Does anyone here have mutt siblings? Do you talk to them/are in contact with them? Are they from your mom or your dad...

Does anyone here have mutt siblings? Do you talk to them/are in contact with them? Are they from your mom or your dad? How do you feel about their existence in general?

feels bad desu

I smell trap

Yes. I have a 50% finnish half sister (father's side).

Disgusting to think that my 6'8 100% Swedish father race mixed with a dirty finn.

>50% mongolian half sister

My cousin is pregnant with a nigger.
My family now hates me because I have a problem with this.

I'm not but I had a friend who was mixed black/white whose parents were drug addicts so he was raised in an all-black family. He got picked on by them for not being black enough and shit, but they're nicer to him now, although he's still not on the best of terms with them, he talks with them and acts normally with them though.

wew lad, learn to be a bit more accepting

I have 3 half-black half siblings. I've only met them once, since I'm adopted.

Fuck them and their progressives.

Also brutal get

Sick get

Stay true to your principles, but at the same time don't turn on your family either. Just be there when the nigger leaves your cousin and tell your family "I told you so".

I can cherry pick to bro

Push her down the stairs by accident



I have a mixed niece and nephew...
I feel bad for my niece because she always says she wants to be white and hates her hair.


I have a mutt cousin. He's been in and out of jail countless times. I wish they'd just keep him, we don't want him.

Just encourage her to get bleached by the BWC.

True, 100% abbo would look like this

tfw live near a major abo hive and some of them are qt

My dad slept with some loose Panamanian broad when he was stationed over there and 20 years later her daughter (my half sister) contacts our family through facebook. Most of the family talks to her, she's pretty successful and is starting a family of her own. Nothing really to gripe about desu

look at her facial features, she's majority abo

yeah ikr, some of those monkeys get me hard

You are just bitter that she isn't mudslime/nigger.

>Aunt is married to a dirty native Argie
>Cousin from Canada married a nigger from Brazil
>Other Cousin married a jew

Just forcefuck her till she misscarries, otherwise just kick her to the stomach.

My mother (unfortunately) remarried to a Pole after my dad left and had 2 kids. I love them very dearly and do my best to take care of them. It isn't their fault my mother betrayed her Anglo heritage.

wew lad


One brother is married to a Polack. They're expecting their first kid. That's the most mutt thing in my entire family. Cousins included.

Is he really a nigger though?
People here only considers themselves as black if they're the dark as the night, but that is changing as a reverse effect of affirmative action, lol.

Hes native and black mixed together its disgusting

>doesn't understand the one drop rule

Yes, we are all mutts.

is this what BF looks like now?

My entire family is white except my 2 first cousins' (siblings with the same parents) kids, who are all half-Dominican mongrels. I've told my family that I find that absolutely reprehensible and everyone except my based father gave me shit for it. I can't imagine a more weird mix od ethnicities. Part Easter European, part Dominican nigger. Christ.

Talk to someone that is black

> gib me dat
> i need money
> please gib money

I don't talk to people, and they don't talk to me because they can't get money.

no nigger siblings though, just 2 dumb bitches who are fucking permafried

>he thinks Brazil had the same colonial process as america
We started mixing from day 1, it's a different culture, but I won't bother teaching history to an american dumbass.

Not much to understand with Brazil. You're mostly a mongrel country with too many non-whites. It's not much better in any of the central or south american countries though. It's either half nigger or half mestizo and both are mongrel sub human racial groups.

Gays can't have kids, bro

Why do you keep trying then?

His brother asks me. He's really stubborn and stupid. Like all Dutch.

still looks like homo erectus.

Cant be butch if you are Dutch.

my brother married a swedish snow nigger

i tried to tell hhim how weak scandinavian history is and how they are inferior to med master race he kept going 'but muh vikings'. whatever at least snow niggers had metal i guess

Have a niglet cousin, his mom is a landwhale single mom so her coalburning is multi parts comical and sad to me, but the kid, he can't be white and i told my mom this she said "well he can be black" but I pointed out he hates rap looooool yeah, its funny shit. She did vote hardcore Trump though. I have another way older cousin who is also a landwhale who "married" a relatively secularish muslim from egypt who has other wives, basically she hooked up with him...because of this since Trump won shes become crazy libtard its like pottery...

Nah lad