
when did bill nye go off the edge and start shilling jewish degeneracy hes not even a scientist

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why do you care?

t. zombie nation

t. sjw

>haha dude it doesn't affect you like just go get some pussy and smoke weed bro, live your life bro

based alt-right sjw

Nips don't believe in pussy unless it's 2D and moe, nor do they smoke weed.

timeline shifted again

>tfw you feel so bad for a fictional ice cream cone you draw him killing his ice cream rapists

This isn't how I imagined my life turning out.

Why is modern entertainment so petty and malicious? I've never seen multi-million dollar entertainment project such hate towards its own viewing populace than ever before.


Do people under 30 even know who Bill Nye is?

It's always been his objective. Nostalgia can only cover so much but if you were to go back and watch his program it's hilarious how off base it gets at times. He's always been an empty headed shill, you are the one that changed.

You all have fond memories of him and his science guy show

Now when you're older he indoctrinates you into liberalism

It's simple jew magic, goy. They get em while they're young.

Stop having personal heroes. And don't worry His Netflix show will never make a dent in the current 5-12 demographic anywhere close to as big as his original show did with Millennials. Anyone dumb enough to fall for nostalgia marketing coat-tailing on Daily Show Withdrawal Syndrome was already a lost cause.

Long term, Nye already destroyed any legacy he may have had. By latching on to the flavor-of-the-moment social signaling and politically-charged buzz issues, he has guaranteed that people will look back at him in 20 years with embarrassment.

Wow, that was fast!
Nice work.


Gay conversion therapy is unscience but the straight icecream can be turned gay.

They played it in my science class all the time by popular demand when our floozy cunt of a science teacher was too lazy to actually teach us anything.

In the past, I had thought that Bill just fell for the jewish subversion lies like most. I thought he was deceived, but was well meaning.
I no longer think that is the case.
I think he is actually a puppet for ((them)) now, if he wasn't always.
Regardless, he has gone off a point of no return. He's not trying to use "science" any more, just push an agenda and call it "science."

He's dead to me.

Kek. This is the perfect response.


Oh, you

Jesus Christ, I graduated high school 11 years ago and those videos were old then. Don't the Jew's have any new jesters?

(((they))) must have given him plenty of shekels to put on such a degenerate, obviously marxist show


I'm 22 and I had a Geography lesson where Bill Nye was in it and I thought it was just some American thing
it was on the water cycle, doing about precipitation, water vapour etc
we also got shown a water cycle rap song
which I cannot find, because it turns out there's more than 2 water cycle rap songs on YouTube for some reason

Me neither, user... Me neither...

Where's the bag of nuts?

my mistake, it turns out the Bill Nye video was the rap video

>karlie kloss

This crap is some of the most depraved, hedonistic shit I've ever seen on TV. I can't even watch all of it, it drains my faith in humanity too fast. We need to start winning to culture war and fast, before it's too late.

I love you user.

>hes not even a scientist
since he was a fake to begin with
fits right in

>hes not even a scientist
>shilling jewish degeneracy
You answered your own question. Bill Nye is a television personality and nothing more. Knowing physics and geology doesn't make you special, any college undergraduate knows that.

Right, so this is a rap parody of a rap song that came out in 1992. Again, why didn't the Jews find someone more relevant?

fuck'n saved

maybe he showed up in the big bang theory or something

That's why he was "the Science Guy", not "the Scientist". He helped create a generation of "Science Guys and Girls" who think science is an sexual/political orientation.
Yeah, and they also saved you from being a permanent street shitter, you fuckwit.

Nice work user.

(((They))) realized they didn't have John Leibowitz anymore, so they had to have a meme authority figure to promote.

Clicked, kek'd and copied.

You've found a reason to live, user.


Can somebody link me the vid?

well. He did. Not even surprised actually. But also
>when a Jim Parsons Thumbnail looks like Jordan Peterson

>tfw you're a washed up science man and the only way you can get back on the air is to shill for alt-leftists who want to leverage your nostalgic meme status to the lefty SCIENCE! crowd

>Pajeet: "Fuck white people!"

>*thunderous applause from all white audience*

Where did it go so wrong
It's pro-racemixing propaganda at its finest and it's not even subtle. Not to mention the double standards behind the whole fucking thing.

Why didn't he just make a continuation of Bill Nye, where instead of being a preachy pseudo-political dick, he taught science that is relevant to more modern ideas and contemporary scientific methodology?

"We should invite her to our start up"

>food analogy
>food has human qualities and even talks too

>we are enlightened and forward-thinking, but not everyone sees it this way.

this reminds me of something earlier today, where an user talked about how he didn't understand the term 'Islamophobia' due to phobias being an irrational fear of something, when it's usually people who have researched Islam and examined the evidence supporting the fact that it's pretty rational to be a little iffy about them, who fear them
also the video's saying you can't change your race, but they support changing genders, so I mean it's only a matter of time until people decide to change races, because they identify as Mongolian or some shit
Why do liberal 'comedians' and leftists in general speak in such a condescending, arrogant and stubborn manner?


1) The line is supposed to be "It didn't have to be like this".
2) Add some sprinkled cracked nuts around the microwave.

Regards, user.

I hadn't even watched the video before I hated it.. but that ending...
Rev up those gas chambers, cause I sure am ready for one...

Because leftism is a mental disorder

Oh it gets worse. It gets so, SO much worse.


>"You know they just want to fit in"
>"They want to copy us"
>While wearing a suit, a western fashion.
>While speaking english, a western language
>While using (Insert technology here) a western invention

Dude, quit appropriating white culture, and quit projecting your insecurities onto us.

This is so fucking cringy

Who could watch this shit?

I don't think it's about racemixing, it seems more about sexual orientation with the "conversion" thing. However it's still fucked up that the message is supposedly to allow everyone to fuck whoever they want, but it ends with the other ice creams coercing and basically forcing the vanilla scoop into an orgy with them, when he earlier told them he had no interest in anything like that.


In the 90s. It was always a lie.

the old DK effect


I used to think Bill Nye was cool

Beats me. Even lefties hate it. Them dislikes.

Adolf fucking Hitler
Someone please nuke us.
If I wasn't doing so well in college I would become Moonman and just start massacring (((them))) and fags

you are the man, man
none of us wanted it to be this way, but this is the way it is.

How old were you when you realized the wrong side won WWII

19 and check'd
We need to do it again.

X shouldn't downgrade/degenerate for Y, it defeats the purpose of individuality. If anything they should meet in the middle or accept each other and help one another develop but not force him to conform, fucking faggots.
>tfw want to make some latino/white interracial but shit like this is going to make white people hate me
>tfw now can't even get a white waifu

>no offense Nuts
>riotous laughter and applause

I don't believe it

that chart doesn't make any fucking sense user

fyi you don't need to have a degree (bachelors, masters or doctorate) in "science" to be a scientist. your opportunities may be a bit more limited, but it's still possible to do the work if you come by the skills and knowledge some other way.

science at its purest is about what's provable, not who says it or what kind of paperwork they have.

yes of course. I think you'd have to be like 17 or 18 to not know who Bill Nye is. one could just start chanting "Bill, Bill, Bill..." in a random crowd and people would join in. too bad he's a fucking pozmaster

nice numerals

but were on a forum where we specifically complain about stuff like this...bro
no its stupid, just like yours

>id: oy g8y


>tfw spic and actually true neutral

Welcome to Weimerica

He was actually pretty amusing some 25-30 years ago on a local Seattle TV comedy show, one of the last bits of non-talk show local programming ever in the market.

>usually people who have researched Islam and examined the evidence supporting the fact that it's pretty rational to be a little iffy about them, who fear them

You don't even need to go that far.

Just ask why "christphobia" was never a thing the left cared about. You can't criticise Islam on the exact same points you attacked Christianity on, without being called Islamaphobic.

We just got off decades of the left destroying Christianity, culminating in the creationism wars, and now the left is defending Islam on all backwards medieval practices.

It's like when they accuse the west of having rape culture, then defend cultures where women have no status and are routinely raped. They even defend the rapists that come here, trying to get them off because "in their culture it's ok, they just didn't understand".

>Why do liberal 'comedians' and leftists in general speak in such a condescending, arrogant and stubborn manner?

Scratch that and go after the harder question of why they hold white people and the west accountable and let everyone else slide on the exact same issues.

At best it's racism; it's likening non-whites to animals and children or retarded people. Not fully human, not fully cognisant, thus not fully culpable for their actions.
At worst, far more insidious.

So the Strawberry is obviously gay, Vanilla is obviously a FUCKING STRAIGHT WHITE MALE, Chocolate is a sheboon, and Mint Chocolate is either bisexual or polyamorous. What do salted caramel and pistachio represent?

At this point I am honestly so sick of what has been happening to the country, I now want civil war. These evil people will die.

Jesus christ, this is the argument?

>why didn't the Jews find someone more relevant?
Netflix originals are based solely on nostalgia.

I've always had a deep love for vanilla ice cream. I think I now understand why.


I really fucking despise this faggot now

I don't know what to feel other than utter and dire disappointment.

Rename to "Bill Nye the Science Lie" user.

The left loves using the existence of genetic malfunction to make a naturalistic argument.

Following their logic:
1) There exist genetic diseases that cause children to be born limbless.
2) There exist people who feel like they should be amputees.
3) Since this is natural, it must be normal for people to want to chop off limbs. They're "transabled". It's not a mental illness, because it exists in nature.
4) Let's force doctors to cut their limbs off. Then let's introduce mandatory tolerance classes for kids so they can learn about how this is natural and good and how they might be transabled too. Rolling around in a wheelchair is cool! Why walk when you can ride?

And then Bill Nye gives a legless 12 year old a high five as they watch the previously functioning limbs burn.

I'm sorry that you're sane and live in Sweden user, it must be a living hell being surrounded by that

>You can't criticise Islam on the exact same points you attacked Christianity on

I've seen Leftists push Atheism for years and I've never seen someone bring that up, when it comes to supporting Islam, I've also never seen anybody bring up the fact that they're ridiculously oppressive towards women but for some reason, Leftists just want them around and you're racist if you don't like that
I have no idea why I've never seen somebody bring that up in an argument.

>"in their culture it's ok, they just didn't understand"
if you're referencing what happened with the guy who raped that girl the other day, he had ADHD and didn't know better okay?!

Jews are very obviously Lawful Evil. I mean hell, they're the ones making half of the laws in the first place.

Up until this year, I was always praising him for teaching simple science shit for kids, setting up little things to make it easier to understand. Like how letting go of a bowling ball on a rope means it won't come back and hit you in the face, but pushing it will. Made it so easy to understand momentum. Now he's literally turning social shit and opinion into scientific facts. Why can't he at least treat this insane SJW garbage as a theory instead of completely tossing out the scientific fact of sex determined by your chromosomes?


the way I see it is
Jews and Muslims are the same but have vastly different approaches and they hate each other
Jews are cunning and circumcise males, while they're babies
Muslims are savages and circumcise females, while they're old enough to recall and write about it later on
both are oppressive acts, with the female one being a lot more painful, but Jews escape from the stigma behind it because they also have
>muh eighty billion

so honestly I agree, the Jews should be Lawful Evil with Muslims being Chaotic Evil and Africa doesn't know any better, they can't really be measured in terms of morality
that's like calling a tiger evil for killing a deer
it's a wild animal


I feel like you wrote a lot of words just to state the obvious.

>it must be a living hell being surrounded by that

In a way it makes things clearer. There is no right wing here, not in comparison to mainland politics, especially not in comparison to the US.

This is an extreme left takeover of the political machine and purge of the nonbelievers.

>I've seen Leftists push Atheism for years and I've never seen someone bring that up

Oh there is an active schism in atheism over this. The SJWs tried to co-opt atheism years ago now and were largely unsuccessful. But they forced people like Sam Harris rightward for being an unbeliever. They pretty much killed atheism as a movement, souring the grey middle on the term completely. They have high ranking stooges like Michael Shermer ensuring that the big organizations aren't too harsh on Islam.

The SJW "atheist" strongholds are quite literally Islam apologists and uncritically regurgitate defenses by muslim Imams. It's absolute insanity. Bring this up, or ask why they don't quote the pope on Christianity, get banned.

>if you're referencing what happened with the guy who raped that girl the other day

I'm sure you'll be shocked to learn that this is just one case among many. The defense for them all is the same.

My blood boiled the hottest back when we had an immigration center worker who got stabbed to death by a refugee and our chief of police is on the morning TV shows saying "yes it's tragic BUT" and then goes on for several minutes about what the poor boy must have been through to make him so violent.

Yes, two seconds on the actual dead girl, and several minutes of compassion for the murderer. The murderer who was later shown to be lying about his age (claimed 16, found to be "at least 18" - more likely mid 20s). He also had no legal right to stay.

The police chief was not fired, is still in charge, hasn't apologized or changed.