
start with 15 ts

Hey Matt,
Could I have New Zealand please?
Dark blue

Kingitanga o Toastie

Empire of Japan

wrong section this is not politics

Matt please don't play, when ops get involved it makes a mess.


"The United States"
Around D.C.
Deep blue

also you gave yourself 14 not 15
pic related

We don't have too many people. I'll vouch for Matt.

alright, not my choice just 2 cents

never played on this map so kinda excited

we need more people though. I might end up hosting if Matt goes to bed though.

here is an update, hopefully more will join

>Not on map
tiptopkek matt

Can we have some sort of bonus mechanic? Like building factories or something?

Without that these games just sort of drag on with no changes until the OP gets bored and leaves



How about if you spend 15t you can get a factory which is +1

"Hive Mind of Miguelinileugim"

Deep into nigeria

Brightest green


Expand all directions

Why don't you create a list of bonuses and let us players choose?

Also we should play 1 turn per day since our schedules probably won't fit.

Examples of bonuses:

+15t right here and now

+10% production of t

+10% military power

+10% discount on factories

Can conquer territories one tile farther than normal, in a checkerboard pattern

Can put territories anywhere in the world at the start of the game

Whatcha think? (btw I want the checkerboard one)

kek Migie I don't think you realize how Sup Forums works
I'll send you a link to 3000bc, it is way more your style.

>we should play 1 turn per day since our schedules probably won't fit.
lol what

Mig here has never used Sup Forums before

I'm hosting. One minute. Will link thread.

I mean, it's like reddit but for autists right?

Oh wait, that's reddit.



toast is taking over, just puttin thi sup because i forgot him

Oh crap I forgot about that

But how does us non-basement dwellers keep it up then?

nevermind i have aspergers

Ok I'll come back here every few hours, I'm never asleep for more than 4 hours at a time anyway :)
