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While the first one is one of the hardest, it is only one and he has said dreamers can rest easy. He likely fell for the "only the criminals" meme.

>only the criminals
so all of them?

Law and order are back

That's a great precursor to him essentially giving them amnesty in the last few days.

Looks like Dreamers just got a wake up call

I'm pretty sure it's illegal to illegally be in the country. Thus they are all criminals.

Life under Trump will be a true nightmare

Not in Ivanka's White House.

No shit you retards, what part of the word meme don't you understand? He likely fell for the meme that the ones that only entered illegally aren't criminals.

Fucking hate this bitch trying to control trump.
Even our police is trying to deport every illegal.
American people have been brainwashed into thinking that illegal immigration isn't a serious crime.
>Yes, I know I have this flag

All beaners should go back to their fucking empire of dirt

>Illegal immigration
user! HOW DARE YOU! Don't you understand that these are MIGRANTS and IMMIGRANTS, there's no illegality involved!

There's a bullet waiting for every last one of these people.


Wtf is this Dreamer meme, Been hearing it a lot.

>Dreamer gets turned back at the border
>s-see t-Trump didn't lie

>American people have been brainwashed into thinking that illegal immigration isn't a serious crime.
That's far from true. If it wasn't for illegal immigration rand paul would be president.

you don't know what a dreamer is.

The whole thing is fucked. The businesses that rely on illegals for cheap, exploitable labor (with no protections, and no legal recourse) have spun this narrative that somehow illegals are entitled to live in this country because they survived the border gauntlet as a means of protecting their slave labor workforce.
And the sad thing is, the illegals fight hard to defend this shitty victimizing system because being a second class non-citizen with no rights, no social security, no benefits, no legal protections is still still better than living in their country of origin.

>protected DREAMer
Fucking HOW? The bill never even passed.

>Wtf is this Dreamer meme, Been hearing it a lot.
It's a classification of quasi-legal / quasi-illegal immigrant that exists in an Executive Order or whatever issued by Obama.
Young illegals born outside of the US (as opposed to children of illegals born in the US, whose US citizenship is automatic) can register and pursue a legal path to citizenship, without the fear of deportation.

AFAIK there's no actual law, it's all done by presidential orders issued to immigration services, which is why there's no actual legal recourse for this guy being deported.


Dreamers are worse than the ones that come over illegally and barely know English. They sow dissent and disloyalty wherever they go. They live off the American dime but will always support La Raza.

The only way you can deal with them is to deport them back to wherever they came from and bar them from ever returning to the US for anything other than a three day vacation.

Western Union should also require SSNs for outgoing money from the United States.

That's just it, they're not protected. Not legally anyway, they're "protected" the way marijuana users are "protected" in Colorado; a government agency tasked with enforcing the law has the power to choose whether or not to actually enforce the law.

Under Obama ICE was operating under a presidential edict of "Don't deport illegals under the age of [whatever]", under Trump I assume they're operating under an edict of "Send all the Pacos back to their Tacos"

There is no fucking was she's a Republican.

b-but Drumpf hasn't done anything in his first 100 days

What is that map showing?

which areas of the UK voted for Brexit

Ah. Pretty sure they already had a referendum, and it's not like Scotland was ever going to be able to join the EU on its own.