Watch the new Bill Nye the Science Goy

> Watch the new Bill Nye the Science Goy
> Wtf is this shit
> Quick Google
> Exec. Producers: Gil (((Goldschein)))
Why am I not surprised?

Other urls found in this thread:

Where can I download all the chapters?
Only first one uploaded in public trackers.

For those late to the party...

It's on Netflix NA. I don't know if all the episodes are out yet.


Netflix releases stuff all at once, but I don't want to pay to see this shit.

You got to be fucking kidding right? This is a joke? It's satire. Right?

We cannot be this degenerate... this isn't how it's supposed to be.

...I miss Hitler. We're reaching Weimar Republic standards.

They don't even try to hide it. They must think us goy are really dumb.

I think even downloading web rips is giving it too much respect.

The ironic thing is that the only people they're convincing is themselves. I think you'll find most people don't really buy into this shit when they activate their almonds.

I love how his accent changes suddenly for Buddhas.

Don't any of you Sup Forumsacks know how to use (((google)))?

All shows:


You have to hand write letters and sign them Dolores saying how offend you and your brood are to get this crap pulled.

I posted so that people would at least see all of the shows, and that they are, indeed, all released.


Bill Nye, the pedo guy

>They don't even try to hide it. They must think us goy are really dumb.

Aren't you?


Stop being antisemitic, it's just a pure coincidence.

Wtf who told you my real name?

Please sell Hollywood to chinks already (I heard they started buying studios). They will make you all worship the BCC but at least this Jewish degeneracy will end.


MFW I saw this shit yesterday.

If you pay for Netflix, you paid for this show and have no right to complain.

I have Netflix and Amazon Prime now. I'm thinking of dropping both, but what service is "the best" on demand viewing?

I don't think any single one is very good, you need several for a decent coverage, but Netflix may be the single worst because the catalogue has been severely reduced year-on-year while the cost has been pushed up.

I was an early adopter of Netflix and shared it with all my friends and family. I said I was dropping it 2 years ago and my sister took over the payments so yeah I still occasionally use to to stream always sunny or some other shit.

I would certainly never pay for it directly. Same goes for Hulu. Although I do have Prime but that is not because of their streaming service and only because I still get a college discount on it despite being out of college for years.
