Le Pen

Alright boys, is she truly /ourfrog/?

Other urls found in this thread:


Le Pen is bad, goy! Vote for Macroon!

I don't think so since she is a zionist.

Le Bepis

She is a kekian goddess.

better than macron but still a zionist puppet. (((they))) have controlled opposition locked down. we lose either way.

More like Le Lose

this board is a cancerous joke

le ourfrog!! XDDDD


Where did all this jew hating nonsense come from? AHH PHOOEY. We can't let Macron win so he can let in more actual Jew-Hating muslims.

If you look at polling of the muslim population, they are who the jews should be concerned about. Not some lefty populist you think might woopty-doo a Holocaust 2.0

It all depends on the digits my man

>lower work hours
>lower age of retirement
it's either live in a socialist shithole without muslims or live in a less socialsit shithole with muslims.
I don't know whats worse

At least in a socialist france, It'd be more white

doesn't change the fact that it will turn to shit. The white race isn't magically immune to the consequences economics

shill posting a hoax they know is fake. How digusting and low of you.

Hello Everyone.

Has anyone got a copy of the rare pepe shown here: youtube.com/watch?v=ohxDM9eGu6Q#t=2m4s

I need it as a background to piss off a lefty french-coworker


and fap


Praise Kek

Forgive our frog brothers, for many of them are brainwashed fools, faggots and cucks who hate great white societies.

Use your power to save France. You are the one true god, and pepe (death to his enemies) is the one true prophet.

Le Pen victory

Praise Kek

They are shills. This type of shilling has been present on infinity chan for months.

Previously simple shit like Don Fillon, Assalienue blah blah blah was working here.

You saw them all come out on election night. There are fucking dozens of them in every Le Pen thread.


the jew never stops lying.


are you both gay and retarded?