/MLP/ Meme Le Pen General


Meme Bank: pepe2france.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list

Thread template:pastebin.com/TX1yTQCy

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=pp_7-0IQYjo

Advice from Sargon: youtube.com/watch?v=EeHi85C1uFk

- French natives and or leafs that can translate graphics for us
-Infographics shitposters
-Frog twitter users


Now is your time to pull your weight in The Great meme war

Macron is the status Quo candidate. A globalist shill who is openly pro-EU and pro-immigration.

His policies could mean the end for the French Republic as you know it.

This is your chance to help Make France Great Again!

What will follow in the wake of Marine Le Pen's presidency will shake the EU to the core. Possibly even leading to a successful Frexit.

In order successfully capture the voters of the losing candidates you must target their demographic.

Fillion is a conservative christian family man.

Let his supporters know that Macron supports the islamization of France and the destruction of healthy traditional values.
Mèlenchon has some some views that are similar with Le Pen.
He wishes for the possibility of a Frexit.
Tell his supporters that Le Pen is the candidate that can make Frexit happen.

Macron does not want Frexit to happen.

Know your target audience.
Get creative.
Do not lose faith.

Fire up your twitter accounts



Other urls found in this thread:



Game plan:

Quotes by Macron that entale his plans for the country.

Expose Macron to the people of France as a globalist suit only doing this for the money.

Emphasize how important French values and strength is during a time of terror and how appeasement towards radicals will only continue the suffering of the nation

Expose how there is voter fraud going on in the country.

MARINE IS LISTENING TO YOU ALL. Send her whatever evidence you can find and she could very well remark on it


Marine sends her regards



I think the question needs to be asked. Can she even win at this point?

Now is the time to brainstorm and send out as much information as we can.
The French are fighting a psy-ops right now, much worse than what is happening here in the United States, if undecided voters see the truth about what is really going on then they'd vote for Le Pen without hesitation.

Can anyone remake this in French?

Yes. MLP stepped down from her party as a subtle nod to Charles de Gaulle, he also stepped down as leader of his own party to pledge his allegiance towards the entire country

anons that don't know French should focus on memes that don't require anything to be written so that we can increase our meme output.

I'm considering just putting some meme's through google translate, they might rub off as disingenuous but something has to be done.

Reminder to French Frogs to call macron Holland 2.0.

Reminder that Macron is a globalist Rothchild banker, who never worked in politics up until a few years ago and would be the final death blow to the sovereignty of France. He's the French Hillary Clinton in many ways

Also he is a stuck up shill (((banker))) that is out of touch with the people of France

I believe that using Joan of Arc would be the best, but we need to know how much the French actually admire that story first. Second would be Napoleon, though we need a frog here first to know who they like best.

What will the pound's reaction to the results? I assume that if Le Pen wins it's gonna drop.


I think smearing Marcon would be the best course of action tbqh. At least till we know what to work with for mlp.

Here's another guideline

Mark him as Louise the 17th. This time instead of "Let them eat cake" try and use something like "Lets accept the terrorists"

yeah, make him look like a pompus ass and post it around french websites. French parts of reddit and FB.


C'est awouvment~

good job



Bumping to save Europe

>Youth unemployment at 25%
>We should bring in more immigrants and refugees

Has anyone in any of the debates brought this up to pedovictim?

She needs to win. If she were to lose then part of history may repeat itself and she'll be burned at the stake by Angela Merkel emperor of the EU.


If Le Pen wins the pound will go up against the euro for definite, and may get a slight bump as at least one other country will be having a referendum on the EU

Lay it on me OP. What is the situation looking like for her as of now? Any chance we can scoop up most of those Fillon voters?

I know many of you hate reddit, but
r/Le_pen is a huge arsenal of help in this fight for France, many native speakers there. If you're interested in offering some of your time in offering some words of encouragement or joining the patriot discord.


"France must accept Islam. To reject multiulturalism is treason"

Also, I'm whipping up some more, so if anyone speaks French and has a good (made up) quote I can attribute to him, let me know.

Fillon voters are more likely to vote for MLP despite him endorsing Macron. The problem here is with the decptive media that is routinely lying to these voters by smearing Le Pen as a racist, these voters need to be exposed to the truth about Macron, if the people learn that Macron has no real political experience and that he's a smug elitist banker determind to keep the staus quo then they will vote for Le Pen. I wish I lived in France so I could get the word out publicly

How about either of the below:

Acceptons les terroristes
J'accepte les terroristes
Les terroristes ne font pas mal

Louise the 17th needs to be stopped to save France. It's a new storming of the bastille.

To my knowledge this Macron chap is also seen as not a part of the establishment. One would then think, seeing as the French chose two outsiders, that being endorsed by Fillon (establishment candidate) and the current president would hurt Macron's prospects, no?

There is already a board for this shit.

Doing Gods work user



Yes, I wish I could at least speak it so that I could contribute to the meme arsenal.


google translate is awful dont use it. go to and find surrenderfags there


MLP= Marine Le Pen

merci pour les bump :)





merci moi feuille ami

Am leaf, can translate.

Shill, stfu!

Can we use Brutal Combat lyrics?

En lan 689
La France sappelait encore la Gaule
Naquit un gosse de sexe masculin
Qui allait devenir notre souverain

Charles Martel si tu voyais la Gaule ce quils en ont fait
Charles Martel tu dirais la France aux Français!

À Poitiers en 732
Au terme dun combat furieux
Linvasion arabe fut stoppée
La Gaule cette fois fut épargnée

Charles Martel si tu voyais la Gaule ce quils en ont fait
Charles Martel tu dirais la France aux Français!

Aujourdhui tout est changé
Notre sécurité est menacée
Les gens nosent plus sortir le soir
Ils nveulent pas crever sur un trottoir

Charles Martel si tu voyais la Gaule ce quils en ont fait
Charles Martel tu dirais la France aux Français!

Pour traverser nos frontières
Ils ont de nombreuses filières
Petit à petit nous sommes envahit
Nous allons perdre notre pays.

Charles Martel si tu voyais la Gaule ce quils en ont fait
Charles Martel tu dirais la France aux Français!
Charles Martel si tu voyais la Gaule ce quils en ont fait
Charles Martel tu dirais la France aux Français!

Dumping my anti-islam redpill statistics collection. Here are the sources:








Is there anything specific one can do to help online?





beautiful , we can translate this into french if some frogs get on board



This is the perfect size for me. I'm an ant. Thank you very much kind sir.


you're not going to "meme" another shit candidate you fucking weebs. we already know your tricks, we already know everything about you and your shit memes. Everyone in europe knows not to fall for the stormfag propaganda that you feed braindead idiots, it might work in the usa since everyone mocks them for being the shittiest and most stupid people on the planet, BUT NOT HERE BITCH

EVERYONE knows about the failure of the trumps presidency and we simply DO NOT WANT IT HERE to poison Europe.


hope you stay mad virgins for ever, niggers. Trump candidate will never touch Europe as long as good people are around, and by the time those good people are no more the earth will be gone or ayyys will wipe us all out

have fun with your lives faggots, and know.

everyone hates you :D
also, one more thing. get a fucking job and girlfriend, losers.

The national anthem of France is arguably the most bloodthirsty in the world. It is LITERALLY a call to arms. Juxtapose their anthem over a montage of migrants committing crimes and newspaper headlines about rapes and murders, and it should have an effect. Throw in a little Le Pen to say, "This is who we rally around," and we should have a winner.
Any French speaking video editors out there?

You're on your phone aren't you, pleb?




> 1 post by this ID





spread memes
don't spam, but spread
find a french place, post a meme, find another, profit


do your country a service and kill yourself. Its the most honorable contribution you could ever do to your country.


Yes. I'm sitting on my phone that is in my back pocket whilst I type away on my computer. Very astute of you.

The subversion in France is very thick and hugely concentrated. If anything, the fact that the two most prominent political parties within France didn't make it to the final round of the elections speaks volumes about how feed up the working class French are, it's all about convincing the younger and older demographics to vote Le Pen

Equate Le Pen to Charles Martel and this election to Pointers in 732

Someone should do this with the "Cinder to cinder" or "Open gates" videos.


Ok, being Malaysian I can assure you that that 92% is definitely wrong. At most I'd say around 40%, and those are either the ones living in rural areas or the somewhat radicalised ones. I find it annoying though as when I was younger Islam wasn't though of as anything more than another religion. Then the wahabis came and fucked up everything for everyone.




Joan of Arc needs the memes. Get those baguettes in here.

Need more economic memes - most people seemed to have voted based on this.

Shhh... it will all be over for you soon.