I have to do this bullshit project about slaves

i have to do this bullshit project about slaves
what do i do for 10 paragraphs

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kill yourself

What is slavery?

>i have to

actually if you weren't such a little bluepilled beta cuck bitch you would drop out of school.

Talk about how the first slave owner in the Americas was black and how at the height of slavery more free blacks owned slaves than whites did, as a percentage of the population
Talk about how slavery was already a thriving business long before we started getting them. Talk about how slavery still takes place in the world today, but only in non-white countries. Talk about the Barbary Pirates, talk about the slavers of the Red Sea. Talk about how in the grand scheme of things the slaves we owned were far better off than slaves anywhere else and arguably better off than being villagers in malaria ridden shitholes in Africa

Talk about the economic advantage of slavery

Black Lives Matter Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter Black Lives Matter

--repeat for 10 paragraphs

educate yourself and do the paragraphs you pussy ass bitch

close out Sup Forums or you'll be a low IQ manlet forever

no you dont

I would like to see the results of this, it would be a great experiment.

Some faggot wrote his entry essay to Stanford as #blacklivesmatter over and over for the entire thing. He was accepted.

So by that logic, you should just be able to write "NIGGER" over and over and get an A.

>what do i do for 10 paragraphs
redpill everyone

talk about the white christian british guy who ended a six thousand year old slave trade in one generation.

>he thinks having slaves is more favorable than having employees

Companies work more efficiently when each employee is being taken good care of.

10 healthy employees will rek 10 slaves at any task

Please off yourself


but if our eyes arent real how can slavery be real

yeah, but that guys dad makes more money in a day than you will in your entire life

Literally just write facts

>History of Slavery
>Use autism to convert into normie speak
>Repeat for 10 paragraphs

not hard

This. Also talk about how the Arabs castrated their slaves and most died from the procedure, that is another good point

Kill LA KILL yourself *rimshot*

heads up
i need to write as a slave

The institution of slavery was started by a black man. Google it and write about that.

This is easy user, just talk about how fucked up the Barbary coast was. It was still enslaving white people (illegally by this time, but only for whites) until based Andrew Jackson fucked their shit up

If you can't write 10 paragraphs on hundreds of years of history you need to drop out of school now. It doesn't get easier

>dropping out of school
>not getting a PhD. in computing engineering and making a name for yourself and garnering a team to build a new master race of machines to enslave mankind

Wups, sorry, projecting my dreams again.

Eat your words and get a good grade.

Or alternatively, write something like Trains Planes and Plantains and then post it here for our amusement.

Point out that slavery existed for thousands of years before the US and give some examples.

write about how in comparison to Brazilian/central American slaves, American ones were treated pretty good

Write as a slave on the Arab Slave trade or as a white man taken by the Barbary Pirates

i have to write as the nigger you fucking idiots

you can talk how in this day and age how slavery still exist in saudi arabia

>The institution of slavery was started by a black man.
This is incorrect. Don't write about this OP. Slavery existed in most cultures throughout recorded history. There's not even a need to focus on race. Progressives today have an American-centric view of history. You can destroy their narrative if you are willing to point out that 99% of us, regardless of skin color, are descendants of slaves.

explain the essay prompt you dipshit

write as the nigger

im the slave, write a journal as a slave, and some shit

Yeah, I knew about that, hence my comment.

write about how machines make more efficient slaves than worthless subhumans

>i have to do this bullshit project about slaves

>Doesn't elaborate on what is the theme or what is expected.

>Calls others niggers.

Fuck off, you inbred shit, Not Your Personal Homework Makers.

Like we said, Arab slave trade.
They enslaved niggers too

>write a journal as a slave

Scribble all over a piece of paper because slaves couldn't read or write.

i actually just finished lmao


The first man in America to own a slave was this guy.

this. tell the truth, but don't appear like you're saying "well everyone says whites are evil but ACKSHYUALLY…". be objective, don't pick a side and keep it simple. race will inevitably enter into it so give them all a platform - blacks in the atlantic trade, euros in the arabic, whatever else.
tread carefully, good luck

Explain the origins of the slave trade. Talk about how African tribes would sell prisoners of war to (((dutch))) slave traders

the first BLACK man in America to own a slave

off yourself chink

Records exist showing that slaves were purchased and claimed as legal property in the Virginia colony before Anthony Johnson's arrival in America.

John Rolfe, who was the recorder-general of the Virginia colony, wrote in the colony's official chronicle about the arrival and purchase of the first African slaves in the Virginia colony in 1619, 36 years before Johnson's lawsuit was settled in court:

And slavery existed for thousands of years before that. OP should appeal to multiculturalist that run his school and rub their nose in the fact that every color of person comes from slavery, long before America ever existed.

>what do i do for 10 paragraphs

write #BLACKLIVESMATTER six million times

...and Romans had white slaves.

Social welfare is modern slavery. Slave ships were owned by jews. Niggers were sold by their own tribes. There's lots of stuff.

>needing to go to school for that
>not using the miracle of the internet to teach yourself at an accelerated rate
>not getting up to the point where you devise an ingenious new sex toy, like maybe some kind of sybian but for the masses, and then making a living selling those

Start an introduction based on the classical age with both roman and greek examples (Sparta included). Egypt as well.

A paragraph about slavery during the middle ages (watch those galleys).

A chapter about slavery during the age of discovery. The means of sailing to foreign lands and the advantage of technology allowed wealthy individuals to exploit the denizens as manual labor.

A chapter about modern slavery. It usually thrives when manual labor is expensive and in areas with large parcels of farming land.

You can google this fairly easily.

>Also a picture of a naked nigress waifu with big tits over the title "Would buy"

Write it on the Arab slave trade. Go into horrifying detail about the brutal Arab slave traders were to their merchandise. Make sure to point out the fact that for for all practical purposes, slavery is still alive and well in the middle east.


My sides..

Thanks user, I needed that..

Literally mention all examples of slavery ASIDE from the African Slave Trade in the west. Bonus points if all the victims in your examples are white.

Write about the Carribean slave trade and the Irish slavery in Mont Serrat/Barbados in the 1550s to 1660s onward. Lord Henry Cromwell and the Battle of Drogheda are great for information on that. Plus it allows you to continue into indentured servitude, forced breeding of mulattos, etc.

African slavery wasn't really that big a thing until the 1700s. And was emancipated in the UK by 1833.

Indentured servitude


Best idea's are best

Also, if they ask you about Muh Nigros, you cal always tell them since you aren't nigger, you felt that you lacked actual nigger experience to write about niggers.

Write about Muslim slave trade that is going on even today.

Do an extensively thorough 10 page report on the Irish slave trade under the English
Make sure to emphasise on the fact that they were sold for 1/5 of the price of a nigger slave, raped more, killed more, treated like shit even more, and had as many slaves as nigger slaves in the US in half the fucking time.
They want you to follow the narrative but instead you should blown their narrative out their asses and give them facts they can't refute because if they do they will literally be saying that slavery of white people is okay because they're aren't shitskins

If you still have to write something for an assignment that is measured in paragraphs, not pages, I don't think you should be posting here.

Europeans taken as sexual slaves by mudslimes?

The Africans taken as slaves by the muslims too. You know, the ones whose genitals they cut off with hatchets before selling them.


Seriously OP, hit them where it hurt using these topics. Tell them slavery isn't primarily an American past time and the practice is still being used today by other blacks

Jeseeee. OP really? Simply use filler words in sentences, lots of adjectives and write about the difference perspectives of slavery.

the reason for slavery
methods of capture
how this impacts slaves lifes
daily slave life
attitudes towards slavery
the end of slavery (at least in west)
legacy and retrospective

and that's just of the top of my head. just use your brain. If you can't make anything out of that you're retarded or slow in which case education isn't for you.

you could write about sand nigs or sex trafficing however the above list is more taylored to an american tutor. you could be edgy and show your power level but this isn't the time unless your tutor is based. just give them what they want, get that high mark and move on.

This guy's got it. Otherwise, just treat it as an exercise in bullshitting. Of course, you have too much integrity for that, whiteboy. So I'll set you on the right path.


>"We wuz da earf, da sun and da moon."

Start from there and work your way up to modern day niggers.

Talk about how it was always a Jewish business, about how many ships Aaron Lopez had, and how the auctions were closed for Sabbath.

Copy and paste BLACK LIVES MATTER for the whole paper

Will probably get you into Stanford

Write about how good Americas slave trade was when compared to the arbas! As well as the black community in Africa (but people not actually people) and how they inslave each other