Bringing back Punk

This is probably less relevant to people that aren't bongs but feel free to chime in anyway. So I had an idea at the gym today about how there's sort of a lack of a cultural movement musically, I thought to punk because I've sort of embraced it recently as good music (Can't really talk for modern iterations of punk however) The new punk I was thinking about would sort of be the old movement but tweaked a little, it wouldn't even be hard as the punk movement appears to have heavy right wing undertones anyway.
>Free speech
>English nationalism
>Less government
>Fuck the Pc etcetc
Anyways let me know what you think, is this idea fucking gay, or am I onto something?

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Punk is dead.

Estonia actually had a huge anti-soviet punk movement in the 80's. Some of the people from that movement later became nationalists and right-wing politicians in the 90's, actually.

Degenerate. I'm tired of white guys having to look dirty and miserable to be considered "cool".

Oi! exists too you fucking pleb.

Thus the phrase bringing it back, seriously though you think it will never return?

Hmmm I wonder if there's a reason different cultures turn to punk at different times, what else was going on in Estonia at the time? (I'm not too well versed on Estonian history)

>I'm tired of white guys having to look dirty and miserable to be considered "cool".
We invented that look you spaz

Does Chile have a punk scene?

Punk is largely dead outside of grindcore and crust, which still thrives in England and Japan for whatever reason.

>you think it will never return?
we had bands like anti-flag and millencolin and shit but its just the lyrics for the most part that makes punk what it is. its just contrarian edginess that kids like. I don't think that attitude will ever leave us.
>fuck you mum, you cant tell me what to do

No. Jews did to make you emasculated and miserable. Jews made this "fashionable" the same way they made hipsters "fashionable", but fashion trends die and what you are left with is a bunch of miserable losers with insecurity issues. Meanwhile the Chad jocks are all portrayed as terrible people, it's always the outsider that is seen as cool in media. This is because Jews see themselves as that outsider and th Chad jock as whites. White people need to articulate an identity that isn't mopey and degenerate.

It doesn't have to be the same aesthetic. Bands like Joy Division took on a nazi aesthetic for example, and they were massively successful. It's all about finding that niche that no one has tapped into yet, and safety pins in leather jackets aren't that anymore

seeing as we're going on about this
what's your favourite or one of your favourite albums?
one of my favourite "punk" albums is inflammable material by SLF
heaps of the lyrics are about the troubles in Ireland and not wanting to be dictated by a foreign power

Bong was alright for once.

>English nationalism
my fucking god you're a stupid motherfucker

Exactly, that's why it should come back, I don't know about in aussieland but in England we have stuff to be angry about, the BBC straight up lying to us, the government letting in thousands of migrants, screwing us over on brexit and what not. I honestly believe the people would like a form of music to express themselves with again, this time with a right wing message instead.

>The Jews promoted English nationalism?
Having a hard time believing it there buddy

Yeah aesthetic can change but I like the sound, it can't just sound like the pop music of today but with edgy messages.

I'm old school, I love the clash mang, They used to play it at a bar I used to break into when I was a young degenerate.

Hating the government and hating your country are 2 different things my friend.

>tfw you're a nazi but still listen to shit like dead kennedys and the cramps

Punk is super left wing. Infact its pretty much SJW tier. I love punk rock...TSOL, DFL, Iggy Pop and the Stooges, DOA, Clash pistols you name it...but I admit these people are fucking not traditionalists or right wing types of people. They are all fringe-left. Degenerates.

someone posted this yesterday, I haven't seen the movie but it matches the sentiment of
>we have stuff to be angry about

the clash are what led me away from punk, I listened to London calling so much as a teen. after that I listened to op ivy madness and a bunch of ska and reggae

I think they're just angsty teens-young adults, Punk was left wing before when the people in charge were right wing but now the power has shifted, raging against the system has sort of become a right wing thing.

Quit looking to the past, Punk is dead.


This is new punk (from the 80s)

You could make that argument for the so called 'alt-right'. I cringe when I say and hear that term. But that hasnt really been done in the past. I would argue more modern hardcore bands are centre to right. Im talking mostly NYHC. Biohazard, madball, agnostic front, skarhead. Its more blue collar anyway...not super political. Straight up ounk rock from the past was literally exterminate dudes or you had your nazi skinhead dudes.

Maybe now youd get some trump supporting-nationalist type of shit...but ive yet to hear it.

should've included a link actually

Probably my favourite punk album at the moment, too bad they went for the post-punk sound immediately after making this. I really liked them as a straight up punk band

anything to get away from pleb tier chad trads and methhead neo-bikies. fucking dumb cunts talk about getting away from nihilism while reading evola and talk about pride and prosperity while destroying communities with senseless violence all while wearing the fucking black sun: literally the 'lerminarty symbol for rotting away to nothing.

But we actually do have stuff to be angry about this time!

Punk was never alive in America, no wonder you're not on-board

This is what I'm thinking. The new punk would bottle up the angst of the Alt right (I hate it too make no mistake) and give people a music to resonate with instead of the 24/7 trump hate we're bombarded with today


>modern hardcore - singing about your struggles as an individual, usually involving tfw no gf, alcoholic/broken homes, growing up on the streets, etc. I'm sure there's plenty bands now that sing about how hard it is to be a woman, and a demikin, etc.

And then there's
>(((hardcore))) - hardcore isn't inclusive enough for trans-able muslims, we're progressive (lyrically), go vegan, etc

You don't think the sound needs to be modernized? cause i think most people would find punk very quaint compared to many rap artists. To really be edgy and to really bring forth a message you need to convey it in a package that seems like it knows a little more than you, as if you could learn from it, and i think that would be alot easier if the sound isn't just wailing powerchords and fastpaced drums.

Whaddaya mean it was never alive in America? What about the new york scene? The ramones? The stooges? Black flag? TSOL? The germs? Bad Brains?

England definitely got it right, and they probably did it somewhat better in some respects but it was certainly alive and well in America.

Punk grew in the US, but unfortunately was more of a leftie movement because of the more conservative government.

well then it's not punk anymore.

Music isn't supposed to be easily digested by everyone.

No but i'm saying that people would find the traditional trappings of punk rock to be boring today. No one would take it seriously because it has become a cliche of itself. You need to modernize it somehow for it to appeal to the people of today. You have to remember that when punk first became popular it wasn't like anything you've heard before, and that's why it was successful.

I'm not sure, I think the sound could use a modern touch but not so much it's totally indistinguishable from everything else out there today. The problem with making music on computers and such is that people can't really put their heart into it when it's just notes on a screen you know? get's it
What are you suggesting?

The difference is that our movement would be so outrageous that the other groups couldn't even compete, I compare it to how they tried to take pepe from Sup Forums so pep became the most degenerate shit you've ever seen in your life.

Oh really? maybe it's just because I'm from the UK, all we ever hear about is how shite American punk was, but I don't know

This is a good watch for any who haven't seen, watch when he goes through the kike district...

Never liked DK, but I still listen to The Cramps.

So basically a new Skrewdriver?

>Hmmm I wonder if there's a reason different cultures turn to punk at different times, what else was going on in Estonia at the time? (I'm not too well versed on Estonian history)
There was general discontentment amongst the Gen X with the way how our country was not going nowhere and our economy was just merely functioning but not nothing in the country was getting better or being modernized. People were hopeless, drank on their jobs, stole from the government and merely just "functioning" but not really enjoying their lives, since communism was a bleak system that demanded people to be drones and slaves for the government, but indepentent thinking, creativity and enterprising was punished, while loyalty was rewarded.

This produced a nihilistic environment for young people where they were very much impressed by the punk records they sometimes got their hands on from somebody smuggling them from Finland and selling on the black markets. Eventually, many young people started their own punk bands and inspired others. Actually, in Estonia our type of punk in the 80's was based on british punk, not american. Sex Pistols was immensely popular.

Over time, after all these fights with the police and protests against censorship of the music, the nihilism grew into search for meaning, and many punks embraced anti-soviet attitudes and nationalism. Pic related, our most famous staunchly anti-soviet punk band from 80's, JMKE.

Mainstream punk is leftist trash, wouldn't catch on in Britain.

this punk is not subversive anymore and it hasn't been for quite a while. it's a standardized form of youthful expression that they sell at hot topic for teenagers that want to be special snowflakes

I literally watched the punk scene in my town turn into a bunch of fags and SJWs and thankfully cut all ties with the it years ago

The first one you described is the most common. However alot of it is about standing up for yourself. Being strong and avoiding drugs. Its generally positive. Punk is far more degenerate and tongue in cheek.

Im sure modern hardcore sounds alot like screamo my feelings bullshit. The last 'newish' hardcore band that was legit was Terror and thats even old now...

Black flag, TSOL and Bad Brains were not NY scene bands

>English nationalism
thats not true, The english punk was an anarchist movement, not tied whatsoever with nationalism. Anarchists belive the idea of nation is fucked up. check the ancap and their ideas of no state, and barriers. Also they were degenerate as fuck. You are mistaking the first wave of skinheads, that were more nationalist oriented anarchists but they leaned to the left.

I agree that it should be done with instruments for a start, what needs to be done is that people need to get off their ass and go to punk shows. The sounds needs touches of what's modern, maybe some added effects on to the instruments, obviously better recording equipment, a message layered in irony and sarcasm because everyone is in love with that, a marketing campaign on the internet (saves money obviously and makes it easier to get your shit out there for people to see).

I agree that you need to use real instruments to get your emotions out, it's never going to be the same with FL studio, but we should no forget the advantages that these things bring. you can record some music with the lads, and then edit the fuck out of them and give each song some characteristic. Instead of the regular old guitar, bass, drums and vocals you could expand that and make more interesting music.

Basically what i'm advocating for is a new-new wave instead of a new punk movement because you can do alot more with new wave than you can with punk.

Found another interesting picture of 80's punks in estonia.

I know, kinda fucked up the wording on that but you see my point. Punk did exist and was very successful in america. Forgot to mention Dead Kennedys too, which is one of my favourite bands.

sounds like you have a hard on for youtube commentators.

You're not into punk, you're into aggressive music.

Punk is progressive. Feminism, vegans, BLM, and antifa are all continuing the message of punk rock. Punk is anger and aggression directed towards oppressors and oppressive institutions.

Punk is literally SJW the music. Say hello to your girlfriend's son for me.

John Lydon tried to speak about Jimmy Savile satanic pedo rituals and was banned from BBC fir it.

Yes, they are based.

Joy Division
Sex Pistols

Brits really have the best music.

This is the "Afro Punk Festival"

But if it was hot shit again, somehow. I'm talking about pushing the boundaries kind of thing like real edgy controversial shit. edgy enough for the edge lords, anti left enough for the alt-righters, but thought provoking enough to make people think, sounds like a lot to accomplish but music used to do that kid of shit all the time back when people put their heart and soul into it.

You're right but it's hard to tap into your anger and frustration (lets be real most musical revolutions came from there) when you're sat at a computer clicking squares, plus on the off chance you even got live it'd sound well shit in comparison to the edited versions.

>Punk is anger and aggression directed towards oppressors and oppressive institutions
Exactly why it'd be great, because we're the oppressed right now, the media fucking hates us and everything we stand for, we need something that's ours. I mean we can't even properly voice our opinions without getting called a racist.

Pic related's one of the greatest punk albums of all time. I'm less into the message of punk but more into the overall sound. GISM's fucking strange because they're pro-Nazi/pro-right-wing but also pro-anarchy for whatever reason.

>punk movement appears to have heavy right wing undertones?
Wat? Punk was inherently liberal. The music was good, and at the time was pushing a valid message, but there is a reason that most punks grew up to be liberal SJWs. Just look at Rollins for an example.

Well not all punk has to stem from anger and frustration. There's plenty of emotion to take hold of and be inspired by.

Also, i think that if you play something live it should be completely different from what you'd hear in an album. There should be an air of suspense and tension when you're in a punk show, like you can't expect anything that's about to happen. It's supposed to be thrilling, and how are you supposed to make regular old guitar music thrilling for the people who grew up thinking that guitar music is dinosaur shit. Add some filters, some synths, some weird instruments and time signatures. I mean just look at The Clash, they experimented a shit ton with London Calling and it turned out to be their most successful album.

>at the time was pushing a valid message
What would that be? Not attacking your post, just curious.

They also have a pretty fucking redpilled album cover about American wars in the middle-east just being a means to give kikes money.

That's very true, I guess your right about modernising it, I just don't want to mutilate the sound too much you know? I'd still like to be able to feel the emotions of the artists under all the editing.

You're totally right, the spirit lies within the bandmembers sitting in a studio and banging a tune out. You're never going to recreate that with a computer, but it should certainly not be something that people avoid just on principle. Computers do us wonders

The only question is how do we begin? I mean I can't sing for shit. and I'm willing to bet that the demand for ring wing punk rock isn't very high

>we're the opressed right now

You are, but not because someone is going to call you a word you don't like.

You aren't likely to be murdered for your opinions. An angry mob won't be setting fire to you, your family, or your property. Your trials won't be decided by a panel entirely of people who hate you because of your skin color. Law enforcement agents wont' be complicit and participating in your murder. Banks aren't going to withhold loans that you can afford to repay because of your skin color unless you're purchasing property in a neighborhood designated for your kind. You aren't going to receive extra scrutiny police attention and harassment because of your skin color or religion.

People don't like your opinions and will say mean things about you and your opinions in response to you. That's not oppression. That's you needing to man the fuck up.

I play the bass and the guitar, i write songs occasionally. Depending on where you live in Bongland, there's plenty of people who feel the same as you. Start learning some basic shit on a guitar, or maybe the drums. The bass is easy as fuck if you know guitar

Who the fuck ever cared about how good you sing in a punk band? As long as you can shout like a madman without losing your voice and you don't sound like a weak cunt then you're good. The demand will come, we just need someone to break through first.

Doesn't change the fact that we're still the oppressed and cannot voice our opinions properly.
Also were not gonna get burnt yet but anti free speech rallies have been getting pretty violent as of late so you never know

I suppose it's more about how they went about dealing with issues than what the issues were specifically. The main issues punk talked about were government corruption and inequality.
Instead of sitting on Facebook whining or rioting destroying property, they exposed these issues in a positive manner, at least relative to what we see today. They motivated kids to better themselves instead of relying on others. Nowadays when I hear punk bands talk about inequality and corruption I just kind of cringe because I know the type of people making the music are far different from the people 20 years ago and have different end goals.

I actually think cheesey disco pop will return. No politics, no egos, just escapist fun pop.

I stopped going to punk shows post 2010 because thats when anti-Obama tweens started learning about punk.

90% of Punk is in uncreative crap anyways. I still listen to the Sex Pistols, the clash, the butthole surfers, the cramps, and the gun club all the time. There are a few local hard rock bands that I consider punk that I like to see

Just listen to some choking victim


>listens to corporate "punk"
>no it's the other punk that is bad

> angry mob won't be setting fire to you, your family, or your property

Leftists ACTUALLY live in denial this thick

Black metal is redpilled

There's all kinds of right wing punk out there you fags JUST
Total war
Huge resurgence in Russia and Germany
Division Germania

if your band's message aligns perfectly with the mainstream media, corporate PC, facebook, etc, you're not punk.

No, they are just losers looking for an excuse not to get good at anything that matters.
You can change the world with a shitty song, the most important part of any cause is getting hot chicks involved, and they just wanna dance

So fucking left literal scum of the earth
>That no gods no managers tho

punk was never good

bring back good ska t b h f a m s

Fuck off Choking Victim and Leftover Crack are redpilled as fuck.

When the SJWs highjack institutions, punk becomes right wing

Not complicated you fucking moron

Shooting heroin with purple hair isn't a conservative value

Murder Junkies are the only modern punk I am aware of with anti left lyrics

>I'm not a liberal and i hope you get dead soon, etc

But A. they're mostly old guys and B. I think they fall more under the heading of outlaw country these days.

Outlaw country is much more likely to fit your bill tbqh


Exactly my point. The whole spectrum has flipped on it's self, big corporations are pushing leftist bullshit and ring wingers are seen as the underdog.

>muh conservative values

but you might like smut peddlers and guttermouth

>Actual squatters
>le Pepsi generation
>drugs are good goyim
>so you wanna be a cop
>five finger discount
>muh gibs
>free Grenada
>oy vey the police state
No they're not. They're good, but not red pilled

i bet your still in your statist nazi phase

once you grow up you'll realize choking victim was right about everything

The movement needs a new form of music. Something mirroring ideals along with a fresh musical perspective. I am a musician and think of this topic as well. Would love to contribute to a new scene like this

Are there any anons here in bands or making music reflecting pol's values?

Redpill Punk

I don't want no foreign pricks to take my job away from me
My tax dollars paid their ransom, would they do the same for me?
I don't, I don't want them in my home
I don't, I don't want them finding me alone
They're commies, sub-human subversives
They're commies, human living curses
They got nowhere to go so let them drown
I don't want them around so let them drown
Let's bomb the boats and feed the fish
Gulls peck flesh from rancid stiffs decaying on the deep blue sea
Bits and pieces here and there, bomb them far from my country
Do you, do you want them in your home
Do you, do you want them finding you alone?
They're commies, sub-human subversives
They are commies, human living curses
They got nowhere to go so let them blow
They got nowhere to go so let them blow
I don't want them around so let them drown
Let's bomb the boats and feed the fish. Bomb the boats and feed the
Bomb the boats and feed the fish. Bomb the boats and feed their fucking
flesh to the fish.

Read more: Forgotten Rebels - Bomb The Boats And Feed The Fish Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Punk spirit lives on in shit like death grips, extreme metal, black metal especially. Bringing back the early days punk won't be a thing, but the spirit of punk can be in all sorts of new music. As dead kennedy's singer said, it's okay that punk died so that something new can be born

that said i hate that the edgy music scene in the mainstream is dead, 99% of music is soulless now and people are way too lazy/stupid/disinterested/comfortable to find something with a soul

hell yeh, great EP
[spoiler]its probably better than unknown pleasures[/spoiler]

The coolest dance move is jumping up and down while rolling your head around, especially to this:

>The movement needs a new form of music.
There's been a ton of right-wing themed vaporwave and synthwave during the 2016 elections desu

>Are there any anons here in bands or making music reflecting pol's values?
I have a martial-industrial/ambient project promoting nationalism and also play in a brutal slamming death metal band that wrote an album about sexually torturing trannies and fags

>porky the band

Yeah I'd like too, but I'm dreadful at music.
Good luck bro, keep me updated, i'll help in anyway I can.

punk never died.

I know quite a bit about leftover crack/choking victim user, I guess I could give them another listen but I don't think they're red pilled. Definitely not conservatives, which was the original premise of this thread

lol same. although i didnt know the cramps were very political, as ive only listened to the compilation album Bag Music For Bad People

you're a faggot OP, look up "Backwordz" it's ancap nu metal and the front nigger is actually really good. That band began red pilling me from leftist to libertarian before I came here.

>people who don't listen to punk saying punk is dead

This is hilarious. Now is the greatest decade of punk since the 90s.

Punk IS dead.

I don't see how this thread is about conservacuck shit at all.

I'm in a power violence band.

All of my songs are about this shit. Also have a song explicitly calling Islam cancer.

Anyone in the Twin Cities?

I want to start an experimental punk/hard Southern rock band and crash Antifa shitshows. It would be MAGA themed.