Can we have a Christian thread?

Can we have a Christian thread?

Why are so many people straying from the path of God?

"yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live. " 1 Corinthians 8:6

Other urls found in this thread:

Friendly reminder that Israel/CIA/Shariablue create religious threads in an attempt to cause infighting among us. It's classic D&C (divide and conquer). Ignore religion threads: the OP is NEVER sincere with his questions or points. It all just to start a fight.

>le shareblue maymay
fuck off, I honestly want a Christianity thread, faggot

It's not divide and conquer bro, it is literally the truth. Unitarianism is the Christian red pill.

Unitarians have been viewed as heretics and been killed since the council of Nicaea. Trinitarianism is so locked in main stream Christian theology and culture around the world. The Catholic damage did a shit ton of damage to the truth.

Mark 12:29 NKJV:
29 Jesus answered him, “The first of all the commandments is: ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’[a] This is the first commandment.[b] 31 And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’[c] There is no other commandment greater than these.”

Nice to see a fellow Unitarian on Sup Forums. Keep up the good work brother.

This. Catholicism is a Roman blasphemy created 350 years after real Christianity.

Bible translations have been written with a Trinitarian perspective for centuries. Capital letters when not necessary, different articles between words, etc.

Check out Anthony Buzzard's sermons on YouTube. He also debated James White with a few subsequent mini-debates and comments. All on YouTube. May the Father bless you on your spiritual journey bro, through Jesus Christ - Amen.

bump. Post here Christ bros. Let's talk about this shit.

Copied from the other Christian thread...

I have no problem believing that God could or does exist

But I can't bring myself to believe in the Virgin Birth, Ascension of Christ, etc. Without that stuff though, Christianity is meaningless.


I still don't think Christianity would be meaningless as a code of discipline and self control. It would just remove much of it's power though since it certainly does rely on belief. I would stop practicing if they found Jesus' bones.

I still don't think Christianity would be meaningless as a code of discipline and self control.

I agree with you on that


Make me some tea faggot.

Sorry bro. You're aren't really a faggot.

Why do you have difficulty believing in God, but not that He can alter the rules He Himself created and implemented when necessary?

Well there's always Islam;)

I love the Christian message, but I can't believe all aspects of the Bible. I plan to raise my children in accordance to the message, is that enough?

Married 21/f

Do you truly follow the Qu'ran? You believe he was born of a virgin, yet deny him as the son of God?

I will be frank. Muhammad was a false prophet, and if there is truth to the scripture - he is an agent of Satan.

I really don't understand how you people live with yourselves. You worship a literal jew who's mother was a whore. Your holy book was written by jews. There is literally nothing European about Christianity. Or do you really care so little for your ancestry and people?

Would you a qt Orthodox girl?

islam or judaism is your religion

Dabble in earnest prayer. Pray for faith. Research the manuscripts, the Greek and Hebrew meanings. It is trippy as hell how cohesive it is. This is an edgy opinion among Christians, but I also believe the orthodox doctrine of hell is bullshit.

>Why are so many people straying from the path of God?

Consider your track record.

I gtg. Kids home. Shit dude I would have loved to explain more to hopefully give you some perspective. Another time.

Christianity is the final redpill
Reminder that the kikes shoah'd Jesus for exposing the evils of the kikes

the only Christians I can even slightly tolerate are Protestants because their leader got redpilled in his latter days, otherwise no Christianity is blue pilled shit

I don't know if my husband would approve of that, but I'll bring it up with him. Thank you, user.

Doesn't make him any less of a kike himself.
Another time then.

Unitarianism is Islam, sho away heretic


Sorry replied to the wrong post.

the premise is simple.

What is more illustrative of power?

Crushing your enemies

Or bringing them to heel until they are made to serve.

The hebrews, jews, were selected not because of their pedigree, but just the opposite - they were selected because they were garbage.

Ultimately they were made to serve, carrying his word, and message to delivery in the person Jesus Christ.

"He's a jew"! you say. No, the jew's are His. As are you, and like the jews, you will be made to serve, whether you know it or not. You can either serve graciously, and intentionally, or you can serve unintentionally as a blundering fool.

In case anyone didn't see


>Why are so many people straying from the path of God?

Meanwhile you've built a 125 foot statue of Jesus only to have him look down on what is basically just a vice ridden hovel with an annual citywide gay sex orgy

You've got some fucking explaining to do Fernando

What a load of pseudointellectual bullshit. Any god that would fuck a jewess or at the very least associate himself with the jews is no god I'll worship and anyone who considers themselves to be European who worships this fucking kike is a damned cuckold.

Back. Personal testimony is dog shit for spreading the good news but it is a start. The Judaic Christian God turned my life around - helped me get a lot more structured and have balls to speak more truth (about anything) from day to day. I was a fucking mess as an atheist, although I didn't know it.

I don't speak for the Jews, but they were no friend of Christ. Hell, many of them in power seem dead set on leading people away from him or marking him as childish bullshit.

How did you come to this conclusion on hell? / Where could one look to research

No one wants to be a junior Jew

You can't call yourself Christians if your country is sponsoring jihadists. Free Assyria.

I reject the notion that life is a beautiful creation by a loving God. Some people are beautiful and live great lives. Some people are ugly and some people die in brutal ways. I don't understand it and that's why I reject it. If there's a god then ok. Maybe I'll understand when we are heaven


Brb getting on my PC. Just typed out a couple scriptures on my phone while putting youngest to sleep and I accidentally lost the whole message. I hate typing on a damn phone.

In rejecting Jesus you are more like the jews than the Christ they also rejected.

Hang on to your european heritage, just as the jews clutch on to their's.

What's your opinion on Hell then?

>uses pics of catholics
>doesn't know the difference between a catholic and a christian

Ezekiel 18:20 (KJV):
The soul that sinneth, it shall die.

Ecc 9:10 (ESV)
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might, for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going.

Rev 20:14 (KJV)
And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

Sheol is the grave. Greeks translated Sheol to Hades. Hades adapted into hell thanks to Greek mythology and the Catholic church.

Keep thinking God is three Who's in one What.

See I think when you are dead you are dead, until the resurrection.

John 17:3 is crystal clear.

You bros need a new perspective on John 1:1

I appreciate your candor. Your definition of quality in this case is only relative though. The beautiful? Do they really live grea" lives? Many of these peoples are distraught and self destructive, desperate for people who love "them".

If being ugly is comparatively so terrible, wouldn't death be a mercy? You're not getting your thoughts in order.

You KNOW there is something wrong with the world, because there is. However, it is only rational to say as much if it is meant for something better then we observe right now.

Trust the author and gladly continue the story.
Distrust the author, and you're still stuck in an awful world that is awful for no reason, good or otherwise.

Anyway, this off the cuff description makes it sound like wish fulfillment. You admit misunderstanding, and I really appreciate that so I'm trying to offer back some perspective in good faith. Keep looking, man. I can only offer personal testimony that taking the step in faith and trusting hasn't been betrayed. I am no more financially wealthy, or influential as a result, but peace and joy has followed in multiplied proportions to that trust.

Thanks to christianity Europe was reconquered from muslim invaders.

Considering John is the most trinitarian it is ironic you quote it.

In the beginning there was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. Through him all things were made...

Continuing of this just for kicks. I think this was a mistake because it misleads people to try and bring people to Christ and his Father through fear. I believe the gospel is meant to be spread through love and hope, not fear.

I believe it smears the name of God.

I was driving on the freeway and I seen a old dude holding up a sign saying "JESUS OR HELL". I was so pissed because there are only 2 reasons for this. He is either a atheist shill trying to damage the Bible or he believes that shit and is trying to spread the good news through fear. Either option is shitty, and damages His name.

God doesn't exist

There was a distinction made by the Greeks between the two "Theos". God spoke the universe into existence with his word. His word was made flesh in Jesus Christ. In this sense, all things were made by his word, and yet his word could still have been "born" or "made flesh". The videos I posted explore this concept as well.

Hope I don't offend bro. My speech and beliefs have always been abrasive to traditional Christians - even when I don't mean to. I get hung up on it though because it drastically changes the story of the Bible, and - in my opinion - really gets the Bible to open up.

Sure. I didn't know they wore headcoverings in church

The Word is used in a way that assuredly is meant to mean Christ in commune has been since the beginning.

Furthermore the family is a reflection of this in creation. The father and mother come together and in their love comes forth children like the Holy Spirit.

Finally, a God that is love would necessarily want to express and share that love thus the necessity of the Holy Trinity. My words are straw compared to the likes of Aquinas who I would encourage you to read.

I will read his writings on this.

I disagree with the analogy. My family and I are different people (persons). I believe God is one person or personality. In John, I believe Jesus said "The Father and I are one". He then immediately goes on to clarify how we will all be one with Jesus. That does not mean we are an omni-being in my opinion. In this sense, I believe he and the Father are of one will - as we are to be in Christ. I do not believe this to be a statement of his triune nature. I believe God is one personality in this sense, not three persons performing the perfect will of God. I believe God is the Father.

I like Isaac Newton a lot. That dude was a Unitarian who was in touch with the universe in ways that blow my mind.


Trip out on Psalms book 2 with the perspective that he is speaking of his special son, the messiah:

"Why do the nations rage
and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth set themselves,
and the rulers take counsel together,
against the Lord and against his Anointed, saying,
“Let us burst their bonds apart
and cast away their cords from us.”

He who sits in the heavens laughs;
the Lord holds them in derision.
Then he will speak to them in his wrath,
and terrify them in his fury, saying,
“As for me, I have set my King
on Zion, my holy hill.”

I will tell of the decree:
The Lord said to me, “You are my Son;
today I have begotten you.
Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage,
and the ends of the earth your possession.
You shall break them with a rod of iron
and dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.”

Now therefore, O kings, be wise;
be warned, O rulers of the earth.
Serve the Lord with fear,
and rejoice with trembling.
Kiss the Son,
lest he be angry, and you perish in the way,
for his wrath is quickly kindled.
Blessed are all who take refuge in him."

The Bible really opens up more when you find out that the One who sits on the throne here in Psalms and in Revelations is the Father. He is the Almighty.

I gtg. My gorgeous wife needs my time. Thanks for the company brothers and sisters. May God bless you all on your spiritual journeys and walks of life.

Forgot to add, the LORD is YHWH, the Father. Yahweh, Jehovah, Yahowah, or whatever it was thousands of years ago. I think that will be revealed in time. Peace.

>God can create an orderly universe
>God can't manipulate a single cell inside Mary's body to have all of the necessary chromosomes

But the early Christians and the Church Fathers more closely resemble Orthodoxy/Catholicism than any form of Protestantism.

You don't believe the being who created the universe can bend reality?

That's a misunderstanding of trinitarian theology then, three persons one nature. The God union is one nature, while they are three persons. The union is the Family and the persons are the individuals.


There are, what, a few thousand religions? And yours alone is the one true religion?

Give me a fucking break. Do some shrooms and report back on your experience.

Christianity is for weak minded and gullible people.

it was foretold. Matthew 24:12
>You worship a literal jew who's mother was a whore
you worship a literal welfare queen who murdered a white countryman and never laid hands on one of the immigrants he claims to hate so much

The bible is the word of god because it says so in the bible is the word of god[...]

Go figure Favela

Some Christian friendly videos:

Noah's Ark- proof of the supernatural

Illuminati Exposed - Know Your Enemy (Part 1 - Introduction)

because if god exists, he let everything awful that has happened to me happen to me

yeah yeah, "test of faith" whatever. fuck that. If he loved me he wouldn't torture me. Ya'll that believe are fucking retarded.

Plus if god is all-knowing he knows what he has to do in order for me to believe in him. I seriously can't believe how people still believe this fairytale

oi, how do I pray away the gay and stop being a faggot? I think I would be okay if I only wanted to crossdress and entertain trans feelings, but lately I've also been having thoughts about sucking and fucking dick. I was alright feeling envious of women's bodies and wanting to get more in touch with my feminine side, but I almost fapped to /hm/ the other day before I stopped myself. The slippery slope of degeneracy is real, and I fear it may be too late for my soul.

Reminder that to be a consistent Christian you must be a pacifist.
Reminder that to be a consistent pacifist you must be an anarchist.
Therefore to be a consistent Christian you must be an anarchist.

Well germany, we may agree but millions of god-worshipping folk are going to take over your country in 30 years so maybe there is something to this whole "god" thing eh?

Maybe us humans have just had religions around for so long we don't know what to do without it.




30 years is pretty fucking optimistic if you ask me
Fucking nuke this shithole please

"Love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you.” ( Mt 5.44 , Lu 6.27 , Lu 6.3 ) “Do not use force against an evil man.” ( Mt 5.39 ) “Do not resist evil with evil.” “Forgive and you will be forgiven.” (Lu 6.37 ) “Do not be anxious about your life.”( Lu 12.22 ) “In everything do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Mat 7.12 )

Is adhering to ritual an essential part of being Christian? I certainly think there's some form of higher power but I don't see the point of organized religion.

Christ is not real Christcuck. Do the research and you will see your God is fake like all the others. This is truth.

I try to be optimistic. I really hope that your country's people see the truth.

take it easy burgerfedora

>two sentence post
>woah burgerdora take it easy!!!!!

Seriously, Chile?

My relationship with god is my own.


Left the faith almost 10 years ago

>why are people (are predisposed) straying away from x?

I left the faith to have a more personal relationship with the father that the clergy couldn't provide

That's an infantile position.
"I don't like things therefore fuck the very Creator of my soul."

Christ is literately the only thing worth living for, everything else has little value.

>Immortality through christ
> any other religion....

not that hard.

I did the same thing.

It all happened after church one thursday(our church was weird i guess). Pastor was unusually cold to me when I came to him, and said to me and I WILL NEVER FORGET THESE WORDS:

>"user, my son, I've noticed that you have been giving less lately"

...I didn't even need to finish the conversation. This church was very much into the "if you give to the church god will always provide" mantra type bullshit.

It's all bullshit. They just want money.

Your relation its most likely a delusion and not christian

God died. We need to revive one that suits our purposes. We can dress him up under Christianity, but it must be reformed. We need a God that calls upon men to save the west.

take it easy burger dude, don't be like that, be a friend

Ahhh non-catholics, priceless

Stop trying to jew people

By removing the Judaism from an extant myth? Delusional. Turn the other cheek when I strike you.

I'm assuming you're the same Chilean.

I've been to Catholic churches. Gold and stained glass everywhere. Priests all have disproportionate amounts of wealth given what they do.

It's all the same and you're being dumb for thinking protestants are much different.

You faggots probably think that science is the answer and that the pre flood world wasn't filled with canaanites and amorites which were like 50-150 ft tall.

Thats the ''christ'' part not the jew one
Jewing ppl is producing a religion out of your ass to ''motivate them'' into doing what you want