Why do americans love this fucking shit?

Why do americans love this fucking shit?

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For the autism spectrum

same reason you love cigarettes

Easy excuse for people to have dessert, but tell people it's "coffee"

Basically like how people eat muffin for breakfast, just say it's fucking cake.

Because people still fall for the caffeine jew
Not to mention that the CEO of Starcucks is a globalist

When I used to be fat I liked the Frappuccinos, I don't buy their shit anymore tho

Same reason women are liberals: to virtue signal.

There's a great post somewhere that someone has capped about how women walk around with coffee cups because it makes them feel like big important adults. In every woman's head, she's the star in her own movie at all times.

It's literally the only coffee I can get at work. I'm sorry, OP. Didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

OP, it's an addiction. Not only to the caffeine, but spending over $7 on a fucking cup of "coffee". I do not drink coffee and get through my day just fine. I don't feel sorry for the people with the addiction.

Hell, I drive to work and each starbucks I pass has a line from the drive-thru to the damn street. It's fucking pathetic. It's fucking robots in line man, very sad.

This. It's more for the 2 day's worth of sugar in 10 minutes than the small amount of caffeine.

Liberal pandering shitty "coffee" that I could get better and cheaper from brewing at my own house.

I've only ever had it in the airport
thought it was garbage
everything in the airport is garbage, though

Probably because of all of the chemicals they put into their over priced hippie concessions.

It's convenient, reasonably priced, clean and comfortable (if you go inside) and a 16oz, 3 shot, mocha with no whip tastes the same in Seattle as it does in Kyoto. Why does everybody around here have to be so fucking edgy?

Because CEO (((((Howard Schultz))))) knows what goyim want.

It's convenience, it's pretentious, and you hit on it: it's a habit. I think most people are just bored with life, and a [morning] visit to Starbucks is SOMETHING to do.

When you live in an average to upper middle class suburb, Starbucks is usually the best coffee avail. I mean it's $2 for Starbucks or $1 for gas station or Mickey Ds coffee. I choose Starbucks.

I stopped drinking Starbucks when its CEO started pandering to 'refugees'.

Starbucks workers at airport are ghetto af

it's alright tbqh frappes are something else when it's summer

Try to find espresso in a normal sized town — you can't. McDonalds, gas station, Tim Hortons, Dunkin Donuts, etc. do not offer true espresso drinks. Starbucks has a monopoly on the espresso — the way they scaled around the country is a marvel

It's not that great, but it's good for espresso if I'm traveling

I don't. I only drink it if there isn't a Dunkin' Donuts around. Starbucks tastes fucking burnt at all times.

I cut back after this. But then realized there literally isn't another option anywhere near my route to and from work ://

Same here

Literally not gone there since that shit.

McDonalds coffee is the same shit anyway

Mcdonald's coffee is actually superior to starbucks.

Because americans don't know shit about real coffee (or food)

>all these fuckers fell for the caffeine jew
pathetic. why do you need this stuff? do you not get sleep the night before or something?

Because it's half sugar

I only ever bought bagged ground Starbucks coffee at the grocery store, so I had no problem switching.

Because it's a stimulant loaded up with a few days worth of sugar. That's why.

Fit people don't touch "drinks"

they usually live next to the airport, lol

I don't know. It's fucking garbage.

They do a LOT more than lattes and fraps.

I get regular drip coffee w/ no sugar and breakfast sandwiches pretty frequently, it's on the way to work.

Interesting you mention that. I just had Starbucks tonight for the first time in over a year. Don't worry I used a gift card that's been in my wallet for ages.

I'm a coffee guy but most coffee I drink is ground I buy from the supermarket and put in my Keurig.

McDonald's coffee is pretty good. Also, their pineapple mango smoothie is fucking delicious. Never eat the food though. It's weird. It's weird food.


Starbucks replaced diners as the place to get breakfast and coffe - as people no longer have time to sit down. Real Coffee Autists go to the Hipster Coffee Shops that sell premium shit for more money.

My personal favorite, so fucking tasty

The US is a very plastic environment where nothing is real.
things which used to be peasant food are now trendy because they are healthy. Consumed largely by detached, cultureless housewives in athletic wear. Ive noticed beets and kale have gone up in price to unacceptable levels.

If these people actually knew anything, they would realize they are being marketed ukrainian peasant diet for literally 100x the price.

overpriced toilet water

mmm double smoked bacon is dank as fuck.

Had a nice venti vanilla doubleshot espresso on ice today

you know that's not food, right?

>chorizo sausage
>ciabatta or croissant

Pretty sure that's food bud

starbucks is insanely overrated coffee. The community stuff at gas stations is better in my opinion.

>Fresh whole beans roasted within the last month
>A cheap 20 dollar hand grinder for home
>Pour over coffee maker
>Purified water
>Pinch of kosher salt to cut bitterness

There, better coffee than Starcucks, make it at home, make hipster chicks cream when they see how "retro" you are.

I dont i'm not paying for overpriced fucking coffee

I guess you've never been to McDonald's, Tim Hortons, or Dunkin Donuts. They all do espresso

you really think what you listed is all you're eating.
i mean sure, you can chew it, and digest it, maybe glean some energy from it, too without immediately dying, but you can eat packing peanuts too.

it's not real food.
it's a notion of food

kek this

its the damn hippie commies who buy this overpriced crap with daddys money just like their apple laptops so they can sit and post about how capitalism sucks.

>not using a french press
>putting salt in your coffee wtf?

They were kiked way back into embracing that wageslave enabling drug as some sort of status and cultural icon.

>falling for the caffinated Jew

Ha plebs. I drink nothing but water

>not using MCT oil and butter until you have to clear your throat every 5 mins

Jamie, pull that up

I worked at one for 2 years, just quit.

They let you stay as long as you want. Comfortable interiors. You can customize any drink to an extreme. They have a great company culture that encourages employees to get to know customers. They sell a variety They regularly update the menu. They're also literally fucking everywhere.

Basically its like a McDonalds that doesn't suck, and respects they're employees. The difference is, SBucks is VERY limited in who they franchise to.

Unfortunately, they've started to shit on their employees in the past 5 years by cutting hours and benefits.

Probably a smoker. They can't taste anything except massive amounts of sugar or salt.

No, they don't. They have machines pumping out pre-made bullshit.

Tea is better for you anyway.

Also cheaper. Like $5 for a box of a month's supply of green tea.

>They have machines pumping out pre-made bullshit.
>what is espresso

You put in a tiny amount user, it's to cut bitterness.


I thought it sounded weird too, but I tried it, and a little goes a long way. You can't even taste it. This is only something you do if you drink it black though.

Starbucks green iced tea sweetened with liquid cane sugar is where its at its new.

Also the passion ice tea lemonade, lemonade first, is also where its at yo.


Coffee and the culture surrounding it is cancer

Isn't the bitterness part of the whole appeal with coffee? You might need to buy a different blend or an espresso roast instead of a filter one.

>Why do americans love this fucking shit?
>A lack of exposure to real quality coffee
>Consumers who are too lazy to learn to brew their own.
>A market for sugared up pseudo coffee milk shakes like lattes and frappacinos.

Honestly as someone who drinks it black I think McDonalds coffee is better than Starbucks and it tends to be my choice when I can't find a good local coffee shop.

On the up hand more and more Americans are being exposed to locally owned coffee houses that produce a quality brew and are coming to realize how mediocre Starbucks truly is.

Real Americans make their own coffee. Only cucked faggots buy coffee, it's beyond cheap to buy coffee beans and you'd have to be retarded to be unable to make it yourself.

If you brew your coffee strong then it tends to get a little too bitter for most people's tastes. You can brew it lighter; but then it loses a little flavor and body.

If you add a wee pinch of salt to cut the bitterness then you get the best of both worlds.

i dont like pour over because there is still paper waste and you dont get crema like with a french press or moka pot.
amazing how big of a difference freshly roasted beans make.

Surely you mean you only drink distilled water, or rainwater, and only pure-grain alcohol?

Or have you never heard of a thing called fluoridation? Fluoridation of water?

Fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face.

Do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk... ice cream. Ice cream, user, children's ice cream.

You know when fluoridation first began?

Nineteen hundred and forty-six. 1946, user. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works.

Caffeine affects me differently because I have ADHD.
I brew a lot in the morning, take my meds, drink the rest of the whore, and it gives me a bit of a boost.

we dont, most of us think it's super overpriced and tastes like tap-water

I have been to maybe 5 different starbucks and it always is the same: absolutely god awful fucking service with mediocre product. Never will go to a starbucks ever.

I honestly dont understand how you can have such bad service but people still go to your locale. Fucking boggles my mind. Disturbing to think that it exist merely because people are addicted to the caffeinated mud-water jew.

Once had it whilst traveling to Cleveland to see dying relative.
Just plain black dark roast.
Basically same quality as homebrew shit.

easy access

anyone who says "because it's fashionable" needs to go outside.

I used to work there. It was a horrendous commie breading ground. Everything tasted awful, everything has no less than 20g of sugar, everyone acted like they were in highschool. Right before I quit I stopped larping as a socialist cool guy and made some comments about how shirty work ethics and standards were. During the closing interview they offered me the choice between a corporate gig or managing my own location. I still left. Will never go into another one.