Why is this news?

Why is this news?

They couldn't just execute a black guy so they had to kill the mongrel too.

Because the appeals process

Why is a government allowed to kill it's citizens? I've never understood this. You dont even choose your government, you're born into the possibility that your government could kill you




>double kill

UAV acquired

did they try not breaking the law?

>what are voters

>There's no set consequences for people's actions
this is what libertarians actually believe

well i hope they repented and got saved.
Lolbertarian street justice is better?

It's news because it takes forever to do an execution. The actual execution is quick, but the lawyers and judges make it take years for one to happen.

If you have good enough lawyers you can turn a sure death sentence to a life sentence and waste countless money, time and resources for the remainder of your life

>you're born into the possibility that your government could kill you

Generally avoidable by not murdering people. Fucking retard

Who cares. Fuck these guys and fuck CNN. Why is this news?

actually they only executed one guy, they just used faceapp to make the second photo

couple of hunks

Dumbest shit I've read all night

Usually govts aren't that efficient these days

the black dude look like someone photoshop. Actually both pics are kinda blurry

Why are other people allowed to kill other people? How does it physically happen? Like what?

Why is that chucklefuck allowed to kill fellow citizens, then given a free living for the rest of his life?
They didn't choose to be some whackjob's target.

Fucking librarians aren't welcome here, Ru Paul is an old meme

because 'muh human life is sacred' even if it's a violent criminal, but we have no problem unloading tons of ordnance on civilians in foreign countries

WHy do they pussyfoot around so much with the death penalty. The process takes forever even after sentencing. Why not just take them out and give em a bullet in the back of the head? It's cheap, easy and there's no risk of complications

I don't know why we're using chemicals instead of firing squad or hanging. The latter two methods are fool-proof and instantaneous. If these redneck states continue to fuck up lethal injections, there's a good chance the Supreme Court will find it violates the Eighth Amendment's cruel and unusual punishment.

They're allowed to execute because exile doesn't work anymore since everywhere is someones property and you can't just dump trash on someones property.

If you look around you can see how that turned out

We need to open up the execution laws.