Bill Nye says you should go to jail if you deny climate change

Bill Nye says you should go to jail if you deny climate change

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I'm going to imprison Bill Nye for all the hot air he is bloviating out into the atmosphere.

Bill Nye should be jailed for confusing/misdirecting an entire generation of children.

Better yet, impaled.

Talk about a slippery slope. Literally thought crime he is advocating here.

he is kind of right, especially considering climate change deniers are huge fucking autists, but bill does this thing where he turns easily won arguments into stupid shit that is so easy to debunk

BIll Nye the Shabbos Goy...... you goyim better listen, he's a SCIENTIST! With an engineering degree.

i thought science was all about being open to ideas, im open to someone murdering this fag lover for corrupting the youth

I hate this Faggot so much. He is such a sellout to the kikes and is blantantly pushing this nu-science shit in order for lefties to equate identity politics and such with science so they will be able to go

>why do you disagree with science user? Why are you a denier.

Seriously Fuck this stupid nigger and his kike overlords. I hope his show bombs and tanks like the Faggot he is

>putting everyone in jail who doesn't agree with your theory
Lol, some "scientist" this guy is. What a digusting piece of shit.

Hey I see what you did here

Thanks bill

I hate modern "SCIENCE" now

Bill Nye

Yeah, climate change is real sure but this shit is nonsense. For your consideration though, imagine if Donald Trump said "If you say gender dysphoria isn't a mental illness, your going to jail", think about how the left would react



he should goto jail for pretending to be a scientist.

I love how he now says "scientists and engeers agree" after tucker called him out

dude isnt even a real scientist so who cares

You should also go to jail if you deny that there are only two sexes

Bill Nye the science goy should go to jail.

>"Things to stop denying the existence of"
>Not "Things to shut the fuck up about and get over"

Why when you say that climate change is a natural cycle you are somehow a climate change denier? Wouldn't that be a climate change acknowledger? Your saying it does exist, it's just not man made

It's real, sure. But not man-made.

You should go to jail for intentionally killing unborn fetuses for pleasure

He's batshit crazy, his marriage lasted for less than a year

I ironically agree. Morons who deny solid evidence that we are heading off a cliff to our extinction because they think they're being edgy need to be silenced.

Climate change deniers are literally too dangerous to be free and their decadent lifestyles have rendered them blind to the imminent danger.

It's for their own good and the good of future generations.

Note how every generation thinks that their scientists are the best and smartest and know everything to be true. Also note how every generation thinks the previous generations are silly or stupid for believing what they did with the available research at the time. Finally, note how self absorbed and narcissistic this generation is, and ponder if it would be able to recognize its' own shortcomings in light of hundreds of years of sciences being constantly upended and change.

But muh climate models that take averages of averages of averages and apply tons of variables i think may have an affect, but have no clue for sure. And of course we can't test it so I must be right.

Saying it's not (((man-made))) will mean that (((they))) can no longer put those fat retarded taxes on certain things.

>environmental racism

Fuck this world

You're a dummy who isn't familiar with the notion of "consensus".

First of all, the "97% of scientists agree with anthropocentric climate change" is a misnomer, the survey was sent out by a UN affilate to universities and in the survey there was a graded list from 0-10, asking "to what degree are humans responsible for climate change"... 0-1 "not at all or negligible", 2-4 "a little bit", 5-6 somewhat... significant, extremely.... etc etc. If you ranked about 0 then it was reported in the survey that "you agreed that climate change was caused by man" and also the survey wasn't just given to climate scientists it was give to biologists, mathematicians, social science people, and any professor with a "science" degree.
It's a shit statistic like the gender pay-gap or 1/4 women are raped stat that gets thrown around.

Also, the mainstream global warming proponents claim that we've already crossed the tipping point, pushing the Earth into a warming trend, so even if we theoretically, magically shut down every carbon-producing process, then nothing would change.

This is just a mechanism to institute a global carbon tax administrated by a world bank. It's neo-Feudalism, allowing for the centralization & protection of monopolies.

I said ironically but I mean UNironically

"consensus" is bullshit

First of all, the "97% of scientists agree with anthropocentric climate change" is a misnomer, the survey was sent out by a UN affilate to universities and in the survey there was a graded list from 0-10, asking "to what degree are humans responsible for climate change"... 0-1 "not at all or negligible", 2-4 "a little bit", 5-6 somewhat... significant, extremely.... etc etc. If you ranked above 0 then it was reported in the survey that "you agreed that climate change was caused by man" and also the survey wasn't just given to climate scientists it was give to biologists, mathematicians, social science people, and any professor with a "science" degree.
It's a shit statistic like the gender pay-gap or 1/4 women are raped stat that gets thrown around.

Also, the mainstream global warming proponents claim that we've already crossed the tipping point, pushing the Earth into a warming trend, so even if we theoretically, magically shut down every carbon-producing process, then nothing would change.

This is all just a mechanism to institute a global carbon tax administrated by a world bank. It's neo-Feudalism, allowing for the centralization & protection of monopolies.

Climate is changing and that's a fact. The point in dispute is whether this is man-made or not. IMHO either way it doesn't change the fact that we should prevent it, if possible.

Why is this fucking actor suddenly so visible in the public sphere? The only relevance billy bob has is the nostalgia over his old ass late-90s kids show that teachers made kids watch when they were hungover. This guy's schtick reeks of some kind corporate backed agenda trying to push some kind of narrative. Anyone with an ounce of critical thinking can see through this shill easily. Why is my generation falling head over heels for this old fuck?

The nerve of this pretentious fuck, can we just focus our magic on getting this guy horribly crushed? Something hilariously ironic like a giant wood cross? That would just make my day.

blame reddit

>How many handjobs have you given out today? It'd be a shame if you we're to be called a SCIENCE DENIER *unzips pants*
What do?

global cooling is far more detrimental to life than global warming

Climate is an inherently dynamic phenomenon, influenced by cosmic events, solar cycles, oceanic volcanoes, and the biosphere, including humans.

The interrelated systems on earth are hugely complex with a myriad of variables and so, there are many homeostatic checks that keep it within a window of balance.

The more C02 in the air (most of it doesn't even make it to the upper atmosphere) the more vegetation there is, and the more vegetation there is, the more C02 gets drawn out of the air and incorporated into the plant matter.

Also the general biome map will just change, places like Canada & Russia will have much more fertile farming space liberated and other areas that were more lush will get drier, but overall shit will stay the same.

Melting ice doesn't even change the volume of the ocean that much, and if you account for isostatic rebound (post-glacial rebound) most the displacement gets accounted for.

both sucks
both are inevitable
both have been happening ever since

>we should prevent it if possible

Why exactly?

While people who deny man-made climate change are retarded political partisans, you shouldn't be jailed if you simply deny climate change. But if you're completely ignorant and spread misinformation about a scientific topic and it harms someone, you should be jailed.

People like Andrew Wakefield, who spread misinformation about vaccines and get people killed, should be jail imo.

Tryng too hard to be dr who.

>inb4 but its muh gas
yeah sure nothing we can do about it now anway

wtf i hate the planet now

I know that Sup Forums is an echo chamber, but sauce? This sounds like a misrepresentation of his views so they can create click bait, which you fags eat up.

What is that? Saying fuck nature?

What is science even?
Is it asking a question then looking for an answer?
>don't question settled science
>that's against the rules


the reddit mentality to be more precise, AKA normies

>The more C02 in the air (most of it doesn't even make it to the upper atmosphere) the more vegetation there is, and the more vegetation there is, the more C02 gets drawn out of the air and incorporated into the plant matter.
Are you suggesting that plant life will just expand in order to accommodate the greater supply of CO2? How is that possible when we have industrial-scale deforestation going on daily?

When does he suggest prison time for denying the gender and sex bullshit he's pushing?

>"Isn't it horrible that the catholic church imprisoned Galileo for going against their conventional wisdom? Religion is so backwards and evil."
>"Oh also people who disagree with me should be jailed. I'm the science guy :^)"

global warming is good. earth is actually in an ice age right now.

See, this, shit like deforestation and emitting particulate matter into the air, this is the shit that we ought to be focusing on, not C02 global tax enslavement.

How is this fundamentally different than imprisoning someone for thinking the sun isn't a god?

The left are not democrats, they are authoritarian also

yes! people should be jailed because of science! it's the new form of absolute truth, and not like science comes from questioning thesis and testing them.

Here's the article in "text-only" mode.


Fact: Bill ayyy probably exhaled more co2 than 99% of the world!! Do the world a favor. Kys

Someone should shoot that fuck's agent.

>Have different opinion
>Go to jail

This is how libcucks science should work

Lol arrest me "science guy"

What about if I don't deny climate change, but I just don't give a fuck?

I'm have some old tires I'm going to throw on the next bonfire I have just to spite this pretentious old cocksucker

how is it any different than burning someone at the stake for using medicinal herbs to cure an infection?

Strange pattern...



Muh 6 million ice caps.

He's gone mad.

I believe in climate change (though it's not the US's problem) but Nye is just a provocateur doing this shit for ratings. He's about as "scientific" as Milo Yiannoplous at this point, and I think even the normies recognize that.


This might be interesting:

There was also a study where scientists were allowed to rate their own papers and they still came at the 97% number. There are like 7 different studies that come out at around the 90% number. The consensus is just as strong if not stronger than the consensus that GMOS are safe.

>magically shut down every carbon-producing process, then nothing would change.

Literally just a 5 second google search.

The IPCC AR5 report stated with medium confidence that precise levels of climate change sufficient to trigger a tipping point, defined as a threshold for abrupt and irreversible change, remain uncertain, and that the risk associated with crossing multiple tipping points increases with rising temperature.

Just like the Holocaust.

>if you were against global warming you're now against climate change because we're implying both are the same thing

In post-war Japan these people would've been brutality killed.

>1 post by this ID

>mfw I found out that Bill Nye isn't jewish.

Well goddamn that's mind-blowing. He looks like a jew, he behaves like a jew, he pushes jewish propagnda, etc. He's an honorary jew if ever there was one.

Its as I've always said, even if we do 100% of what even the most extreme environmentalists think we should do, it wouldn't stop the tectonic plates from moving and eventually changing the ocean currents, which will vastly change the climate.

So its like, why should we bother, Antarctica will be in California eventually and a solar panel wont stop that.

How very (((progressive))) of him.


This Nye thing is going to lead to another major schism.
It will be big, and it will be slow, but this was the turning point.

its about nature being racist to POC by not giving them equal rights

>happer states some facts about his position on climate change hysteria
>nye says a bunch of political talking points, stalls his response, rants and feigns righteous indignation

people that believe humans are having significant impact on the course of the climate are fucking retarded


The earth is actually on a carbon diet. The optimum carbon dioxide level for the growing of plants and life is way higher than the current levels. That's why when people grow in greenhouses, they actually pump carbon dioxide into it

You all notice how he got dusted off and wheeled out again within the last few years after not really having been notable since his show?


"Nerd/Geek/whatever the fuck it's called culture" was a mistake: It made people love the idea of being "smart and intelligent", without even considering how it even works or whether of not they are even smart themselves, so they use intelligence as a tool for preaching their shitty behaviours and ideologies.
I blame shit like Dorkly and Big Bang Theory for this: they knew rationality was an important part of the human race, so they decided to abuse it.

We aren't paying ((((carbon taxes)))) Bill. Just get over it.

Nice try, Achmed. Check these digits.

this is the guy who started the weather channel
the GOAT meteorologist

weather channel gets bought out by (((them))) and now spergs out when some region gets 2 inches of snow which is basically apocalypse according to them

galileo was imprisoned for worshiping thoth

i would deny it just to piss this guy off lmao

interdasting, doesnt that mean it will be harder for animals to breath though

You're going to die some day yet you still eat and drink I assume, why bother? You're going to die eventually so fuck it, do risky behavior non stop and stop trying to survive for longer pussy.

(((climate slimence)))

>3 posts by this ID

and they're all retarded

Hey dumbass, you exhale Co2.