I present to Sup Forums: The Forefather Policy. It goes as follows: For each individual US State...

I present to Sup Forums: The Forefather Policy. It goes as follows: For each individual US State, only those ethnic groups that made up the first settlers are allowed to immigrate and become citizens.

Other urls found in this thread:


>not russian

>canadian "ethnicity" listed at all

wtf m8

Is this some sort of statement or just plain bait?

Why do you want to let in this many potato niggers?

I have no idea whether they were Anglo-Canadians, French-Canadians, Irish, Scottish or Germans.

They are literally our ancestors. They're the second largest group of White Americans in the country.

Well luckily I'm german/Irish I guess

Also, Russians were not the first to immigrate to the US when it was an actual US State.

What the fuck?
The first colony on Pennsyania was New Sweden and then some English and Dutch showed up as well. Irish have to leave.

Eternal Anglo-Idahoan signing in.

Not US State at the time.

They have an average IQ of 91 though. Also British Americans outnumber Irish Americans, and are often undercounted in ethnic surveys.

hey what about minnesota you nigger

Plus, those were literally Finns, not white.

Sorry, Germans arrived before Swedes.

Define British.

Scandinavian, breh!

The western half of lower Michigan was settled by the Dutch, you fag.

This really has to go by county, not by state.

Policy Updated:
1.) Swedes allowed as second largest group in Minnesota
2.) Poles allowed as second largest group in Illinois

All the first colonist to Alaska were Irish/English.

t. Alaskan

Shit. I live in Pittsburgh but I'm not French. I'm fucked.

But did they come from Canada or directly Britain?

>Not Mexican

They came from IL, WI & IN.

It's Irish.

So all of america belongs to the Indians then?

Prove it, muthafucka

Get the fuck outta here. America was given to God for the Whites.

*by God

Or to better say it. They were mainly US citizens. If we were to speak on Foreign nationals then I would have to say first way would of been Norwegian for first wave immigration. Second wave would of been Russians then third would be Koreans.

Norwegians it is then! Enjoy your new neighbors.

Sadly my mother is the one with all the documentation. She's a Gemologist that did a lot of work on all the families that moved up here. So sadly I don't remember the name of the books that were written on then topic off the top of my head.

I live in PA half Irish half German, so it's a 50/50 shot on what you truly want to label it as.

English, Scottish, Scots-Irish, Welsh

This is retarded click bait. Native Americans were the first to inhabit all of these states. It makes my head hurt at so many levels to see such a circle jerk thread. Go smoke some fucking sage.

heres a better one


U havin a laff?

This map is hilariously bad. PA and DE (and probably MD) would be Swedish, for example.

i approve of this

>north carolina
Are you some kind of retard? We're English and Ulster-Scottish (Also, some German).

Michigan and Iowa should be dutch

why did you use green 3 times?