, he comes when he is needed and gives the knowledge we require.

I am grateful for Thoth.


look at the ID on GUN

kek approves this

Nobody ever gave a fuck about palindromes. There's nothing notable or special about them. It's nothing more than obvious attempt to ride Pepe/Kek's coattails.

Please Kek, forgive this blasphemer and let him hear the sublime music of your holy croak before it's too late! Don't strike him down like all the others, he's one of us!

why do so many not understand palindromes or Thoth?

it isn't to take Kek's place, it's a minor character that shows up every once in awhile