Americans are so weak and pathetic that they have to picking a fight with North Korea...

Americans are so weak and pathetic that they have to picking a fight with North Korea, a literal meme country whose malnourished and poverty stricken citizens have to resort to eating grass in order to avoid starving to death.. and yet despite all this they have the gall to call North Korea a threat. It just shows you how cowardly Americans actually are.

Oh, America, how mightily you have fallen from your once great superpower status!

>mfw this is another Vietnam and Amerishits lose badly again

Other urls found in this thread:


>Says Americans are weak and pathetic
>Lives in Australia

You're just a joke that writes itself, bud.

australia has no right to comment on big boy issues.

You lost to a fleet of flightless birds and your whole country is nigger tier when bars can't even give you drinks in actual glasses.

At least your cunts like Marine dick though.

>Own monarch is from and represents another country.

I don't see how any more cuck tier you can be.

their man cunts like mexican dick too

We should let NK nuke you instead. Maybe then you'd change your mind.

>Oh, America, how mightily you have fallen from your once great superpower status!
This is why we are trying to MAGA

It will spur the NK economy.
Its a good thing.

We were in Vietnam and we'll be in Korea too, you cunt. Enjoy your hot pockets GST hike to pay for it.

>being proud of being a bootlicking cuck to neocon kikes in america
holy shit get the fuck out of my country, you utter fucking embarrassment

Why would they nuke Australia? Australia isn't occupying their ancestral homeland, Australia isn't threatening to invade them. You think the Koreans are just random madmen who go around invading countries for no reason?

It's ANZAC day and you're on Sup Forums berating people for not being cowardly enough.
There's a country for people just like you, it's called Sweden.

Read more news Hans

You'll be thanking us when we're finished saving your country's ass, yet again.

Ffs Hans, read more, USA deployed marines and carriers on leaf waters

they cannot even get their government to run properly without throwing away the border promise to "the future"

The only thing that Kim has done wrong is that he doesn't have a Rothschild central bank in his country. Get the fuck out of here, neocon kike.

>Grandpa's first conspiracy theory
Are you off your meds?
North Korea is a shithole, we don't want to take their textile exports for J. D Rockefeller.

We have a mutually beneficial relationship with America, which is a better deal for us than it is for them. If you're still stuck in edgy 'fuck Bush' mode I feel bad for you son.

>mfw nk nukes australia
>mfw the fall out fucks up australians and everyone turns into a retarded mutant
>mfw the difference will hardly be noticed

>that they have to picking a fight with North Korea...malnourished and poverty stricken citizens have to resort to eating grass in order to avoid starving to death

Yeah, because we made them that way....

This is what losing to America looks like.

is there actually any country that lost a war against usa except mexico?

I don't know that our county on the whole is cowardly, but our president certainly is

>Rothschild central bank
weird how everyone is saying this now but refuse to go into the JQ

America has freedom to spread. You're next after Iran.

Yeah, Panama, Grenada, and they helped madmen genocidal maniacs in Nicaragua, Salvador and other mighty places

>Congressionalmilitaryindustiral Complex: we almost defeated Isis,we need a new enemy for the war machine,how about norm Korea?

You lost to a bird, dude. A fucking bird.

>We have a mutually beneficial relationship with America, which is a better deal for us than it is for them
how is the relationship benefitibg Australia?
>you're still stuck in edgy 'fuck Bush' mode I feel bad for you son.
you should hate him considering what his fuck upp in Iraq lead too

>great superpower status
they never were. lost against a bunch of farmers

and they've already lost to N.K. in the 50s

>picking a fight
>North korea threatens to nuke us weekly


>when you get so tired of cobber shit posters you start a war with a country that threatened to nuke Australia first just to get rid of them.

At least Sydney will be an ash heap

Big fish eats the little fish

Piss off abbo cunt

Look who's talking

hmmmm, delete this now! please?