Anyone else here fall for the college meme?

Anyone else here fall for the college meme?

>"Oh user you're so smart. Go to college and you'll make so much monies :))))"
>Literally indoctrinated by adults and teachers (who make money off the education scam), throughout my entire life that if I don't get at least a bachelors degree I will be a poorfag and live on the streets
>All the jew universities make us take two years of worthless fucking classes that will never be used in our career field because it "makes us well-rounded workers" and it "helps us think better"
>all while never learning the marketable skills that are taught at two-year colleges and tech schools.

Why the fuck didn't I just go to a 2-year school. I literally could have finished my degree in half the time and spent one-fourth of the money. I hope the higher education bubble pops and the Jewniversities get BTFO

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On the same boat user, I wish I didn't go strait to college right after high school or at least went into a trade. I feel like i've wasted a valuable time on a meme that I could've been using to get something useful then spending the rest of my time on a passion. Now I'm 23, barely anything to show for it trying to pick up the pieces.

Did you major in something stupid? 80% of majors are memes, but the other 20% are actually useful.

Dual majoring in biology and microbiology. Literally the only thing I can do with it is pipette shit for 12 dollars an hour. Kill me.

its what we get for listening to out of touch boomers who still think we're in post war economy how to function in the modern day.

I think people are starting to see through all of their bullshit. The education bubble burst is coming lads.

Biology you are the most fucked of those who bite at the STEM meme bait. lol

Super fucked dude. How much debt do you have?

Same graduating and dont give a fuck about my major and dont ever want a job in it. Think i'll just join the airforce.

went to a 2 year trade school community college. no debt ever, no loans, just paid my tuition every semester.

now I have a stable income and my job isn't even that hard. (((college))) is for spreading marxism, not knowledge.

I fell for the meme as well.

Theres placements for the top 1% of students who are actually super intelligent and hard working. The rest of us are just there to make them money till they throw us out with worthless degrees that employers laugh at.

It should be illegal to provide courses without either significant warnings on the lack of career prospects or a heavy emphasis on real job skills and college>job pathways with placements and employer connections.

And the boomers wonder why people who spent 4 years in uni are "entitled" and "unmotivated" when faced with working at mcjobs that will never earn enough to buy a house or start a family.

Computer science major here. Starting to consider dropping out. I keep hearing a lot of stories about how working as a programmer sucks and that they outsource a lot of jobs to Pajeets. Also my grades suck due to depression. I would like to be some kind of scientist or bioinformatician ideally, but I don't know if that will ever happen.

15k. I already know I'm fucked. I'm just hoping I can get a job so that I can save and go to med tech school.

>walk into college
>fuck 100 girls
>get a double major in stem and business
>walk out of uni with a 6 figure job
>that took 3 years
>debt was paid off in 1 year
what the actual fuck are you doing you retard

if you spend it being a fat shit show that gets merely a pass in everything, doesnt socialize and gets a shit degree ofcourse ITS A WASTE OF MONEY, you wasted your own money. gz.

stupid fags.

>be me
>drop out of highschool
>get a business loan from a regular bank
>own a house by the age of 20
>retire at 25 and live on Sup Forums

Well, I'm on a Engineering faculty and it's pretty redpilled actually. (Obviously there still are useful idiots aka commies, but, it's nothing compared to other faculties)
It is /comfy/.

If your grades suck its going to be hard as fuck to be a scientist. You could get an associates degree in biotech and still contribute to research though.

DO NOT, Bioinformatics is the WORST STEM MEME Degree... At least with CS if you can really program you'll get a job.

We should do something about the broken-ass edcation system in our country. How should we do that though?

Im majoring in animation.

been in college for 5 years. By the time i realized it was a scam my 4th year began. and i had lost my previous credits to a transfer.

It's a scam. In fact I tell all kids i can to just go get a 2 year degree, do STEM Where you get your money back quickly and tend to avoid liberal arts BS, or simply or go to a trade school school.

IF you want to do an art for a living take up an aprenticeship. That's how it used to work and the art world was much better for it. The second those shitty School snoibs got involved in the arts shit hit the fan.

why'd you pick a girl with 300k instagram followers to larp with

By the government not guaranteeing student loans, which would give colleges an incentive to lower tuition. Why should they now? The tax payer backs every loan, so why not set tuition ridiculously high and bask in the gibs?

I'm an ok-ish programmer, but I'm nowhere near the best. I kind of want to do something science or technology related, and not have to do stupid shit like design anti-virus software or something. What do, leaf?

I think it will fix itself when people start realizing that higher education is a meme. Tons of universities will go out of business and the ones remaining will be forced to lower their prices to compete with community colleges.

I traveled right after high school... been to over 40 countries. Worked as a bartender and a cook in between.

Now I'm 24 and in law school. Is this a bad idea?

>inb4 welding jew

>majored in bio too
come here bro
>w-we just gotta get into m-medicine right brah?

Most training you get is on the job anyway, the stuff about being well-rounded and learning to think critically is seriously supposed to be the main benefit of college unless you're doing grad and post-grad work. Only recently has the concept of universities being about job training emerged. Historically it was intended to make better people, and better people make better engineers and lawyers. Well maybe not lawyers. The more technical the field the more relevant the major specific course work is obviously.

im scared user

holy shit post it
inb4 she is not black hair blue eyes natural


>Fornicates with 100 girls
The consequences of your immoral lifestyle will catch up with you.

I see what you're getting at, By giving students a chance to get into college without selling their souls, like europe, but giving that chance to certain special people, so people dont just throw that chance away, good idea user.

>tfw shit grades and chronic laziness keep you from getting int med school

Spent 4 years getting an associates degree in video game design at a community college and I graduate this semester and have learned nothing of significance in that time and I still can't fucking code worth shit.
I'm moving in with my dad in California by the end of the summer to figure out what the fuck to do with my life at this point.
Maybe work on self development as a person, maybe get a shitty job as a QA tester at a game studio, maybe go to a trade school for a degree in electrical building, maybe to fucking Uber, or just wait for Trump's magic to work and get a blue collar job that comes back from overseas.
All I know is I'm probably not going to end up working at a AAA studio like I naively thought when I got out of highschool.

College today is just extended babysitting to keep young people off the streets, as there is nothing else for them to do as there are fewer and fewer jobs and more people competing over them.

Once upon a time it was the gateway to a professional career and an upper middle class life. Some high quality colleges still offer this. Most don't.

It's gonna happen. Get ready for another 2008.

... what?

>feel happy
>grades are good
>feel depressed
>grades become bad
>cycle continues for all of eternity
The ride will never end.

>Going to uni solely for a degree you could use to get a well paying job.

Kys you fucking retards. This is not what uni is meant for. I remember the first thing my physics professor said in first year "Uni is not a degree print press, you go to uni to pursue something you are passionate about"

is med school my only option as a bio major?

she looks kinda retarded desu

>Another retard that thinks spending money at university directly after high-school would have ensured them a job after graduating.

Fucking retards. I worked my ass off from 18-23. I went from delivering pizza's to landing a security job to becoming a supervisor in said security job to getting into law enforcement. I had one recruiter tell me education would have helped make me a bit more competitive but that because so many people apply without work experience, volunteer experience and just with a piece of paper from a university that the applicant pools are favoured towards work experience.

Guess what? I make over 60,000$ a year now starting without a degree, with no university debt. Meanwhile retards like you went in laid around for 4 years studying for tests and now cant find a job and don't understand why.

Now you're going to have to go flip burgers at mcdonalds just to climb the ladder to show you are actually employable.

If you are going to go thousands of dollars into debt in university make sure you are at least working and volunteering. That's not possible for many university students though because their course loads are so retarded they have no time to do anything other then go to school and study.

I don't know what to tell you man really. I'm honestly starting to think the 2 year diploma + work experience might have been the best bet, but even then you're going to be taking from your work experience.

I remember one applicant I was up against prior to the interview talking and he had a loaded resume, BA in criminology, graduated with honours etc anyway the guy ended up failing the interview because he couldn't demonstrate he had the experience for the required competencies while I passed with just a highschool education but shit tons of work experience. He messaged me after and couldn't believe it, dude actually thought he was entitled to a job because of a piece of paper.

can i live in your house as a NEET? I will feed your cats

weird body too

>tfw not passionate about anything

you fucked pic related?

You What? Have you tried to get a quality paying career type job with a biology degree in the last decade?...?

are you fucking gay

you could be a lab tech and run tests on blood piss and shit all day every day

I hope you haven't started your B.S. meme degree lad. Get out while you can.

just out of curiosity, what did the guy say in his message?

you either spend a good chunk of your post b.s. life working towards a phd to be a college researcher or professor
or you spend it in med school (doctor/dentist/surgeon/nurse/physician etc.)
or be a med tech/ lab researcher kind of guy (blood bank clinical science)
samson option: teach in public schools
there's a couple of options

are you blind? it looks like a fucking facehugger is about to burst out of her abdomen

>leaf standards


.. im still in school

yeh i know you are used to fat maori women dude
skinny women must trigger u so hard

If you want to make a decent living then yeah. You could go to grad school but its not much better and if you have shit grades you're fucked

dat anorexia

I'm an 18 yo senior in H.S. Graduating in a few months and have no idea what to die. Everyone around me is pressuring me into heading to college right away.

What should I really do? I'm at a lost

>americans are so obese they think skinny girls must purge to be that skinny

what did you major in psychology

guess i'll try for med school

Well best of luck with that. Seriously STEM meme is starting to be revealed as another way for Jewniversities to trick people into paying for 4 more years.

Colleges are becoming even scammier now with online-only courses or one night a week classes. How much can you REALLY learn about something only going to class 12-16 hours a week? A true master of anything should be devoting 40 hours a week minimum to one subject. Very little is actually learned in college that can't be done by reading a textbook yourself.

Got a stem degree that took me 6 years. After I transfered to a university and was in my final year I got a job offer. I only make $98,000 a year but the work is enjoyable.

if you're not ready, don't waste your time
you can fuck about in community college or get a job for a bit
make sure you know what you're doing and that there's a job market for you

"I'm a chad that makes 6-figures and bangs a supermodel" except he's actually a neet

Show me pics of your boipucci and I'll see what advice I could give you breh.

Gen Z here and I need tips about my future.
Instead of a big state school, i'll be attending CC first, should I do that or go into something else?

>he is upset because strangers on the internet dont think his fake internet gf is as hot as he thinks she is

Don't go to college right away if you don't have a good idea what you wanna do. What kind of jobs are you interested in? If you're curious about different medical professions, you could ask to shadow different med personnel (doctors, nurses, physical/occupational therapists, etc) to get a better idea of what exactly they do everyday, in person, rather than having an idea in your head of what those jobs entail that clashes horribly with the reality.

You kids need to learn something useful like welding/plumbing/machining. Lots of careers don't even require a degree and let you work your way up to pretty good wages. Don't be afraid to actually work for a living, It usually pays better anyway.

If you are feeling social pressure to get a degree remember that most people are drooling retards whose opinions should be discarded.


I-I don't know about that, user. I don't plan on selling myself out for a few shekels.

If you must go to college. Go to a community college or trade school and get a 2-year degree in something you're interested in. You'll save so much more time and money as opposed to going to a 4-year school.

Is there anything valuable I can do that doesnt involve math? I'm absolute shit at it

>he thinks i was serious with a picture name
fucking newfags

>Med student
>using Sup Forums

forget it guys, statistically, rarely any med students uses Sup Forums, they're smart enough not to.

If you do bite at the trades Meme make sure you can transfer your credits towards a 4 year degree before you sign up.

med students are retarded because being a doctor sucks ass, only an idiot would become a doctor 2bh

>Him: So I got my interview results today and failed, how did you do?
>Me: Oh sorry to hear that, yeah I passed and will be moving on to the next stage.
>Him: Really lol? and you just got highschool?
>Me: Yeah but I also got a lot of work experience
>Him: honestly man that doesn't even make sense you think they would prioritize university graduates
>Me: When it comes to law enforcement though they want to see you have had experience working full time and know how to deal with the public though, a degree doesn't really prove that
>Him: I think studying full time shows I'm capable and can deal with people just fine
>Me: Yeah again sorry to hear about the news maybe try contacting the recruiters
>Him: I'm literally so mad right now the whole reason I got into criminology was for this 4 years of my life

something like that. Guy was chapped and removed me from facebook a week later.

Dude, I got lucky with math. I was supposed to take college algebra to get my degree, but I was struggling so much with elementary algebra failing it 3 times before passing with a D that they said "Okay, you don't have to pass college algebra to get your degree, take and pass this biology course instead."

u do realize if you are an autist who cant dress or groom himself properly people will say anything to get rid of you right?

Yes, many options that don't require higher math. You will probably have to take college algebra type classes for everything though. And for gods sake, if you're interested in medical jobs at all, don't fall for the Nursing meme. Therapy ASSISTANTS get paid more than RNs and the schooling for OTA or PTA takes 2 years, tops.

Look around at job ads, if something interests you, read what they expect you to have as qualifications.

Research how long it takes to get those qualifications and if the market is wide enough that you can break through at entry level.

Contact employers themselves and they might give you tips on how to get there before you have 2-5 years experience.

Go dentist man, best choice.

What did you major in

Sounds like my life. I was talked into going to college by family and friends. It was half paid by grants and scholarships but I had to get loans for the other half.
Graduate with a degree in (((journalism/media production))). I manage to get a decent job at a local TV station editing on air content. 3 years later It has become boring as fuck. Only options are move to LA and hope I could get a could job with (((them))) or change careers.
I'm now take a few necessary pre requisite classes for medical school and will be applying to med schools next spring. At least I'll have a skill that will be needed forever all around the world and make a good salary.
Does anyone think I'm choosing the wrong direction?

Go to a nationally known and recognized school, like a big state school or Ivy league if possible right out of high school, major in a non-meme degree and take advantage of every networking opportunity given to you. If you go to the right place, there should be lots of career fairs and your professors probably have good connections if you're looking to purse a grad degree or looking to get out into the real world. The amount of social capital you gain in those first two years as compared to going to a community college will help you exponentially when trying to beat out billy blooper for a job down the line

t. graduating this spring with a comfy office job lined up

your life went in the wrong direction the second you chose the sjw infested journalism/media production 2bh lad

Join the Military get a free degree and Career. Then ENJOY your fucking Pension at a very Young age.

>didnt think he would get caught larping
>desperately trying to save face

everyone knows youre a faggot

go to bed you big faggot

Medical jobs make you redpill after dealing with (((diversity))) for such amount of time.

Video game design.
Just to be clear, I had to take a bunch of other math prerequisites before I even took elementary algebra. I was failing in intermediate algebra before they told me I could take a biology class.
I basically completed every other prerequisite class I needed for my degree except for college algebra. I basically explained that I suck at advanced math, and I don't want to be held back from moving on with my life because of one math class when I completed everything else.
The head of the game department himself had to OK on it. So glad he did.

Can you tell me more about being a dentist user? It's either med or dent for me, and I definitely have the grades for dent, but I feel like dentistry is not as fulfilling as a career as medicine. Yea, you make good money, but is it worth it?

He was dressed better then me. I don't have rich parents, I couldn't afford a full suit. I went in business casual with a dress shirt from sears and a tie, he was wearing like at least a $2,000 suit. We were both groomed and I'm pretty sure the guy could have ticked the minority box as he looked Métis. I talked with him for like 30 minutes prior to the interview. Everybody looked better dressed then me to be honest.

Grooming might play a role but I don't think recruiters care as long as you look presentable. They are more curious to see if you can meet the competencies they are looking for and have actual people skills. I think the dress to impress thing is a bit over-exaggerated.

I read somewhere that over two thirds of doctors would choose a different profession if they had another chance

Actually now that you mention it getting into Therapy/psychology doesnt seem like a bad idea at all. I spend all day on /r9k/ so I could pull it off.

Also my uncle was a nurse. I learned my lesson from him.
Looking at all the req just to land a simple job is scary desu. You need 10years+ exp + a masters degree just to land a shitty min wage job nowadays. I applied to walmart multiple times and still havent had a response yet.

>learn a trade!

ok well, i mean, what are our options?

We're never fucking told these options guys. We're told to go to college...and I did....and it didn't fucking work out. I make 10 dollars an hour with a psych degree as a stupid program assistant for a memory facility

>being this triggered by image file names

Métis? That's probably why he didn't get the job.

you literally have no excuse as a white male for not being the best dressed and groomed in the room

other races get minority bonuses and shit