((American diplomacy))

>((American diplomacy))


Drump is to scared too go there, he knows everybody will laugh at him

Why the fuck is some stupid failed clothing line designer now involved in world politics?

Drumpf is really pathetic, Merkel will eat her alive

god she's so hot

Why the fuck is Ivanka involved in world politics?

Is USA a monarchy now where every fucking relative is a fucking politician and his word is law?

Were Obongo's kids active as well?

HAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHA. You couldnt make this shit up

>initiative led by women of 20 countries

do you fags want trump to go to a woman summit or what the fuck



Why does a prison colony even have internet?

>being this assflustered by a meaningless yuropoor summit

she looks like yoshi

oy veeeeeey

"W20 Summit"

In other words

>A bunch of rich and affluent women getting together for dinner and some shopping at the taxpayers expense. This is why letting women get involved in politics was a mistake.

maybe someone with experience instead of instagram star

Sup Forums literally BTFO
why are you faggots always wrong?

that pic of merkel is scary af

>implying every pic isn't

For the one faggot on this thread that's not b8ing (this implies the b8ers aren't faggots as well which is not the case) this is literally nothing. She's probably acting as first lady due to Ivana not being in the white house right now

Because the USA decided that the best way to remove a political dynasty is by replacing it with another one.

Well it's official. Burgerland has finished. I feel embarrassed for you cunts.

"women" is becoming it's own race now

>..to participate in the so-called W20 (Women 20) summit - an intiative led by women of 20 countries

next time read more than just the headline, lewandowski.

who the fuck is Ivana.. you mean that mail order bride from commieblock shithole land, Melanius???

>burger in desperate damage control

it's a meme summit why would he go there

>prison colony
Haven't laughed this good in awhile. Good one.

jesus your country has became so pathetic

>doesnt even know his first lady's name

i don't even laugh anymore, it's just sad

i wish i'd live in Berlin. I'd try to find out what room she is staying in and then bribe the maids and tell them they shouldn't clean it after she left

i'd fucking munch on that toilet like an absolut mad man

I didn't realize you faggots all of a sudden care about who attends meaningless womens summits. It's hilarious watching you grasp at straws and experience asspain over things that have nothing to do with you. Stay mad faggots

or maybe it's a pointless waste of time

America. We was kangz. Now we iz jokerz.

She looks arab, god dammit i hate these nonwhites in power.

She won't fuck you no matter how much you defend her. She only sucks Jew cock, much like her father.

thats all a shitty w20 summit deserves. Trump is spitting in their faces

Pol summarized nicely

Tiffany is hot

Ivanka is literal hot glue

Why is Ivanka relevant?? Why is she conducting diplomacy??

She's clearly well past her prime and aging poorly. 35 and looks 40+, despite the obvious plastic surgeries.

>lol y do u even have an opinion

Daddy's grooming her for 2024.

he started grooming her when she was 9

youre thinking of muhamed