Definite Happening

I work at a small investment firm in New York.

This morning the (((president))) of the firm abruptly announced that he was taking a trip out of town. Then he just left. Didn't tell his secretary to cancel his appointments or reschedule them for a later date. This is extremely odd since he had an important week ahead and didn't bother to figure out what he would do with the clients he was scheduled to see.

He's never done anything as remotely abrupt as this in 6 years.

I've been reading some NY happening threads in the last couple of days but brushed them off as bullshit. Now I'm scared as fuck.

What the fuck is going to happen tomorrow?

Other urls found in this thread: Webinar_Gotham Shield Northern Lights brief_JAN 2017.pdf

get out of there user, you know what is going to happen but you're too scared to admit it.

He's realised the sector you work in and the distinct lack of butt plugs being worn there. Where do you think he's going?

If (((they))) starts leaving en-masse, better get out too

I'm already leaving upstate.
Fuck this shit.

Dirty bomb

my dad is in NYC this week, digits say there will be no happening

Seriously, tell him to leave.
I am driving out of here tonight.

>be afraid
>look to government for answers
>we stopped that scary thing
>wtf I love government now

This is going to happen: Webinar_Gotham Shield Northern Lights brief_JAN 2017.pdf

Fuck, when is it supposed to Happen?
I think he should be alright, hes USSS, protecting Melania and Barron so I suppose he'll have to take them to a safe place

Probably should flee farther than that if it's serious and true instead of larping.

Should go to PA, it's a based comfy state.

He could be off to fight a rape charge.

forreal dude tell him to get out. they're having that nuclear bomb drill in nyc/jc area, and that always spells bad news.

>he doesn't know what's about to happen

It's already too late.

>nuclear bomb drill
So what? What does that mean if it's a drill
Isn't there a solar flare coming in too?

Weird. All the Jewish staff from my law firm didn't come to work today.

Driving 3 hours north near Albany. Should be fine.

He might be sick of work/life and just fucked off.


I work for a multi billion dollar corporation.

The wording of this post is of either a 14 YO or someone with an IQ of 60

if you are in new york buy a good 4K camera and stay there

you are going to be part of history,again

Not OP but
>multi billion
He said it was a small investment firm

Big investems firms have multi trillion duhh

fuck off, we're full.

>t. albany fag.

>multi billion corporation
Where are my tendies Tyrone?

It's suspicious but wouldn't travel time and whatever production required for that sort of stuff take them a long time (like at least a week)?

This shit is creepy af though and it's weird how everything's looked ominous outside the last few days since the whole Korean situation got crazy.

haha shut the fuck up.

Ok OP, what exactly is supposed to happen?
t. The fag whose Daddy is in NYC

My point is that someone this stupid would not actually be in the environment they are describing. It's a kid in their moms basement that just typed up the stupidest fucking story I've ever read

So you're the secretary then and no lawyers came in today, huh?

you know there was a drill on 9/11 involving planes being hijacked, right? shabbos goy, just a coincidence.

It means they think there's a legit chance of it happening.

Solar flares have been crazy and it's what some people think caused the power outages. BPearthwatch does a lot on that shit.

Just stay safe bro

digits say your dad get's the sunshine nuke

What? When did the drill for that happen in relation to 9/11? Where did it take place?

Get out now user.

He's on drugs you kike faggot

Check it.

Jesus Christ user get your head out of the sand and research 9II, everyone knows this shit and SHOULD

My Dad will be alright
Do you think this Solar Flare will be the one?

Last 3 digits are hours until bombs hit.

What was stupid about the wording or substance of my post, you fucking fag?
Stop projecting your own miserable useless life, fucking neet, this is serious.

When do you think this shot will happen OP?

The drill took place the same day and what they were training for was pretty much exactly what happened. Caused confusion when the planes struck bc mil peeps thought it was the drill. They were drillingnfor a plane to hi t a building in ny.

There was a million of other first time in history "coincidences" that day too as well as impossible things that suddenly became (((possible)))


Getting it through the border wouldn't be to much hassle, if it went in via the drug routes or simply in a truck. AFAIK they don't check for radiation at the border.


Could be as simple as grinding the material down into small flakes and packing it around a conventional bomb.

That said OP was onto something then he would have actually had his sec make preparations to keep up appearances.

You talk like a 5 year old. You're obviously lying. There was zero substance to your story that would give it any credibility.

>Mahboss, he just left with no reason. Everything confirmed it's happening.

Fucking idiot

You really can't tell with solar flares. There's too much that goes into them with variables.

Definitely worth looking at BPearthwatch on youtube and his videos on it.

>NYC faggots coming upstate

Get the FUCK OUT

Kys fag


This is all part of KEK's plan.

From chaos, will come order.

I hear sirens what's going on

NYC will be fine. Atlanta should be worried.

(((They))) are like ants, they feel when it's going to rain
If (((they))) start leaving it's because shit is about to happen

Wtf is up with Atlanta? Fuck those nogs

>Posts on Sup Forums

Yeah user sorry I sound like uneducated fag that probably isn't lending me much credibility but distracted at the moment. I really encourage you to look into it, even just the training "coincidence" will be enough to get you questioning the official narrative. Always is the truth stranger than fiction

If repetitious numerals, NYC will see the sun set twice in one day.

Oh yea it's definitely happening. It's so sure that you should just send me your money and I'll help you get down here in south america. I'll take care of you.

Definitely a happening everybody.

Send me ur moneys. Let's save each other.


All the best Ameribro

You keep repeating that, yet you don't point to absolutely nothing incorrect in the post.
That's what happened.
My boss, (((a well connected))) workaholic who never misses appointments with investment clients left without delegating his responsibilities or instructing on how he was going to reschedule them.
What's childish about relating that you fucking fag?

lol you dont need to be smart to work for a multinational corporation.. not every single person is an investment banker..

>t. insurance broker at a global corp

ohhhh Great! another fucking 9-11. who'd thought they'd pick new york again.
this time though they're gonna hit the emergency crews.


I'm in NYC

If there's a happening, please make it quick and painless



You'd be surprised at the amount of people in this field who visit pol.
They harbor a lot of resentment against ((the bosses)))


dirty bomb bro. you'll be dead in a month or so. get ready to be in alot of fucking pain till then.

first things first.
Is your boss a kike.
and are any of his kike appointments also rescheduled or cancelled.

>I work for a multi billion dollar corp...


9/11 War Games

before and during the attacks

paralysis of air defenses to ensure the attack succeeded?
who coordinated these efforts?

There has been virtually no media coverage of the issues of the 9/11 war games, the "amazing coincidence" of a "plane into building" exercise being conducted that morning, or the alleged role of Vice President Richard Cheney in overseeing the war games that morning.

look on the bright side you won't have to pay for cremation

Fuck your dad, digits say there will be happening.

Pintagine, and tower hit included in drill. SAME MORNING

Gotham Shield shouldn't be happening until later this year, I thought?

kys larper it won't ever happen.

holy fuck

Hahahahaha guys I'm not even joking
>tomorrow is the last day of M/W/F classes at my college
>jewish dean of history just announced that his classes will be canceled tomorrow, and that we are all exempt from the exam on friday
>i thought Sup Forums was being generally autistic but stuff is actually happening

Do you fancy coincidence Sup Forums?

I know this habbeding is bullshit, but a tiny part of me is worried because I have money in the stock market and I don't want it to crash.
If singles, its not happening.

So what exactly is Operation Gotham Shield?

And why isn't this in the headlines right now?

Are the burgers going to bomb themselves and blame it on someone else to start a war or something?

Kek confirmed illuminati

Nope, going on the next few days.

Oh shit, interesting stuff do you think it was a CIA op
I guarantee it, he works in the SS, he'll be with Melanie and Barron

Of course he's a kike.
The only appointment I was involved with was with a subsidiary of China Construction Bank, no other kikes.

digits say the americans nuke NYC and then blame North Korea and go to war.

>Search April 26 happening in google
>"Call of Duty WWII Will be announced"
It's really happening Anons, stay safe.













I hard a lot of them didn't show up to WTC to work too.. uh oh

If I have to get dirty bomb'd at least give me superpowers Kek.

lies, 9/11 never happened

i'm at work right now, neck yourself leaf


NK will launch a missile towards an american submarine.